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Trump supporter hypocrisy

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I forgot one!




“Apparently there’s yet a new standard now, which is to not confirm a Supreme Court candidate at all. I think that’s something the American people simply will not tolerate.”


My head about exploded after reading that one. He may be the single biggest hypocrite in the Senate, and that's saying something. The Senate also includes Marco Rubio, who called Trump "a dangerous con man who can't be trusted with the nuclear codes", as well as Ted Cruz, who referred to Trump as "utterly amoral", "a pathological liar", "a serial philanderer," and said he wouldn't support someone who attacked his wife and father.


All three of these men voted for Donald Trump.


You see where I'm going with this.


Yes, I see the inherent risks in broadbrushing big groups of people. I'd like to avoid that and just call individuals hypocrites if they earn that term.


As a bloc, Trump supporters (not voters, but actual active supporters) seem to display a high tolerance for cognitive dissonance. They just don't seem to care if he or they are hypocrites because they like the dude's persona. It just is what it is.

  • Fire 1
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I didn't say I read an article or heard about something or say that all Trump voters or Trump supporters did something.

I said I'm seeing people on my FB. Like everyone who has a FB, I have FB friends who differ from me politically. What I posted applies to at least 6 of them, today. Did you want me to tell you their names or something? I do know for a fact they're hypocrites. They did exactly what I posted.

No, don't get all bent out of shape. If you'r saying specific people are hypocrites, I'll take your word for it. But your first posts didn't read that way to me. Maybe I went way off on a tangent for no reason.

  • Fire 1
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Careful what you wish for , there is plenty of hypocrisy from the left as well...

Make your case.


I suppose I did call down the thunder. Here's a few off the top of my head.

- Hillary claimed to be for equal pay, but her senate staff salaries prove otherwise http://freebeacon.com/blog/clinton-campaign-confirms-free-beacon-gender-pay-gap-analysis/

- The shock from the left, when Trump said he wouldn't accept the results of the election. Then riots and protests show how accepting some on the left can be as well.

- Hillary claims to be for women's rights, yet the clinton foundation took tens of millions of dollars from countries with horrible women's/human rights.


To be clear, Im not purposing that the right is without its own hypocrite circus.

This section leans a little left, and while I do enjoy reading others opinions, I couldn't sit on the sideline on this one.

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I didn't say I read an article or heard about something or say that all Trump voters or Trump supporters did something.

I said I'm seeing people on my FB. Like everyone who has a FB, I have FB friends who differ from me politically. What I posted applies to at least 6 of them, today. Did you want me to tell you their names or something? I do know for a fact they're hypocrites. They did exactly what I posted.

No, don't get all bent out of shape. If you'r saying specific people are hypocrites, I'll take your word for it. But your first posts didn't read that way to me. Maybe I went way off on a tangent for no reason.


You're accusing me of getting bent out of shape like you can hear the tone of my voice.

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I didn't say I read an article or heard about something or say that all Trump voters or Trump supporters did something.

I said I'm seeing people on my FB. Like everyone who has a FB, I have FB friends who differ from me politically. What I posted applies to at least 6 of them, today. Did you want me to tell you their names or something? I do know for a fact they're hypocrites. They did exactly what I posted.

No, don't get all bent out of shape. If you'r saying specific people are hypocrites, I'll take your word for it. But your first posts didn't read that way to me. Maybe I went way off on a tangent for no reason.

You're accusing me of getting bent out of shape like you can hear the tone of my voice.

I could hear the tone of your voice. I've got powers... ;-) Seriously though, doesn't everybody read these posts and interpret a tone with them? I'm sure it's often wrong but still, we all do it.

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I didn't say I read an article or heard about something or say that all Trump voters or Trump supporters did something.

I said I'm seeing people on my FB. Like everyone who has a FB, I have FB friends who differ from me politically. What I posted applies to at least 6 of them, today. Did you want me to tell you their names or something? I do know for a fact they're hypocrites. They did exactly what I posted.

No, don't get all bent out of shape. If you'r saying specific people are hypocrites, I'll take your word for it. But your first posts didn't read that way to me. Maybe I went way off on a tangent for no reason.
You're accusing me of getting bent out of shape like you can hear the tone of my voice.
I could hear the tone of your voice. I've got powers... ;-) Seriously though, doesn't everybody read these posts and interpret a tone with them? I'm sure it's often wrong but still, we all do it.
Ya but most of the time they don't tell people to get bent out of shape. It's all good though.
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It is also okay to talk in generalities, as long as we're careful and have a basis for claims. I am fine with that across the board. I have no problem with the general idea of making general statements about white people, black people, men, women, democrats, republicans, christians, atheists, etc. Those statements can be true or false, obviously, but there's nothing wrong with generalities as long as people understand how to not apply that lens to individuals.



For example, this video montage (while obviously not without bias) captures a good general sense of right-bias media's bullsh#t critiques of Obama during his presidency - https://www.facebook.com/HuffingtonPost/videos/384300908580729/


I don't think it's outrageous or improper to say that I think there is and/or will be a general allowance, by the same people, of Donald Trump doing similar things without criticism. Because he's on their side.

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I guess I need to get back on Facebook. Haven't logged in to mine in over a year, maybe 2 years. Don't miss it. At. All.


And I haven't watched Hannity or O'Reilly in almost 2 years. Maybe I just don't expose myself to as much bullsh#t as some of y'all. I find I'm generally happier when I avoid the cable news and national news and much of social media. HB is by far the most exposure I get to other people's opinions and to a lesser extent even basic news.

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I guess I need to get back on Facebook. Haven't logged in to mine in over a year, maybe 2 years. Don't miss it. At. All.


And I haven't watched Hannity or O'Reilly in almost 2 years. Maybe I just don't expose myself to as much bullsh#t as some of y'all. I find I'm generally happier when I avoid the cable news and national news and much of social media. HB is by far the most exposure I get to other people's opinions and to a lesser extent even basic news.



  • Fire 4
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Figured we could talk here about Trump supporters getting up in arms about something they look/looked the other way for either when Trump did it or when it was done to the Obamas.

Exhibit 1:

People are going crazy on my FB and on conservative sites about how the SNL writer was mean to Barron Trump. I could understand that, because it was an awful thing to say about a 10 year old. She should be fired.

The problem is these same people voted for Trump who has insulted pretty much every group of people and many individuals except for White males. Most of the people complaining about the former said nothing about the latter, and they voted for him.

Exhibit 2: I just read a comment by someone telling liberals to quit complaining about the expense of guarding Melania. Again I would agree... it's a stupid complaint, but every time Obama used Air Force One or Michelle went somewhere, there were complaints all over the place about the cost.

I am so sick of idiots.

How do you know these people are hypocrites? Just because some people did this one thing, and these other people did this other thing, doesn't necessarily make any of them hypocrites. Unless you know for a fact it is the same person. Seems a little unfair to throw that tag at individuals without more specifics to go on. Do you know these people looked the other way when Trump did something similar or when it was done to the Obamas? Seems kind of like stereotyping or prejudice without further proof.


I could complain about the Baron thing (if I even knew what it was) and not be a hypocrite. Personally I think the kids should be off limits and I don't care if they're Trump's or Clinton's or Obama's.

A leftist SNL writer attacked a 10 year old kid who happened to be the son of a Republican President.


The epitome of and the poster child of the left.

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I didn't say I read an article or heard about something or say that all Trump voters or Trump supporters did something.

I said I'm seeing people on my FB. Like everyone who has a FB, I have FB friends who differ from me politically. What I posted applies to at least 6 of them, today. Did you want me to tell you their names or something? I do know for a fact they're hypocrites. They did exactly what I posted.

No, don't get all bent out of shape. If you'r saying specific people are hypocrites, I'll take your word for it. But your first posts didn't read that way to me. Maybe I went way off on a tangent for no reason.

You're accusing me of getting bent out of shape like you can hear the tone of my voice.

I could hear the tone of your voice. I've got powers... ;-) Seriously though, doesn't everybody read these posts and interpret a tone with them? I'm sure it's often wrong but still, we all do it.


Everybody does - and it's 50/50 whether you get it right or wrong. But often, when it's a woman any assertive comment is read by men as being shrill. Not saying it's the case here.

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How about "Obama is a tyrant, using Executive Orders to rule like a king." But now that Trump is doing the same thing... crickets.


It was always a concern that Obama took that path. It was understandable, since he had a declared opposition congress working against him, but it was always regrettable. Now that the precedent has been set, here's Trump running with that ball.

  • Fire 1
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I guess I need to get back on Facebook. Haven't logged in to mine in over a year, maybe 2 years. Don't miss it. At. All.


And I haven't watched Hannity or O'Reilly in almost 2 years. Maybe I just don't expose myself to as much bullsh#t as some of y'all. I find I'm generally happier when I avoid the cable news and national news and much of social media. HB is by far the most exposure I get to other people's opinions and to a lesser extent even basic news.

Even if I weren't on facebook, I would be witnessing it. I live in central Nebraska where almost everyone I know is a staunch Republican and they think everyone they know is too. They have no problem telling jokes or passing emails/text messages back and forth.


Hypocrisy is running rampant right now. When I even start to mention something about it, they look at me like I ran over their cat or something.

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