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Serious Q's To Trump Supporters (or those on the fence for Trump)


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Expound upon your feelings about Trump, BRI. What do you think are the pros and cons for him?

Cons: He says the dumbest stuff, whether it needs to be said or not is neither here nor there. Soften the way you say things, words matter and if he becomes President he's going to find out if he says the wrong thing............people might die. I realize he's not a polished politician, but come on. He obviously goes back-and-forth on what he says and that's annoying.


His foreign policy seems to suck on some aspects. I doubt he'll be fantastic initially with foreign relations. Maybe he'll learn and surprise us, but so far I cringe at him saying some bad things about NATO. I agree we can't be the world police and we've got issues here we need to address, but those foreign connections are huge in the grand scheme of things.


So far he hasn't put out detailed plans of where he wants to go with things to allow you to make an educated decision on what you agree with and what you don't. That's tough to make a decision on and considering where we're at as a country, I think we're at a tipping point here, the decision for President is a pretty darn big one at least the biggest in my lifetime it seems.


Pros: I think he brings a good business sense to politics and might do surprisingly well. Considering our deficit and where we're at financially his experience might help a lot in this area. I don't blame him for taking advantage of the loopholes we have in this country to make his business that much more profitable. Obviously we need to take care of those loopholes if we want that to stop. My cousin owns his own very successful construction company and the amount of responsibility he has to literally keep hundreds of families fed through his decisions is tough to deal with stress wise. Make the wrong decisions and everyone is unemployed...............whoa.


I liked his theory behind how he plans on keeping businesses here, but I don't know if it'll work in reality. Taxing business that wants to import goods to the country if they've decided to leave for cheaper labor. I obviously don't like giving rich people more tax breaks, but I wasn't surprised when he brought this up.


Speaking of his tax plans, I read some articles that say his tax plan will provide more money to middle class folks, which is where many of us fall, and then of course there are others that say it won't. Just depends on who you want to listen to I suppose. I obviously like more money in my family's pocket at this point.


I like his stance on ILLEGAL immigration, notice I said illegal, he doesn't have a problem with legal immigrants. It's a problem we HAVE to get under control. I see it at the local law enforcement level. I find out someone is illegal, no one cares, I can't do anything about it and I send them on their way. Doesn't seem right to me that we aren't enforcing those laws at this point.


I think he'll do well as far as helping the country become more secure. This is something he's been preaching for awhile now and with the way the world is changing, now isn't the time to cut budgets to the military and security area. We need to secure our borders and get those things taken care of the best we can.


I'm sure I'm missing stuff and honestly I'm not the most well versed guy in some of this stuff. Kinda shooting from the hip at this point.

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I have a difficult time being thought of as a Trump supporter. So many flaws, but yes I am on the fence.


To answer your questions:

1. Who do you respect enough, that if they took a strong public stance against Trump you would listen and reconsider? Too many to list that I respect, but wouldn't change my stance.

2. Is there anything that he could say or do between now and election day to change your support of him? Short answer: No, not really. It's deeper than that.


And this is why I will eventually vote for him.


Trump is pro-life and supports the partial-birth abortion ban act. His list of conservative judges that he would consider for Supreme Court are all pro-life.

Hilary is for Roe vs Wade, and supports the partial-birth abortion procedure. She will only nominate judges for the Supreme Court that are not pro-life.

Trump's VP Pence is solid pro-life and votes for the partial-birth abortion ban act.

Hilary's VP Kaine votes against pro-life by supporting abortion, including late abortions.


The partial birth abortion procedure from the 5th month on pulls the living baby out of the womb by the feet, except for the head, puncturing the skull and suctioning out the brain.


Over One Million abortions are reported per year.

Roughly 17% of abortions are teenagers, 57% of women in their 20's, and 26% of women over 30 years of age through 44 years old. Which means, 83% of abortion procedures are being done by women between 20-44.

1% of all abortions performed have been reported as survivors of rape.






So you see, it's not so much that I think he would be the best president ever!1, nor do I think anyone of remarkable influence that I respect could change my mind before voting. The older I get, hopefully the more wiser I become. I may not have made the best out of my life, but I was given a chance, just like y'all. And the best thing I can do is to stand up for the innocent, for the soon-to-be born, the one's who need our help (adults) - so that they get the opportunity to a life just like you and I - and not be snuffed out so quickly.

As hard as it may be to cast that vote for Donald, tell me, who is so wise to tell me I should reconsider and vote against what I stand for? I will at least listen.


See this is where I take issue with lots of Pro Lifers.


Many (not saying you specifically, but many) Pro Lifers profess to be all about caring for the "ones who can't protect themselves" and that "every life is sacred." That's all well and good for a zygote, however when it comes to other issues concerning life and well being, Pro Lifers are often times anti universal healthcare, anti common sense gun control laws, pro war, anti public assistance programs which largely benefit children, the disabled and the elderly, anti regulation, and against Environmental Protection laws.


You claim to be on the fence about this election because of your stance on abortion. Trump has often times questioned why other countries don't have and use nuclear weapons. Nuclear weapons. That is literally the most deadly force the world has ever seen. But your biggest concern is someone's private choice to take the Plan B pill? You're genuinely considering someone who encourages use of the deadliest weapons on earth, but might vote for him because he is against abortion? That does not compute with me.


I can very much appreciate someone's stance against abortion. Don't get me wrong. It's certainly not a fun topic. But abortion isn't going to matter a whole lot when Nukes are being launched across the globe.


That is a big generalization, I don't think gun control has anything to do with abortion or killing. Take em away, people will still find ways to get them and kill people, its just how it is. Also, where are these "pro war" claims you get, was it President Bush's decision that all of a sudden speaks for every pro life person? Only congress can declared war not Trump, that is also something a lot of people forget about. Bush declared war with the approval of Congress, if Trump wanted to just attack some country because he has the power, congress has to approve it. The last thing before I get back on topic is abortion is taking away someones chance of life liberty and pursuit of happiness.


I am voting Trump because he is pro-life, pro America, he isn't a globalist which is really good. The UN has tried to pass laws to limit our freedom actually, can't remember what they are called exactly but it limits how much water or electricity one can use, not a bad idea but that is an example of taking away a little bit of freedom. I think his trade deals will help us get money back and force other countries to pay tariffs like the US does. Also make companies that leave the country pay a fine is a good idea or a leaving fee can't remember exactly. Regardless that's a good way to keep companies and jobs in the US. Only way I don't vote for him is if he changes his stances on immigration, abortion or he says he won't fight for the people- so basically it would be hard for me to change my mind.


Gun control has nothing to do with killing? 30,000 deaths a year from guns. If it were anything else causing that amount of deaths per year, it would certainly be addressed. But using your logic of "take guns away, people will still get them" one could argue that "making abortion illegal won't matter because people will still do it"


Many Pro Lifers tend to be Republican, and many Republicans are very pro war. Cheney, Kristol, McCain, Graham etc. I was talking about having Pro War attitudes, not necessarily declaring war.


You say Trump is Pro Life? Wanting to use nuclear weapons more often does not sound Pro Life to me.


Also, this is how Trump treated family members health care coverage. I wonder how much he would truly care about the average joe.



"Even when it comes to a sick baby in his family, Donald Trump is all business. The megabuilder and his siblings Robert and Maryanne terminated their nephew’s family medical coverage a week after he challenged the will of their father, Fred Trump. “This was so shocking, so disappointing and so vindictive,” said niece Lisa Trump, whose son, William, was born 18 months ago at Mount Sinai Medical Center with a rare neurological disorder that produces violent seizures, brain damage and medical bills topping $300,000."


Doesn't sound very Pro Life to me.


Companies that leave the US? Like ... the companies that make Donald Trump Signature ties? Those kinds of companies?




Two wrongs don't make a right dude. Yeah if abortion is outlawed people would still do it, but it would have consequences. I also meant to say gun control doesn't have anything to do with abortion or killing of babies, I typed too fast on that one. The gun obviously does the killing we all know, but it is the intent of the person who kills also, so taking away guns will not stop killing period. It also prevents someone from defending themself in an attack by a thief etc. You are still generalizing on the pro war attitude man, but yes republican leaders may be pro war, that does not make every republican a war hawk. Trumps only war he would do is get rid of terrorists in the middle east, oh we are doing that right now with our current president. Only time he would use nuclear warfare is if someone else attacked, he says he just wants to be ready in case north korea were to use them. Overseas stuff, yea some of his merchandise is overseas but he says he will make a fee for companies leaving the US, because lots of stuff today is made in China, we all can agree with that.


Back the Op, It would take something like him saying his voters are tools for his agenda for me not to vote for him. If he says that this election is over, but people will still vote for him. Ted Cruz said he supports Mr. Trump so I do as well. The Bush's have no impact on me about what they say or who they say they are voting for. I am voting for him more so on an Anti-Hillary type of voting, but he has some good things he says. I will admit he has said some really dumb stuff, but I think Hillary is worse and she will only allow terrorism to grow her and abroad.


Two wrongs don't make a right? I was using your logic to point out why outlawing something "doesn't work."


"Guns kill 30,000 a year, should we do something? Nah people will do it anyway, but abortions? That needs to be outlawed."


And yeah, I was speaking generally on Republicans being pro war... because that tends to be the case.


Trump said recently he would start a war over Syrians taunting US soldiers from a boat. He said you should be unpredictable with nuclear weapons. He supports other countries having nuclear weapons. That is terrifying.

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I am 100% pro-life and in fact am on the Board of Directors a local pro-life organization. After our last board meeting I asked others on the board what they were going to do about this election. Not a single one of them that I talked to were going to vote for either Trump or Clinton. I understand the argument about voting for the lesser of two evils, but at some point, both are so bad I can't do that. Just like I wouldn't choose between Mussolini or Stalin. I won't choose between Trump or Clinton.


If there were one thing that put me over the top on being "never Trump", It was when he said that the military would commit war crimes for him because he's a strong leader. WTF.....totally unfit.

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I am 100% pro-life and in fact am on the Board of Directors a local pro-life organization. After our last board meeting I asked others on the board what they were going to do about this election. Not a single one of them that I talked to were going to vote for either Trump or Clinton. I understand the argument about voting for the lesser of two evils, but at some point, both are so bad I can't do that. Just like I wouldn't choose between Mussolini or Stalin. I won't choose between Trump or Clinton.


If there were one thing that put me over the top on being "never Trump", It was when he said that the military would commit war crimes for him because he's a strong leader. WTF.....totally unfit.

I'm genuinely asking, and not trying to inflame arguments or anything, but when you say you are 100% Pro Life, does that also translate to other political and social stances for you as well?


Many times when I talk politics with folks, many folks claim to be Pro Life. However in other political stances folks who claim to be Pro Life are generally


-in favor of war and military intervention

-against addressing gun deaths

-against universal health care coverage

-against public assistance programs that largely assist children and the elderly

-against regulation and protecting the environment


These are all issues that concern life and well being.

So you stating that you are 100% Pro Life, is that across the board? Or only for the issue of abortion?


Again, I'm not trying to be inflammatory, or trying to create arguments. I'm genuinely trying to understand this, as it seems there is a lot of cognitive dissonance going on with folks who claim to be Pro Life.



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I am 100% pro-life and in fact am on the Board of Directors a local pro-life organization. After our last board meeting I asked others on the board what they were going to do about this election. Not a single one of them that I talked to were going to vote for either Trump or Clinton. I understand the argument about voting for the lesser of two evils, but at some point, both are so bad I can't do that. Just like I wouldn't choose between Mussolini or Stalin. I won't choose between Trump or Clinton.


If there were one thing that put me over the top on being "never Trump", It was when he said that the military would commit war crimes for him because he's a strong leader. WTF.....totally unfit.

I'm genuinely asking, and not trying to inflame arguments or anything, but when you say you are 100% Pro Life, does that also translate to other political and social stances for you as well?


Many times when I talk politics with folks, many folks claim to be Pro Life. However in other political stances folks who claim to be Pro Life are generally


-in favor of war and military intervention

-against addressing gun deaths

-against universal health care coverage

-against public assistance programs that largely assist children and the elderly

-against regulation and protecting the environment


These are all issues that concern life and well being.

So you stating that you are 100% Pro Life, is that across the board? Or only for the issue of abortion?


Again, I'm not trying to be inflammatory, or trying to create arguments. I'm genuinely trying to understand this, as it seems there is a lot of cognitive dissonance going on with folks who claim to be Pro Life.




I'm at work, so don't have tons of time so this might not be as well articulated as I would hope; but here's my quick, and probably clumsy answer.


I believe an unborn child has the same moral weight as a 3 month old.


So, could I be against a mother killing her 3 month old but be in favor of a war, yes

could I be against a mother killing her 3 month old but be in favor of gun rights, yes

could I be against a mother killing her 3 month old but be opposed to universal healthcare, yes

could I be against a mother killing her 3 month old but be against public assistance, yes

could I be against a mother killing her 3 month old but be against environmental regulations, yes


If you were more specifically asking my personal view on these issues, I don't have time right now other than to say they're varied.

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I am 100% pro-life and in fact am on the Board of Directors a local pro-life organization. After our last board meeting I asked others on the board what they were going to do about this election. Not a single one of them that I talked to were going to vote for either Trump or Clinton. I understand the argument about voting for the lesser of two evils, but at some point, both are so bad I can't do that. Just like I wouldn't choose between Mussolini or Stalin. I won't choose between Trump or Clinton.


If there were one thing that put me over the top on being "never Trump", It was when he said that the military would commit war crimes for him because he's a strong leader. WTF.....totally unfit.

I'm genuinely asking, and not trying to inflame arguments or anything, but when you say you are 100% Pro Life, does that also translate to other political and social stances for you as well?


Many times when I talk politics with folks, many folks claim to be Pro Life. However in other political stances folks who claim to be Pro Life are generally


-in favor of war and military intervention

-against addressing gun deaths

-against universal health care coverage

-against public assistance programs that largely assist children and the elderly

-against regulation and protecting the environment


These are all issues that concern life and well being.

So you stating that you are 100% Pro Life, is that across the board? Or only for the issue of abortion?


Again, I'm not trying to be inflammatory, or trying to create arguments. I'm genuinely trying to understand this, as it seems there is a lot of cognitive dissonance going on with folks who claim to be Pro Life.




I'm at work, so don't have tons of time so this might not be as well articulated as I would hope; but here's my quick, and probably clumsy answer.


I believe an unborn child has the same moral weight as a 3 month old.


So, could I be against a mother killing her 3 month old but be in favor of a war, yes

could I be against a mother killing her 3 month old but be in favor of gun rights, yes

could I be against a mother killing her 3 month old but be opposed to universal healthcare, yes

could I be against a mother killing her 3 month old but be against public assistance, yes

could I be against a mother killing her 3 month old but be against environmental regulations, yes


If you were more specifically asking my personal view on these issues, I don't have time right now other than to say they're varied.



I guess I was asking if you held those seemingly contradicting beliefs, not hypothetically "Could someone believe this while also believing that."


Can you see the difficulty in understanding how someone can call themselves "Pro Life" when it comes to abortion, but then want to deny healthcare to the sick, deny food assistance to the young and elderly, do nothing about the 30,000 gun deaths a year, not want to take action to take care of the environment, and be pro war?


My view is that if you're going to call your self "Pro Life" then your other stances should reflect that as well. If you don't want healthcare for all, don't want to do anything about gun deaths, don't want to protect the environment, don't want children and the elderly to have food assistance, but then say people shouldn't get abortions, you're not really pro life, you're just anti-abortion.

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First, there is no one in the political arena or celebrity arena that has the power or the words to make me do anything. I am not a Trump supporter nor do I support Hilary. I am not on the fence about one or the other but more on the fence on voting or abstaining from the presidential vote all together.


I have a question for you. Why did you signal out Trump rather than putting your question to everyone on either candidate? I recognize you have issues with Trump as seen in your prior postings, but you are also aware of Hilary and her demons.


The pros and cons have been regurgated over and over for both candidates and I still say no matter which way one votes, we have hit rock bottom in the white house.


I could recite everything that was stated above and within other threads as to the whys and what fors on each candidate, but I do not see the value of me doing the same things others are doing.


Debate #1 is done. There are 2 more presidential debates that I will watch and 1 VP debate. Will they make my mind up?


Not likely!


Sorry to have been of little help in your Q and A.

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I am 100% pro-life and in fact am on the Board of Directors a local pro-life organization. After our last board meeting I asked others on the board what they were going to do about this election. Not a single one of them that I talked to were going to vote for either Trump or Clinton. I understand the argument about voting for the lesser of two evils, but at some point, both are so bad I can't do that. Just like I wouldn't choose between Mussolini or Stalin. I won't choose between Trump or Clinton.


If there were one thing that put me over the top on being "never Trump", It was when he said that the military would commit war crimes for him because he's a strong leader. WTF.....totally unfit.

I'm genuinely asking, and not trying to inflame arguments or anything, but when you say you are 100% Pro Life, does that also translate to other political and social stances for you as well?


Many times when I talk politics with folks, many folks claim to be Pro Life. However in other political stances folks who claim to be Pro Life are generally


-in favor of war and military intervention

-against addressing gun deaths

-against universal health care coverage

-against public assistance programs that largely assist children and the elderly

-against regulation and protecting the environment


These are all issues that concern life and well being.

So you stating that you are 100% Pro Life, is that across the board? Or only for the issue of abortion?


Again, I'm not trying to be inflammatory, or trying to create arguments. I'm genuinely trying to understand this, as it seems there is a lot of cognitive dissonance going on with folks who claim to be Pro Life.




I'm at work, so don't have tons of time so this might not be as well articulated as I would hope; but here's my quick, and probably clumsy answer.


I believe an unborn child has the same moral weight as a 3 month old.


So, could I be against a mother killing her 3 month old but be in favor of a war, yes

could I be against a mother killing her 3 month old but be in favor of gun rights, yes

could I be against a mother killing her 3 month old but be opposed to universal healthcare, yes

could I be against a mother killing her 3 month old but be against public assistance, yes

could I be against a mother killing her 3 month old but be against environmental regulations, yes


If you were more specifically asking my personal view on these issues, I don't have time right now other than to say they're varied.



I guess I was asking if you held those seemingly contradicting beliefs, not hypothetically "Could someone believe this while also believing that."


Can you see the difficulty in understanding how someone can call themselves "Pro Life" when it comes to abortion, but then want to deny healthcare to the sick, deny food assistance to the young and elderly, do nothing about the 30,000 gun deaths a year, not want to take action to take care of the environment, and be pro war?


My view is that if you're going to call your self "Pro Life" then your other stances should reflect that as well. If you don't want healthcare for all, don't want to do anything about gun deaths, don't want to protect the environment, don't want children and the elderly to have food assistance, but then say people shouldn't get abortions, you're not really pro life, you're just anti-abortion.



"Pro Life" doesn't mean that life has to be enjoyable...

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First, there is no one in the political arena or celebrity arena that has the power or the words to make me do anything. I am not a Trump supporter nor do I support Hilary. I am not on the fence about one or the other but more on the fence on voting or abstaining from the presidential vote all together.


I have a question for you. Why did you signal out Trump rather than putting your question to everyone on either candidate? I recognize you have issues with Trump as seen in your prior postings, but you are also aware of Hilary and her demons.


The pros and cons have been regurgated over and over for both candidates and I still say no matter which way one votes, we have hit rock bottom in the white house.


I could recite everything that was stated above and within other threads as to the whys and what fors on each candidate, but I do not see the value of me doing the same things others are doing.


Debate #1 is done. There are 2 more presidential debates that I will watch and 1 VP debate. Will they make my mind up?


Not likely!


Sorry to have been of little help in your Q and A.

I'm happy to respond to a post if anyone has the same questions about Hillary ...


To answer your question on my personal reasons for asking about Donald and not Hillary, I guess it's because I feel that Trumps flaws are so much more offensive and dangerous for our future than Hillary's, and I truly want to better understand why they don't alarm people.


Do I wish she hadn't lied? Absolutely. Do I think she will impulsively insult a national leader, or start a war at 3 am because someone told her that her golf game was weak? No.


When it comes down to it my absolute deal breaker is equality and fairness. And when someone has openly (publicly from the stage in front of hundreds of people) made horrific statements about the handicapped, women, minorities, immigrants, different religions etc I have ZERO room for them as a leader of this country. We're far enough behind on equal rights here, and he's set us back with his rhetoric during this election. I can not imagine the world 4 years from now if he is elected. He's running for a personal ego boost, and we will all be the victims. Just like all the people he's stiffed in his business dealings.


There are plenty more specifics I could give on why, but in a nutshell it's because of his innate prejudices. Whomever is in the office needs to be able to be empathetic for all members of the US and represent them, fight for them so that we can all have a better life. He's proven he is not capable of that, nor does he have any interest in trying to fake it.

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I am 100% pro-life and in fact am on the Board of Directors a local pro-life organization. After our last board meeting I asked others on the board what they were going to do about this election. Not a single one of them that I talked to were going to vote for either Trump or Clinton. I understand the argument about voting for the lesser of two evils, but at some point, both are so bad I can't do that. Just like I wouldn't choose between Mussolini or Stalin. I won't choose between Trump or Clinton.


If there were one thing that put me over the top on being "never Trump", It was when he said that the military would commit war crimes for him because he's a strong leader. WTF.....totally unfit.

I'm genuinely asking, and not trying to inflame arguments or anything, but when you say you are 100% Pro Life, does that also translate to other political and social stances for you as well?


Many times when I talk politics with folks, many folks claim to be Pro Life. However in other political stances folks who claim to be Pro Life are generally


-in favor of war and military intervention

-against addressing gun deaths

-against universal health care coverage

-against public assistance programs that largely assist children and the elderly

-against regulation and protecting the environment


These are all issues that concern life and well being.

So you stating that you are 100% Pro Life, is that across the board? Or only for the issue of abortion?


Again, I'm not trying to be inflammatory, or trying to create arguments. I'm genuinely trying to understand this, as it seems there is a lot of cognitive dissonance going on with folks who claim to be Pro Life.




I'm at work, so don't have tons of time so this might not be as well articulated as I would hope; but here's my quick, and probably clumsy answer.


I believe an unborn child has the same moral weight as a 3 month old.


So, could I be against a mother killing her 3 month old but be in favor of a war, yes

could I be against a mother killing her 3 month old but be in favor of gun rights, yes

could I be against a mother killing her 3 month old but be opposed to universal healthcare, yes

could I be against a mother killing her 3 month old but be against public assistance, yes

could I be against a mother killing her 3 month old but be against environmental regulations, yes


If you were more specifically asking my personal view on these issues, I don't have time right now other than to say they're varied.



I guess I was asking if you held those seemingly contradicting beliefs, not hypothetically "Could someone believe this while also believing that."


Can you see the difficulty in understanding how someone can call themselves "Pro Life" when it comes to abortion, but then want to deny healthcare to the sick, deny food assistance to the young and elderly, do nothing about the 30,000 gun deaths a year, not want to take action to take care of the environment, and be pro war?


My view is that if you're going to call your self "Pro Life" then your other stances should reflect that as well. If you don't want healthcare for all, don't want to do anything about gun deaths, don't want to protect the environment, don't want children and the elderly to have food assistance, but then say people shouldn't get abortions, you're not really pro life, you're just anti-abortion.


I disagree, you can be against and ever expanding gov't, and be pro life.

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"Pro life" is nice branding. It is, in reality "Anti-abortion."


The pro-life movement isn't about teaching safe sex, or promoting more family leave and family resources, or providing free contraceptives and so on. It is strictly about restricting, or rendering illegal, abortion.


There's a lot of room for unity in the "for life" area, across both aisles of thought on government restrictions. I can't tell or convince someone who has their personal convictions to become pro-choice, but hopefully, I can point out the important areas where we can work together towards promoting a common good.

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Hey, new to the board, but I've read anonymously for a long time. Wanted to chime in on this one.


Two questions:

1. Who do you respect enough, that if they took a strong public stance against Trump you would listen and reconsider?

No one. I'm well researched and know exactly what I'm voting for.

2. Is there anything that he could say or do between now and election day to change your support of him?

Probably. What that something is? Who knows. But his stance on so many issues in my view are much needed for quite some time now in government. He's not a politician. He doesn't choose his words carefully. He comes with his baggage. The plain and simple fact is that his policies are exactly what this country needs in order to stop the downward spiral, or at the very least, slow it down.

One thing is for certain. There is a candidate for the Democratic party that I would not vote for if she were the only option available.

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