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The Courts (not specific to either party)

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1 hour ago, Archy1221 said:

This has happened??  Was giving Ukraine Javelin missiles being pro-Putin?  The missiles Obama wouldn’t give.  Downplaying Russia strength in 2012, allowing a Crimea takeover..I guess BHO is pro-Putin :dunno

I think it was pretty clear to anyone and everyone that Trump or Biden would have legally challenged the results of an extremely close election, and when those legal challenges lost, both would have left the WH which is what happened.  I know I was told by people on this board, maybe even you that Orange Man Bad wouldn’t leave the WH even if he lost.  


Yeah….if you consider Jan 6 a coup, we are screwed once China and Russia realize how easy it will be to take us over.   Who needs Nukes when you can get 3,000 rag tag citizens to take over Washington.  :facepalm:

I certainly got this wrong.   

However you feel about abortion…Roe V Wade was not settled in a lawful way.   SCOTUS correctly settled that.   Good on them.  I didn’t think they would have the guts to make the correct and hard decision.  Now it’s rightfully up to Congress to make national abortion law.   Until then, it’s up to the States as it should be when Congress hasn’t regulated it through law.   That’s kinda how our system is set up.  

First off, you and others constantly said she was the future of the Republican party and a current leader.  That still isn’t true.  Whatever influence you think she has, is confined to about 10 other looney members of Congress who are as looney as her.  Similar to “The Squad” on the other side.  And didn’t Marge get kicked off a committee assignment?  

Fun fact….The President isn’t elected by popular vote.   

Here’s another fun fact…The President is immune from some laws us normies must follow, so are Congresspeople.  The question for SCOTUS and what they are deciding  is when does immunity stop.  


Another fun fact. You, on these various pages of HB, have chosen to downplay most every R misdeed and have defended to ridiculous extents the wrong side of virtually every issue that your favored GOP party holds dear. Yes, you’ve finally come around to reluctantly denouncing Trump but you still fail to acknowledge the soul rot and destruction he and MAGA has left in your party.


Okay, maybe this isn’t a “fun” fact but it is a fact nonetheless.

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20 minutes ago, JJ Husker said:
1 hour ago, Archy1221 said:


Another fun fact. You, on these various pages of HB, have chosen to downplay most every R misdeed and have defended to ridiculous extents the wrong side of virtually every issue that your favored GOP party holds dear

That actually wouldn’t be a fact, that would be an opinion…one that is misguided.  

20 minutes ago, JJ Husker said:


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8 minutes ago, Guy Chamberlin said:

Donald Trump is the opposite of that. In addition to not attending the inauguration ceremonies -- unlike  disgraced popular vote winner Hillary Clinton and every other defeated candidate-- Trump has spent every waking hour spreading election falsehoods, and hailed his J6 supporters as heroes and martyrs while literally promising pardons and vengeance

This is true and not in dispute by me. 

9 minutes ago, Guy Chamberlin said:

Al Gore was a big pu&&y

Fact check true 

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10 minutes ago, Guy Chamberlin said:


However I feel about abortion, I feel more strongly about Supreme Court candidates assuring Congress they will not seek to overturn Roe v Wade in order to secure their nomination. After which, they will very much seek to overturn Roe v Wade because each Supreme Court nominee was handed to Donald Trump on a short list by the Federalist Society, whose main criteria was the judge's willingness to overturn Roe v Wade. It's always fun to pretend it's simply about states rights. 

Words matter and you will need to address the words these SCOTUS judges spoke and the words used in the decision to make Roe v Wade rightfully no longer exist as it was wrongfully decided (even Saint Ginsberg agreed with this) 

I’m hoping you understand SCOTUS didn’t outlaw abortion though, and I’m also hoping you understand why it’s a States Right issue and why Roe was rightfully overturned. 

Speaking if the Federalist Society, do you think every Democrat SCOTUS pick comes from some virtuous non biased recommendation?   LOL. 

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15 minutes ago, Guy Chamberlin said:


By "popular vote" I did not mean the the national popular vote, but the ability of those controlling the local state house to send their own slate of electors if they don't like the electors chosen by the people. That's been happening. The literal removal of checks and balances.

Are you talking about the ones that didn’t actually vote and are subject to various prosecutions while having no impact on the election because the checks and balances worked?  Those ones? 

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15 minutes ago, knapplc said:

I'm sure the people who gutted Roe and just gutted gerrymandering laws are gonna be real concerned about this.


Lifetime appointments for judges are stupid. 



Add Justice Thomas to the recusal list based on what his wife has done as well. 

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On 5/17/2024 at 6:21 AM, BigRedBuster said:



Since Yashar was trying to spread stop the steal B.S. with this story……



The Post decided not to report on the episode at the time because the flag-raising appeared to be the work of Martha-Ann Alito, rather than the justice, and connected to a dispute with her neighbors, a Post spokeswoman said. It was not clear then that the argument was rooted in politics, the spokeswoman said.

(Barnes) encountered the couple coming out of the house. Martha-Ann Alito was visibly upset by his presence, demanding that he “get off my property.”

As he described the information he was seeking, she yelled, “It’s an international signal of distress!”

Alito intervened and directed his wife into a car parked in their driveway, where they had been headed on their way out of the neighborhood. The justice denied the flag was hung upside down as a political protest, saying it stemmed from a neighborhood dispute and indicating that his wife had raised it.

Martha-Ann Alito then got out of the car and shouted in apparent reference to the neighbors: “Ask them what they did!” She said yard signs about the couple had been placed in the neighborhood. After getting back in the car, she exited again and then brought out from their residence a novelty flag, the type that would typically decorate a garden. She hoisted it up the flagpole. “There! Is that better?” she yelled.


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The MAGAifcation of the SC





The police in Fairfax County, Va., received an unusual phone call on Feb. 15, 2021. A young couple claimed they were being harassed by the wife of a Supreme Court justice.

“Somebody in a position of authority needs to talk to her and make her stop,” said the 36-year-old man making the complaint, according to a recording of the call reviewed by The New York Times. The officer on the line responded that there was little the police could do: Yelling was not a crime.

The couple placed the call after a series of encounters with Martha-Ann Alito, wife of Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr., that had gone from uneasy to ugly. That day, Emily Baden, whose boyfriend (now husband) contacted the police, had traded accusations with Mrs. Alito, who lived down the street. In a recent interview, Ms. Baden admitted to calling her a lewd epithet.

The clash between the wife of a conservative Supreme Court justice and the couple, who were in their 30s, liberal and proud of it, played out over months on a bucolic block in Alexandria. It was the kind of shouting match among private citizens, at the height of tensions over the 2020 election, that might have happened in any mixed political community in America. But three years later, that neighborhood spat — which both sides said began over an anti-Trump sign — has taken on far greater proportions.



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