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Here are some of the apologies Obama's political enemies think were "disastrous." From Heritage.org:

1. Apology to France and Europe ("America Has Shown Arrogance")

Speech by President Obama, Rhenus Sports Arena, Strasbourg, France, April 3, 2009.[1]

So we must be honest with ourselves. In recent years we've allowed our Alliance to drift. I know that there have been honest disagreements over policy, but we also know that there's something more that has crept into our relationship. In America, there's a failure to appreciate Europe's leading role in the world. Instead of celebrating your dynamic union and seeking to partner with you to meet common challenges, there have been times where America has shown arrogance and been dismissive, even derisive.

Every word of this is true. Not seeing the problem here, but this was #1 on their list of "bad" things Obama has done.

They explain their position this way:

As President Obama embarks this week on his second major overseas tour, which will take him to Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Germany, and France, the world does not need yet another apology from the President. Rather, it is looking for strong and principled leadership from the most powerful nation on the face of the earth. American leadership is not a popularity contest, nor should it be an exercise in self-loathing. Rather, it is about taking tough positions that will be met with hostility in many parts of the globe. Above all, it demands the assertive projection of American power, both to secure the homeland and to protect America's allies.

It's basically a bro argument, the kind you'd expect from a guy with bull testicles hanging from his jacked up pickup while he spews black smoke out his twin upper pipes. "We don't need to negotiate, we'll just take what we want and the rest of the world can suck it!"

Here's #2 on their list:

2. Apology to the Muslim World ("We Have Not Been Perfect")

President Obama, interview with Al Arabiya, January 27, 2009.[2]

My job to the Muslim world is to communicate that the Americans are not your enemy. We sometimes make mistakes. We have not been perfect. But if you look at the track record, as you say, America was not born as a colonial power, and that the same respect and partnership that America had with the Muslim world as recently as 20 or 30 years ago, there's no reason why we can't restore that.



Again, not a word of this isn't true. We are not the enemy of the Muslim world and we have sometimes made mistakes. We can restore a partnership with the Muslim world - and we should - but we're never going to do that by saying, "Everything we've ever done dealing with you guys was 100% cool, so any complaints you have, stuff it." That's a non-starter at the negotiation table, and will forever continue the antipathy many Muslims view America with.

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I struggle to understand how people defend the tenure of Obama as well. Speaking of disaster in foreign relations...

Obama hasn't been a "disaster" at all. Most of the world would tell you that Obama has done a pretty good job with foreign relations. It's only in America where Obama's political enemies live that people would consider him a "disaster." Of course, these are the same people that brought us the Birthers, the Mom Jeans and "Obama is a Muslim."


So, Hillary?

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I struggle to understand how people defend the tenure of Obama as well. Speaking of disaster in foreign relations...

Obama hasn't been a "disaster" at all. Most of the world would tell you that Obama has done a pretty good job with foreign relations. It's only in America where Obama's political enemies live that people would consider him a "disaster." Of course, these are the same people that brought us the Birthers, the Mom Jeans and "Obama is a Muslim."


So, Hillary?


If you're saying Hillary started the birther movement or the mom jeans nonsense, that's not true.





This was the first I'd heard about this so I looked it up. Here's Politifact's take on Hillary's involvement in the Birther thing. I didn't bother looking for "mom jeans" because it's such a stupid allegation.




Basically, they're saying that Democrats supporting Clinton, but not Clinton herself, likely started the birther movement. Of course, the Republicans ran with that ball for years after, but it apparently started during the 2008 campaign.

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I struggle to understand how people defend the tenure of Obama as well. Speaking of disaster in foreign relations...

Obama hasn't been a "disaster" at all. Most of the world would tell you that Obama has done a pretty good job with foreign relations. It's only in America where Obama's political enemies live that people would consider him a "disaster." Of course, these are the same people that brought us the Birthers, the Mom Jeans and "Obama is a Muslim."


So, Hillary?


Please share.

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MSNBC was disgusting in not even acknowledging memorial day. They spent half the day talking about a stupid Gorilla in Chicago instead of honoring those who have died for this country.

I've never watched MSNBC so I have no proof that this allegation is false. But there's zero chance a major news outlet didn't "even acknowledge Memorial Day."


Where does stuff like this come from? Who thinks this is true?


Unless someone watched literally every minute of MSNBC then there's no way to make that statement factually.


Plus, I don't mean to be offensive to any veterans, current military members, etc., but what do people expect? Wall to wall coverage? It's an important holiday but it doesn't keep eye balls. Politics, breaking news, the Cincinnati Zoo incident... that's what keeps people watching TV.


It's called using the internet looking at MSNBC's website and pulling up stories about it. Not to mention flipping between channels since it was raining like a MF'er out here on that day and we couldn't do squat for it. The closest thing that they came to was Obama's speech at Arlington National Cemetery.




The first part of your question about what people expect is quite alarming to say the least. Do you not know what Memorial Day is about? Apparently you don't so let me tell you It is about honoring all of the thousands of brave people who made the ultimate sacrifice for people to have the freedoms that they enjoy today. For those of us that are still serving or have served, we don't expect anything for doing our jobs, it's about honoring those who didn't come back. It isn't just a day off so people to only talk about a stupid gorilla (for example) and trying to act like it's life is as valuable as a human beings. That is what is concerning and dangerous about the left as they care more about taking flags off of fire trucks, stopping the pledge of allegiance, not allowing people to say "so help me God in schools" even though it doesn't say which god, you could be saying it to the spaghetti monster if that is your God. But will legislate that mentally ill people get to pick which bathroom they want to use. Makes perfect sense to me.


As bad as the Republican Party is messed up (and it is very messed up) the Democratic Party is messed up even worse.


Again, unless you physically watched an entire day's worth of MSNBC coverage, either online or on TV, your statement is unfounded. "Flipping through channels" and "pulling up stories" is like saying you read a book by flipping through chapters and occasionally reading some excerpts.


I also just did a google search and found four different stories, including two video tributes, they aired over Memorial Day weekend.


Lastly, I'm incredibly offended by your asinine, holier-than-thou assumption about what I do and don't know about Memorial Day. You know nothing about me, my military service or my family's military service. I just have a different perspective than you. I spent 3 hours Monday with local groups laying flags on fallen soldier memorials and unnamed graves, not trolling through MSNBC's website. But, apparently I don't know anything about the day.

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On the subject of immigration, I don't mind them staying as long as they are not breaking laws. Make them Americans and tax them like we do everyone else. But those cities listed in the link shouldn't be protecting them, especially the criminals that should be deported. The right wants to have "Kate's Law" signed to have criminals who are deported and are caught back in the country automatically sent to prison for 5 years the first time, 10 years the second time. I don't totally agree with the prison time either as our jails are full enough of our own people and don't need illegals adding to the population. Yet without Mexico doing their part, we may not have a choice because they don't care. That is why Trump's "wall" is getting so much support.





I guess I need something explained to me. Let's say I screw up and employ an illegal immigrant here in central Nebraska.


How exactly is it that they are not taxed?




It's called using the internet looking at MSNBC's website and pulling up stories about it. Not to mention flipping between channels since it was raining like a MF'er out here on that day and we couldn't do squat for it. The closest thing that they came to was Obama's speech at Arlington National Cemetery.




You claimed that MSNBC didn't even acknowledge Memorial day but then you admit they showed Obama's speech at Arlington National Cemetery for Memorial day. :dunno

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On the subject of immigration, I don't mind them staying as long as they are not breaking laws. Make them Americans and tax them like we do everyone else. But those cities listed in the link shouldn't be protecting them, especially the criminals that should be deported. The right wants to have "Kate's Law" signed to have criminals who are deported and are caught back in the country automatically sent to prison for 5 years the first time, 10 years the second time. I don't totally agree with the prison time either as our jails are full enough of our own people and don't need illegals adding to the population. Yet without Mexico doing their part, we may not have a choice because they don't care. That is why Trump's "wall" is getting so much support.





I g uess I need something explained to me. Let's say I screw up and employ an illegal immigrant here in central Nebraska.


How exactly is it that they are not taxed?





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Where did they get a social security number?



Illegal immigrants pay Social Security tax, won’t benefit


“When you hear people voicing anti-immigrant sentiments, one of the first things they say is, ‘They don’t pay any taxes, and they just take money out of the system,’ ” said Jeannie Economos of the Farmworker Association Florida, based in Apopka, Fla. “But that just isn’t true. Yes, some are paid under the table, but the majority are paid by check, and they pay taxes out of those checks.”

For many employers, the move away from paying undocumented workers under the table came in 1986. That was the year President Reagan signed an amnesty that legalized the status of about 2.8 million illegal immigrants. But part of that law — the Immigration Reform and Control Act — requires that employers demand proof that a worker has a legal right to work in the U.S.

Employers are obligated to ask for a Social Security number, but they don’t have to confirm it is real. That has led to the printing of millions of false Social Security cards sold to newly arrived illegal immigrants.


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I knew that was coming. That still does't excuse the identity theft. It also doesn't excuse an employer from not doing their due diligence. E-verify works.

The claim was that they don't pay taxes.


Right. We're veering off to another issue here, but the claim they don't pay taxes is only true if they're paid under the table, which is an exception since the 80s when Reagan gave illegals amnesty.

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I knew that was coming. That still does't excuse the identity theft. It also doesn't excuse an employer from not doing their due diligence. E-verify works.

Maybe that's why BRB phrased it as "screwed up". But the issue was illegals not paying taxes. Whether that SS number on Tax ID number is stolen or completely fictitious doesn't matter. The fact is, they pay taxes and are unable to be refunded any of them. Illegal immigrants more than likely pay MORE federal/state income taxes than legal workers. Along with sales tax on goods and services.

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