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teachercd last won the day on May 7

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About teachercd

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  1. We should have a federal database of women with great boob jobs that are single or not single but not happy in their relationship.
  2. I can't imagine why someone that is already set for life would want to get into politics. Like the Kennedy's, why? That family is worth a billion dollars. Enjoy it, have fun, relax by your pool, hang with your rich friends, serve on the boards of Choate Academy and other private schools. Most people dream of winning the lottery so that they can do whatever they want whenever they want. These people won the lottery and seem intent to make their lives difficult.
  3. I am sure they are! Do they only come in like 3-4 colors?
  4. You hear wrong...it is still awkward. Trust me
  5. We have 2-3 charging stations/stalls at my school, I think. But I have never seen a charging station like in the "real world" yet. Do they just look like a gas station with a little store where you can also buy snacks?
  6. 100% true. Especially people that bartended in the past, they tip like crazy.
  7. Did he also fill up your tires with "premium air" for an extra 10 dollars?
  8. ZIM is going to hit 25 Current ocean rates they should be a 24 a share, so they are trading low right now. .6X and the market trades at 18X I bought back in today.
  9. Let me do you one better, maybe. I f#&%ing tipped at a bowling alley for a coke. Got a large cup to fill up with fountain coke and tipped 25% When i think back on it...just telling the story doesn't seem real. It is like I was floating above myself, looking down at me as I pressed 25% on the button.
  10. I was thinking the same thing! Then I started thinking of the physics behind it, using the smaller point but then also the loss of energy and force from the hammer to the stake. Then I just told myself to shut up and I watched the video again.
  11. YES!!!! Ha I don't think you can get out of Chipotle for less than 14 dollars now, for a bowl.
  12. Might as well. It seems to be doing well despite the fact that it is getting more and more expensive because of paying a HS kid 20 dollars an hour to work the register.
  13. Ugggg, we have all been there where we are so "mad" and want break something but it just won't break! Sooooo embarrassing.
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