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Target, Bathrooms, & a PC culture

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This is funny. People trying to solve a problem, that really isn't a problem, by coming up with all kinds of strange and expensive ideas. Is there really a problem in telling everyone, trans people included, that they are to use the restroom indicated by the plumbing they were born with? It has worked well for a long, long time, doesn't cost anything extra, and doesn't make the vast majority of people uncomfortable. Do we really need to cater to, what is it, something like .3% of the population? I say we make this just another one of "their" issues that they have to learn to deal with. Really, it's getting just plain ridiculous at this point.


Why don't we simply let them use the bathroom that they are most comfortable with? Running into a trans man in the restroom is really such a big issue for you?

No, but running into a trans man in the restroom IS a problem for my wife and daughter and most every woman I have talked to about this. I'm just tired of 99% of the people being hammered into submission by the weird fringes of society. They are the ones with the identity problems. I say we let them continue dealing with it without impacting our lives. If this is the biggest of their problems, I would say it's not that big of a problem anyway. What makes more sense? Expecting 319,000,000 people to change and feel uncomfortable or expecting 900,000 to still maybe feel a little out of place? My bet is they feel a little strange no matter which restroom they use.
I think that's more of a reflection of the people you associate with than the greater population. They're not weird, they're not "fringes" (sorry- surprise! They're everywhere!) They have ZERO identity problems. You have a problem with their identity. Your problem not theirs.
L O L.

Thanks for that, I hadn't laughed out loud like that at all yet today.

And btw, I'm not the hater you think I am (not that I particularly care what anyone thinks). I have zero problem with people who have identity issues. I have zero problem with people who choose to undergo sex change procedures. What I have a problem with is people who are actually men using women's restrooms in non-emergency situations. If some trans man or woman or it wants to come take crap next to me in Target, I don't give a flying rip. I might let lose a flying rip though.

Hey - I don't think you're a hater ... just think that certain topics make some uncomfortable, and this is one. Really the problem people have is with creepy people being in bathrooms that may be looking at you or your children or your family members in a way that's in appropriate. I guess where I get frustrated is folks that think a transgender person fits that bill. There are far more issues with creeps that 'have the right plumbing" going into a bathroom for the wrong reasons than any transgender doing so. It's fair to be worried about safety - it's unfair to say it's one particular type of person that is the one to worry about.

To be honest, the real, honest to goodness trans people are not the ones that concern me at all. But this opens the door to all the sexual deviants and criminals to get through that door by simply claiming they have "identity issues". If this gets widely adopted and accepted, how do you stop those people? I realize pedophile men can share a public restroom with young boys right now but at least we are aware of it and it is at least a little limited in scope. But if we throw the doors open in both rooms for anyone, I think it is just begging for more problems than exist now.

This is exactly the issue that "progressives" stick their head in the sand and refuse to face. They are so bumfuzzled that a trans person is going to feel uncomfortable in the "wrong" bathroom. Out of one side of their mouth they state that women, who risk being abused or even freaked out by a man dressed as a woman who is only there to peep or worse, is already protected by the law so we need not worry. The they will say that TGs people can be abused if they are forced to use a bathroom with people of their birth gender. Well guess what ....there is a law for that as well protecting them from abuse. It's called assault and battery. Show me the logic of putting half the population at further risk when a much smaller % of the population can make do by looking for unisex or gender neutral bathrooms if they insist they are that uncomfortable. Spend your time encouraging businesses and governments to remodel bathrooms to be more accommodating if you must.

Thank you! Another island of sanity. If we pick up a few more we could call them the Sane Chain Islands or Keys or something like that.

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they can choose to largely avoid public restrooms in most cases, just like most sane people do.

Are you saying those with gender identity issues are not sane? How small-minded of you. Are you aware it could be physiological and not simply a mental disorder or a whim?

Call me crazy, a person with a penis is a man in my mind.

Are you sure there's room in there for them?
I will assume you were attempting to be funny but since so many in this discussion are saying some rather strange things in a serious manner, I'll answer just to be safe. I'm saying I don't use public restrooms unless I absolutely have to. Generally they are filthy, stinky places, and I'm never quite sure exactly what that "fluid" is on the floor. Since I'm the most sane person I know, I would call it sane behavior to avoid public restrooms all together.


And, yes, there is always more room in my mind for more penis'....err or something like that. Surely somebody can make use of this in OoCT.

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People with vaginas aren't women I guess, they're simply whatever sex they feel like identifying with on any particular day.


The fear/paranoia/ignorance is strong in this one...

It's not that whimsical

Yup, I'm crazy, paranoid, ignorant, a veritable loony bin here. I think people with vaginas are women.....quick someone get me help. I've gone off the deep end. ffs.

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This actually makes me look forward to the day I'll be 6 feet under. People cra cra nowadays. We're just inventing ridiculous ways to create special interests anx to label thinges as discriminitory. Objective truth just doesn't seem to matter anymore. People with vaginas aren't women I guess, they're simply whatever sex they feel like identifying with on any particular day.

Ya, you don't need new discriminatory labels invented, you seem plenty discriminating and intolerant on your own. Do people feel like having chromosome abnormalities on any particular day? You familiar with chromosomes? Not to be confused with the chromium six you seem to have been drinking.

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Yeah, part of equal protection for different people means *not* recognizing the right to discriminate.

It means having to accept that discriminatory wishes will be done away with in this country, rather than codified. That's part of America's deal.

What "rights" of these trans people are being trampled now? They can use public restrooms, no? Or, they can choose to largely avoid public restrooms in most cases, just like most sane people do. Call me crazy, a person with a penis is a man in my mind. Is it really discriminatory to expect them to use the same facilities as all other people with penis'? Really, that's discrimination?


This actually makes me look forward to the day I'll be 6 feet under. People cra cra nowadays. We're just inventing ridiculous ways to create special interests anx to label thinges as discriminitory. Objective truth just doesn't seem to matter anymore. People with vaginas aren't women I guess, they're simply whatever sex they feel like identifying with on any particular day. Unbelievable this is something that needs attention.


Someone please post some articles of how these people are being harmed by using the restroom their birth sex indicates. If it's not supposed to be a big deal for the majority of society to accept members of the opposite sex in the restroom with them, why/how is it such a big problem for the few to "feel out of place"? I'm pretty sure trans people have much bigger problems to deal with than which restroom they use in public. Besides that, who is patrolling restroom use anyway. If you're a man abut look, dress and act like woman, go ahead and use the damn women's room. Nobody is gonna know anyway....unless you're going to pee standing up but that sure isn't very lady like behavior now is it? Oops, was that politically incorrect to say?


Point of clarity here - that would potentially settle things (or I suppose stir things up even more).


It sounds to me what you describe and have issue with is cross dressing. Where a man who identifies as a man is dressed as a woman (or vice versa). In that I case I COMPLETELY agree that they should be in the bathroom that aligns to their plumbing.


When one starts talking about Transgenders or Transsexuals it's a very different scenario. These folks sometimes have genetic reasons behind the lack of gender clarity or physiological reasons on top of the emotional feelings that they are not in the right body. For example, they feel like a man in everything they do in every situation they are in. They live their daily lives as a man, are known by their boss as a man and etc. They may or may not have yet had surgeries to alter anything, and those may or may not be in their future. I have zero issue with this person using the mens room in a public place. He is a man. He may be having future procedures that will give him more structural appearance of a man, but there is little doubt in my mind that he is a man already.

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Yeah, part of equal protection for different people means *not* recognizing the right to discriminate.

It means having to accept that discriminatory wishes will be done away with in this country, rather than codified. That's part of America's deal.


What "rights" of these trans people are being trampled now? They can use public restrooms, no? Or, they can choose to largely avoid public restrooms in most cases, just like most sane people do. Call me crazy, a person with a penis is a man in my mind. Is it really discriminatory to expect them to use the same facilities as all other people with penis'? Really, that's discrimination?

This actually makes me look forward to the day I'll be 6 feet under. People cra cra nowadays. We're just inventing ridiculous ways to create special interests anx to label thinges as discriminitory. Objective truth just doesn't seem to matter anymore. People with vaginas aren't women I guess, they're simply whatever sex they feel like identifying with on any particular day. Unbelievable this is something that needs attention.

Someone please post some articles of how these people are being harmed by using the restroom their birth sex indicates. If it's not supposed to be a big deal for the majority of society to accept members of the opposite sex in the restroom with them, why/how is it such a big problem for the few to "feel out of place"? I'm pretty sure trans people have much bigger problems to deal with than which restroom they use in public. Besides that, who is patrolling restroom use anyway. If you're a man abut look, dress and act like woman, go ahead and use the damn women's room. Nobody is gonna know anyway....unless you're going to pee standing up but that sure isn't very lady like behavior now is it? Oops, was that politically incorrect to say?

Point of clarity here - that would potentially settle things (or I suppose stir things up even more).


It sounds to me what you describe and have issue with is cross dressing. Where a man who identifies as a man is dressed as a woman (or vice versa). In that I case I COMPLETELY agree that they should be in the bathroom that aligns to their plumbing.


When one starts talking about Transgenders or Transsexuals it's a very different scenario. These folks sometimes have genetic reasons behind the lack of gender clarity or physiological reasons on top of the emotional feelings that they are not in the right body. For example, they feel like a man in everything they do in every situation they are in. They live their daily lives as a man, are known by their boss as a man and etc. They may or may not have yet had surgeries to alter anything, and those may or may not be in their future. I have zero issue with this person using the mens room in a public place. He is a man. He may be having future procedures that will give him more structural appearance of a man, but there is little doubt in my mind that he is a man already.

I'll say it one last time, the only thing I have an issue with is men using women's restrooms. I don't care if somebody is cross dresser, trans whatever, whatever, in fact I find it rather exhausting trying to keep up with all the possibilities that seem to exist nowadays. I'm an old fart with somewhat old fashioned values. I just long for the days when men were men and women were women and it was clear which was which.


I'm a 5'-10" tall, 50ish white man who is overweight. If I was standing next to you on the street and told you I was a 6'-5" thin Chinese woman that was 18 years old, which of the obvious facts would you struggle with?


Are you going to accept that I'm 6'-5"? Prob not.

Will you believe I'm only 18 years old?

Are you going to think I'm thin? Prob not, but thanks if you do.

Are you going to accept that I am Chinese? Doubtful but I guess it could be possible. Surely you aren't giggling at the very thought of any of this.

But, you're not going to bat an eye at me claiming to be a woman, are you? You're going to come away from the encounter saying you met the nicest short, fat, young, white woman you ever met. I know you are.

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Yeah, part of equal protection for different people means *not* recognizing the right to discriminate.

It means having to accept that discriminatory wishes will be done away with in this country, rather than codified. That's part of America's deal.


What "rights" of these trans people are being trampled now? They can use public restrooms, no? Or, they can choose to largely avoid public restrooms in most cases, just like most sane people do. Call me crazy, a person with a penis is a man in my mind. Is it really discriminatory to expect them to use the same facilities as all other people with penis'? Really, that's discrimination?

This actually makes me look forward to the day I'll be 6 feet under. People cra cra nowadays. We're just inventing ridiculous ways to create special interests anx to label thinges as discriminitory. Objective truth just doesn't seem to matter anymore. People with vaginas aren't women I guess, they're simply whatever sex they feel like identifying with on any particular day. Unbelievable this is something that needs attention.

Someone please post some articles of how these people are being harmed by using the restroom their birth sex indicates. If it's not supposed to be a big deal for the majority of society to accept members of the opposite sex in the restroom with them, why/how is it such a big problem for the few to "feel out of place"? I'm pretty sure trans people have much bigger problems to deal with than which restroom they use in public. Besides that, who is patrolling restroom use anyway. If you're a man abut look, dress and act like woman, go ahead and use the damn women's room. Nobody is gonna know anyway....unless you're going to pee standing up but that sure isn't very lady like behavior now is it? Oops, was that politically incorrect to say?

Point of clarity here - that would potentially settle things (or I suppose stir things up even more).


It sounds to me what you describe and have issue with is cross dressing. Where a man who identifies as a man is dressed as a woman (or vice versa). In that I case I COMPLETELY agree that they should be in the bathroom that aligns to their plumbing.


When one starts talking about Transgenders or Transsexuals it's a very different scenario. These folks sometimes have genetic reasons behind the lack of gender clarity or physiological reasons on top of the emotional feelings that they are not in the right body. For example, they feel like a man in everything they do in every situation they are in. They live their daily lives as a man, are known by their boss as a man and etc. They may or may not have yet had surgeries to alter anything, and those may or may not be in their future. I have zero issue with this person using the mens room in a public place. He is a man. He may be having future procedures that will give him more structural appearance of a man, but there is little doubt in my mind that he is a man already.

Thank you! Another island of objectivity and intelligence. If we pick up a few more we could make a destination for the ignorant and intolerant to look at from the outside

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I find it rather exhausting trying to keep up with all the possibilities that seem to exist nowadays.I'm an old fart with somewhat old fashioned values. I just long for the days when men were men and women were women and it was clear which was which.


Ya, too bad "those people" couldn't just stay in the closet or be institutionalized like they were in the good Ol days. What the hell is wrong with them being among us normal people?

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I'm a 5'-10" tall, white man who is overweight. If I was standing next to you on the street and told you I was a 6'-5" thin Chinese woman, which of the obvious facts would you struggle with? Only my gender identity confusion?

I wouldn't be surprised at all that you think you are taller than what you actually are....


If you are having ethnicity identity issues, I'd simply assume you were the NAACP president.

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You know today I was in Target and, for those of you who don't know, I have a medical condition that can cause me to have to relieve myself on extremely short notice. Believe it or not, I'm not making this up. Seriously (at least so far in the story anyway-now onto the part that may or may not be factual) So anyway, there I am in aisle 6 at Target, way on the opposite end of the store from the restrooms, and I begin feeling extremely uncomfortable very quickly. Knowing that I faced a long excruciatingly painful run across the store and that Target does not want any of their guests to feel uncomfortable in the least, I dropped trousers and left a steamer right there in the middle of aisle 6. To my surprise and dismay an associate called the manager over and he asked me to leave the store and never return. Based on this discussion so far, I'm pretty sure I have a lock of a discrimination case. Can anyone point me in the direction of the correct government agency that will handle this for me? Those bastards were not understanding or accommodating at all. And to top it off, some of the customers were pointing and laughing and a few made rather rude comments. I have a diagnosed medical condition for godsakes. Discrimination. I was simply doing what felt most comfortable for me.

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You know today I was in Target and, for those of you who don't know, I have a medical condition that can cause me to have to relieve myself on extremely short notice. Believe it or not, I'm not making this up. Seriously (at least so far in the story anyway-now onto the part that may or may not be factual) So anyway, there I am in aisle 6 at Target, way on the opposite end of the store from the restrooms, and I begin feeling extremely uncomfortable very quickly. Knowing that I faced a long excruciatingly painful run across the store and that Target does not want any of their guests to feel uncomfortable in the least, I dropped trousers and left a steamer right there in the middle of aisle 6. To my surprise and dismay an associate called the manager over and he asked me to leave the store and never return. Based on this discussion so far, I'm pretty sure I have a lock of a discrimination case. Can anyone point me in the direction of the correct government agency that will handle this for me? Those bastards were not understanding or accommodating at all. And to top it off, some of the customers were pointing and laughing and a few made rather rude comments. I have a diagnosed medical condition for godsakes. Discrimination. I was simply doing what felt most comfortable for me.

Are you so upset that you can't marry a dog or some other four legged animals because the gays can now marry each other? I mean, I'm sure you do love Fido

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You know today I was in Target and, for those of you who don't know, I have a medical condition that can cause me to have to relieve myself on extremely short notice. Believe it or not, I'm not making this up. Seriously (at least so far in the story anyway-now onto the part that may or may not be factual) So anyway, there I am in aisle 6 at Target, way on the opposite end of the store from the restrooms, and I begin feeling extremely uncomfortable very quickly. Knowing that I faced a long excruciatingly painful run across the store and that Target does not want any of their guests to feel uncomfortable in the least, I dropped trousers and left a steamer right there in the middle of aisle 6. To my surprise and dismay an associate called the manager over and he asked me to leave the store and never return. Based on this discussion so far, I'm pretty sure I have a lock of a discrimination case. Can anyone point me in the direction of the correct government agency that will handle this for me? Those bastards were not understanding or accommodating at all. And to top it off, some of the customers were pointing and laughing and a few made rather rude comments. I have a diagnosed medical condition for godsakes. Discrimination. I was simply doing what felt most comfortable for me.

Are you so upset that you can't marry a dog or some other four legged animals because the gays can now marry each other? I mean, I'm sure you do love Fido



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Maybe I feel uncomfortable sharing a restroom with blonde haired people. Should I expect things to be changed to cater to my quirks?

No. Blonde haired people should be able to use gendered public restrooms according to how they identify, same as you. And same as transgendered people. No matter how many other people have a problem with it.


Equal protection under the law.

Where is the equal protection for my wife and daughter to not be subjected to using a restroom with a man? I guess they dont count.






You're actually making it worse for them.



You believe you should have to use the bathroom of the sexual organs you were born with. Per your desire, these are the 'women' that will be forced to share a bathroom with your wife and daughter:





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What "rights" of these trans people are being trampled now? They can use public restrooms, no? Or, they can choose to largely avoid public restrooms in most cases, just like most sane people do. Call me crazy, a person with a penis is a man in my mind. Is it really discriminatory to expect them to use the same facilities as all other people with penis'? Really, that's discrimination?


Fun fact: There are zero documented instances of assault, harassment or abuse by trans women (in your mind, men) towards women in women's bathrooms. There is not a single instance in public record where this has ever happened.


Conversely, when North Carolina passed their bill which does exactly what you want, bans trans people from using a bathroom that doesn't match their born-with genitalia, suicide calls to a crisis hotline for trans people, doubled, and a paper by the Williams institute out of UCLA remarked that 70% of trans people have reported being denied access, verbally harassed, or physically assaulted in public restrooms.

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