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JJ Husker

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Everything posted by JJ Husker

  1. Gilette is cool if you like cowboys oil riggers and tweekers. they inter mingle s be carefull. Ok, so, scariest environment imaginable. That's all you had to say........scariest environment imaginable.
  2. I would like to take this opportunity to nominate BIGREDIOWAN for mod of the day, week, month, and year. Hip hip hooray! For he's a jolly good fellow.......come on, sing along........that nobody can deny.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. sd'sker
    3. NUance


      Just doing the job is all. You're welcome if it makes your experience here better.

  3. Hopefully we have some early success running the ball. Wouldn't want Langsdorf to be afraid of calling run plays when it makes sense.
  4. Haven't been to Casper per se, but get up to Cheyenne and Laramie once in awhile. I like Wyoming but it is......a little quieter and more secluded. There is nothing on par with Lincoln in Wyoming. It would be great if you like outdoors type activities, not so much if you're looking for any excitement. And just curious, why on earth are you concerned about its proximity to Boulder? That's a good place to stay away from IMO.
  5. Yeah, I know what you mean. The first class passengers on the Titanic ate a ten course dinner on their last night aboard and all they could do was complain about the hole in the ship. We got those kind of people here.[/size] +1 for analogy of the day.
  6. Not to be negative but why would anyone in their right mind pick Nebraska? Or even UCLA by less than a couple touchdowns. I hope we do well but hope isn't worth much these days. All indications are that it should be an ugly lopsided victory for the Bruins......unless they just aren't motivated to be there.
  7. For the love of God, if people are going to try to be cute by bastardizing the names of Eichorst, Riley, Langsdorf, Banke4, Pederson, Callahan, etc., could we at least agree to stick to one version? I've seen 4,000 too many failed attempts at being cute, clever, or funny. Just. Stop.

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. JJ Husker

      JJ Husker

      I have no idea what it stands for. Sounds like some bodily fluid that should not be discussed in mixed company.

    3. krc1995


      I completely agree. Children, geesh

    4. krc1995


      Let's do it the right way and have a poll. Slanderizing with an American twist.

  8. The Major Matt Mason Space Station. Got this for Christmas when I was about 6 (1969ish).
  9. So, who will win their 6th natty first, football or volleyball?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Scratchtown


      Volleyball. NU Football is never winning another national championship.

    3. JJ Husker

      JJ Husker

      Never? Wow. I can accept not in the next 10 or 20 years but never......

      Good thing you've got those Ducks to fall back on. I've got to figure out a way to have a 2nd college football team favorite. I still don't understand that.

    4. sd'sker


      luckily for me, my next favorite football teams are clemson, 'bama, msu, and oklahoma.

  10. My big gripe is the Rebellion beat them too easily, ROTJ could have been more. I hadn't watched it for a couple years until this week I bet, it was better than I remembered. Still I think Lucas was just changing sh#t at one point because YOLO!I liked RoTJ when I was younger because of the ewoks. Gonna watch it again tonight with the wife and my 3 year old son. I find it funny when Star Wars fans complain about the ewoks and how they easily killed the Empire but don't complain about how Luke all of a sudden got Jedi powers with one day spent with Obi-Wan Kenobi before he died and before he met Yoda I didn't mind the ewoks but, you have to admit, a bunch of teddy bears with ropes and pulleys took a lot away from the mystic of an all powerful empire.
  11. Apparently Trai thought that also. He either didn't have confidence in himself, the system, or the coaches. Any of those and it's best that he move on.
  12. Now he was sharing the message with the masses? Matt 6:5-6 says he was doing it wrong. What are the verses where Jesus encouraged evangelizing and how did He suggest doing it? And where he suggested public displays of prayers in a stadium full of people? Yeah, Jesus was big on toeing the line with authorities. "Give unto Caesar . . ." You just want to argue. That's not my thing. Good luck.
  13. I'll answer that with my own question. Which part of the biblical message would indicate that God does not want the message shared with the masses? There are plenty of parts encouraging evangelizing. How would organizing a public group prayer go against that? I think when you fail to come up with a good answer for that, that it should indicate that maybe what he was doing does not go against the message. And I would also add that I doubt if Jesus gives two rips if the administration asked him to stop. I don't recall toeing the line with authority being high on his list.
  14. Did they just say that Nebraska and Kansas have played each other 88 times and KU has never won? Can that be true?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Enhance


      Would be a really crappy time to get that first loss.

    3. JJ Husker

      JJ Husker

      And I thought some of our series dominance in football back in the day was crazy. 86-0-1 in volleyball is absolutely insane.

    4. JJ Husker
  15. Do you have any examples of how "all of a sudden you have a circus after every game."? I have not seen this happen and, to my knowledge, all other groups and religions are able to do the same thing if they wish to. When exactly has it turned into a circus? Also, I must comment on this; "if the guy is such a good Christian, why doesn't he take Jesus's advice?" Gotta love it when someone basically ignores the overall gist of Jesus' message yet has no hesitancy to pick and choose what specific "advice" others should take and apparently which they should ignore. It sort of came off like you were ridiculously attempting to say that Jesus would not approve of a group prayer after the game........oh wait, that is what you said. I linked an article above about the Satanic Temple of Seattle planning to join in the 50 yard line prayer. As to your other comments, are you accusing me of ignoring Jesus's message? What part of Jesus's message did I suggest that people ignore? Are you confusing me with someone else? I suggest you read the gospels. Jesus was very clear in Matt 6. The coach is obviously ignoring that advice. I'm not judging him (more advice from Jesus). I'm just pointing out what he's doing. Personally, I try to follow all of Jesus's teachings. Bump for JJ since I'm no longer on his ignore list. Welcome back to my unignored world GBRedneck. I would say I've missed you but that wouldn't be completely true and I sure don't want to bear any false witness here so....... I wasn't accusing you of ignoring Jesus' message. However, what you were doing is picking and choosing which part of his message to apply to this circumstance. Yes, Jesus made it clear that people should not showboat in public. He also gave us the Lord's Prayer as a "best" way to pray. Call me crazy but, if I take into account the overall message of Jesus and the gospel, I cannot come to the conclusion that Jesus would disapprove of a group prayer in public any more than he would disapprove of praying something other than the Our Father. I believe there are cases and circumstances where you cannot apply only one specific thing he said while ignoring the overall message. That was my point. Do you really think Jesus would disapprove of a group prayer at the 50 yard line, in all cases, under every circumstance?
  16. Is there a happy medium between RADAR and TheSker? Oh yeah, that would be everyone else.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. JJ Husker

      JJ Husker

      Sorry, I missed GBRedneck. He doesn't fall inside the specified range either but some of his posts are clever at least. Annoying but clever.

    3. ironmike


      That made me laugh

    4. swmohusker


      That is funny.

  17. Husker fans bitched, whined, complained and begged for Ozborne to throw the ball more. Now the most knowledgeable fans in college football want Nebraska to run the ball more. Just goes to show that there are more stupid Nebraska fans than knowledgeable fans. Plenty post here. I'm about fed up with your ass kissing Riley at all costs BS. I, and most posters hereabouts, can acknowledge both sides of the coin. Yes, Tommy and some of the players had their shortcomings but, if you can't see where Langsdorf and Riley and Banker also failed with game management and play calling issues, you might need to re-watch our games and get a little smarter yourself. Your shtick is getting old. It took 9 games for the players to buy in, when they did, Nebraska played pretty well. The coaches did the best they could until that happened. I get plenty tired of the Nebraska staff and administration haters like you. To bad you don't like the team you claim to be a fan of instead of spewing hate and discontent about them. Well, that shows what you know......not much. I like Riley. I like Langsdorf. I like Eichorst. I don't hate them. But I don't blindly worship every step they take and I can recognize the mistakes they made. What's your excuse? Don't need an excuse, I see the progress they have made with the talent they have had to work with. The bitchers like you and others I have no use for. If they have failed in 4 years, then I will be there to hold their feet to the fire. I will not call for them to be fired after 3 games like many of the dolts that post here. I put about 20 on my ignore list for that very thing. They never gave the new staff a chance. Many weren't going to be happy with the Riley hire regardless. That ain't me. I was excited to see what they could do and I wanted to give them a couple years to prove it on the field. But yeah, my time line got severely shortened when I saw some of the stupid things they did that had absolutely nothing to do with "player buy in" or "existing skill level" or "having their guys". You don't need those things to call a f'ing run play at the right time. You don't need those things to manage the clock. Fact is, there is a reason this staff is flirting around .500 for their career. I didn't want to believe that but I watched what they did this year. It ain't going to change. I am fully convinced of that. When you've been coaching that long and can't grind out the clock, are afraid to call a run play on 3rd and 2 in a 4 down situation, actually get worse on penalties than Pelini's teams, well there is a problem that player buy in won't fix. If it took the players 9 games to "buy in", and that's what your prefacing your whole theory on, then please explain what happened in that Iowa game. Iowa was a solid, steady team but they sure as hell aren't any top 5 juggernaut. Sure Tommy screwed the pooch in that game and that didn't help. So your position is to call people, who hold the staff responsible for their mistakes, haters and claim we don't like this team? While you throw player after player under the bus and walk around with your head up your ass when it comes to the mistakes the coaches obviously made? That's pure bullsh!t. You go ahead and give em 4 years. I'll tell ya right now, they aren't going to last that long unless there are a lot more people like you, in positions that matter, that will completely ignore how they contributed to about 5 of those 7 losses. I pretty much cleared out my ignore list but I guess I've got one to add to it from the othe sidea of the fence. It is the perfect device for people that don't know what the f#*k they're talking about. You'll fit nicely.
  18. Husker fans bitched, whined, complained and begged for Ozborne to throw the ball more. Now the most knowledgeable fans in college football want Nebraska to run the ball more. Just goes to show that there are more stupid Nebraska fans than knowledgeable fans. Plenty post here. I'm about fed up with your ass kissing Riley at all costs BS. I, and most posters hereabouts, can acknowledge both sides of the coin. Yes, Tommy and some of the players had their shortcomings but, if you can't see where Langsdorf and Riley and Banker also failed with game management and play calling issues, you might need to re-watch our games and get a little smarter yourself. Your shtick is getting old. It took 9 games for the players to buy in, when they did, Nebraska played pretty well. The coaches did the best they could until that happened. I get plenty tired of the Nebraska staff and administration haters like you. To bad you don't like the team you claim to be a fan of instead of spewing hate and discontent about them. Well, that shows what you know......not much. I like Riley. I like Langsdorf. I like Eichorst. I don't hate them. But I don't blindly worship every step they take and I can recognize the mistakes they made. What's your excuse?
  19. Husker fans bitched, whined, complained and begged for Ozborne to throw the ball more. Now the most knowledgeable fans in college football want Nebraska to run the ball more. Just goes to show that there are more stupid Nebraska fans than knowledgeable fans. Plenty post here. I'm about fed up with your ass kissing Riley at all costs BS. I, and most posters hereabouts, can acknowledge both sides of the coin. Yes, Tommy and some of the players had their shortcomings but, if you can't see where Langsdorf and Riley and Banker also failed with game management and play calling issues, you might need to re-watch our games and get a little smarter yourself. Your shtick is getting old.
  20. All I know is that I would sure like to see some quarterback show up and play better than Tommy played this year. If that happens to be an improved Tommy, great. If it happens to be POB, great also. Hate to put it all on the QB when Langsdorf and Riley could better utilize the skill sets available but pretty sure we're stuck with their pass first, run shy attitude so, it is what it is for another year or two.
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