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Everything posted by ShawnWatson

  1. I first started getting panic attacks and depression during college and have almost offed myself a couple times because of it even on medication. Me and my brain were living peacefully together until one day my brain said "f#*k this" and tried to detach itself from reality (this is the best way I can describe it). From that day on I had panic attacks and depression every day for a year straight. The best way to explain a anxiety attack is to imagine how you would feel dying, scared and alone but there is no good reason why, and the more you think the scarier it gets. I have been on medication for 10 years now which has helped a ton with the attacks and depression but I'm not the same person anymore, I used to be extremely goal oriented but now am complacent, I have a good job but it is nothing that I would have dreamed of doing before this happened. I envy those that haven't been through this and understand why they don't get it, I have no visible injuries or war wounds to reflect what has happened, I can only explain the torture.
  2. If it ain't got wheels, he does not steals.
  3. Royalssssssssssssssssssssss

  4. This is very interesting you should continue these threads.
  5. Kaepernick was fined 10K for wearing beats headphones, Julius Thomas was fined 8k for an extremely dirty chop block.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. The Dude

      The Dude

      What's your complaint?

    3. ShawnWatson


      They should have paid me

    4. NUpolo8


      Hatin on my main man the 'Nick is really gettin me steamed, you guys.

  6. I can help others The D means the male appendage. Carry on. You mean like a wiener or something?
  7. I bet if that receiver was riding a bike Banderas would have deflected that.
  8. My dog just ate 3/4 of the jerky I was letting sit before I put it in the dehydrator. I can only blame myself.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. NUance


      Eat his Beggin' Strips! That'll teach that little SOB.

    3. Danny Bateman

      Danny Bateman

      I'm on the smokethe Begging' Strips bandwagon. Furry little b**tard trying to play (jerky) God...

    4. NUpolo8


      Your dog is going to explode

  9. Anybody have one of those new discmans with the anti-skip protection? Looking to jump in the technology department.

    1. Count 'Bility

      Count 'Bility

      No. But i do have the casette player adapter. Will that do you any good?

    2. JJ Husker

      JJ Husker

      CD's will never catch on. You should stick with cassette tapes.

  10. How does this guy still have a job? I'm not asking because I necessarily think they should but because Michigan has been getting completely blasted today.
  11. UK has started bombing outside of Baghdad. That piece of sh#t Anjem Choudary was taken in by police but was later released, somebody really needs to kill that guy.
  12. I mean, seriously! Lol, brb, a/s/l.
  13. Jesus, I didn't remember how bad Solich was on the road.
  14. The pastor or LOMS? LOMS and I are going to this guys church in our Canadian tuxedos. Can I come? I'll crack a beer during the homily.
  15. Someone that claims to be man of God is actually a piece of sh#t? Color me shocked.
  16. Somewhere, Mangino's barbecue stained face is chuckling.

    1. Redux


      Isnt he at Iowa State as OC (Obeese Coordinator)

    2. Chaddyboxer



  17. This is the most spot on post. Most Natives are living in such sh**ty conditions they could care less about this damn name. You really want to respect Native Americans? Stop giving a sh#t about some stupid NFL team and go directly to the reservations in Nebraska and South Dakota (or anywhere else) and support them with education and infrastructure. Daily show like every other news show has missed the true reasoning why there is anger.
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