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Everything posted by Marf

  1. Marf


    Johnny Manziel neither wants nor needs composure. The more chaotic the situation the better he performs. He rides the emotion of the game. Composure is for golfers.
  2. Clearly not doing enough ankle curls in the gym... Fire Bo?
  3. Oh man! An RA!!! Is it true what they say about you guys? That you hate drinking...smoking...sex...boobs...drinking...fun...noise...music...boobs...girls...fun...freedom...jokes...laughing...happiness...boobs...drinking...chewing...parties...parties... Had sex with my RA freshman year. Pretty sure she did hate it. So I'd say true.
  4. Ha ha! That's an absurd position by the UN. The Iron Dome is a defensive system. It intercepts and destroys the short-range Hamas rockets. How could anyone have a problem with that mission? The only problem I have with the Iron Dome is that the U.S. funded a great portion of it. My criticism of Israel is not with the Iron Dome. It's that they fire mortars and missiles into civilian areas of Palestine. They don't mind killing a dozen innocent people if they have a good chance of killing a Hamas terrorist. Just think of the outcry that would occur here in America if we launched missiles into Mexican border towns to take out drug lords (basically terrorists) and killed innocent Mexican citizens in the process. There's no way that would fly in the U.S. So how can we justify funding another country to engage in a similar tactic. (Granted, the Mexican border/drug lords is not an identical scenario. But it's similar enough for discussion's purposes.) If the same Mexican drug lords were firing rockets off into Texas or California, Israel's response to Hamas would look tame in comparison. Attacks on the homeland have happened twice in modern history. The first ended with us annihilating Japanese cities, the second we invaded the 'home' country of the perpetrators. Any idea that we would be less heavy handed now is just silly. We do drone strikes that are just as bad or worse. Israel at least gives warnings to the areas. There is no way our military warns anyone before a strike, it's too much of a tactical mistake in eliminating a target. You're forgetting the Iron Dome. If we had an Iron Dome defense at the Mexican border would we be justified in sending missiles into Mexican border towns? I doubt it. As for Pearl Harbor, that isn't a very good comparison. It wasn't a bunch of terrorists lobbing rockets into a civilian area. It was one military attacking another. Besides, if, back in 1941, we had an Iron Dome that prevented the Japanese from hitting targets or doing substantive damage in Hawaii would our use of nuclear weapons have been justified? (As it is, I'm not sure our use of nuclear weapons was justified in the way it actually played out. In the rest of the world's eyes anyway. ) So, if we had an Iron Dome, shooting rockets at us would be acceptable because we have defenses against rockets? Is that what you're insinuating?
  5. Good thing we have these neat things called toilets. If we all sh#t in the street I'd be worried. For those who needed a reason to not sh#t in the street; it spreads ebola. There you go. On an unrelated-to-toilets note; Tschu, give this a look. Good stuff from the viral experts, particularly in the first section, on RNA mutation rates and the actuality of any threat developing- http://jvi.asm.org/content/79/18/11555.full

    1. Junior


      Love is sd'sker and shawnwatson.

    2. Junior


      They could show you, but you can't unsee that.

  7. Just turned 22. Just entered public health workforce, busting my balls to save a bunch of dumbasses who don't deserve to still be alive anyways. All this social responsibiltiy piling up on me has me poppin' xanex like they're f'ing pez. Gonna get into oxys next and that'll probably be my gateway into some serious mind altering sh#t. John Lennon LSD episodes. Gonna save lives and lose my consciousness concurrently. If I could feel any part of my body through the pills i'd probably have the blahs. Not happening. Living that dream gentlemen.
  8. Cops shot a dog in my city. Whole place is getting burned down. Pandemonium out here. See you guys in hell, you guys.

    1. huKSer


      Rabid? Had a baby in its mouth? A poodle with a stupid ribbon in its hair?

    2. NUance


      Pissed on a cop car tire? Chased a motorcycle cop? Stole a cop's donut?

    3. Marf


      Nah. Way worse. Barked... From inside a car... behind a closed window.

  9. Basketball on grass. Huh. Except for that, you know, tackling thing we do in football. How about Rex Burkhead takes a run at Steve Nash in the A gap, and you let me know how well the whole basketball on grass thing holds up. Fire Beck immediately for such blasphemy.
  10. THC (marijuana) stays in your system longer because your body doesn't consider it to be a bad thing. alcohol and the other illegal drugs are out of your system in a few days because your body views it as poison, and as such tries to purge it as quickly as possible. it tries to hold on to THC, which should tell you all that you need to know about how bad they are for you. if we're going on a strictly "how bad is it for you" scale, alcohol is much worse. the only real danger from marijuana is damage to your lungs, and there are ways to ingest THC that no longer require you to smoke it. you shouldn't smoke it and drive around, but you shouldn't after drinking either, which we all know is a common enough occurrence. That's not how bodies work. At all.
  11. OLE MISS BOOSTERS OUTBID US?!?!?!?! #firebo

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Count 'Bility

      Count 'Bility

      We didnt need phillips to win. Hence we put the greatest team of all tome on the field without him for most of the season

    3. Judoka


      We paid Philips?

    4. NUpolo8


      The premise that Nebraska won the "right way" by committing no trespasses ever, will never not be laughable.

  12. How the hell can you show something stopped a mass murder? That's like saying your bone almost broke. I mean, it did happen or it didn't. Shrodinger sh#t going on in here.
  13. I like to think of my H2O with giant eagles wings, and singing lead vocals for Lynyrd Skynyrd with an angel band, and I'm in the front row and I'm hammered drunk.
  14. Michigan's disadvantage is just that; they were dominant at the club level. Unfortunately, they kept their same coach who excelled in the MCLA ranks but is in way way over his head at the NCAA Division 1 level. He runs routine 3 across zone rides and Princeton slide packages; things that worked for him in the MCLA where his teams were far and away athletically superior, but at the NCAA level Michigan is basically a joke. Michigan will continue to be a doormat until they dump Mr. Paul and hire some real coaching expertise in. Michigan high school lacrosse players, in general, are talented enough to play upper level lacrosse, Big Blue could pull any recruit they want in that state, but it takes a good coach to draw the talent, and the best of the best from the state continue to go to the Marylands/Hopkins/Syracuses of the world. As for Nebraska. Way off in the future. Nebraska high school lacrosse is about as low of quality as you will find in the United States. UNL currently has a club team that is rather poor in the MCLA, the same league Michigan dominated for 5 years. There is talent to be pulled from Oregon/Washington/Idaho/Texas that is still undiscovered by the purists back East who only want Maryland/Long Island kids, but more established programs like Denver are starting to pick those talent clusters clean. Nebraska's only hope would be a ton of out of state recruiting on the west coast, but at this point it'd be too little too late to establish a foothold. Going to have to wait for in state talent to catch up to make a push, so we're talking 15-20 years minimum. Way, way, way off.
  15. My job is to educate the population on vaccines. I am currently unable to go to that job because I have pertussis, a vaccine-preventable illness which I contracted while educating the public on vaccines. Public health irony.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. JJ Husker

      JJ Husker

      So Marf, did you not get the vaccine or did you get it and it didn't work?

    3. Marf


      My vaccine expired. I received it a long time ago. I am embarrassed.

    4. NUance


      First world problems. Well, actually, third world problems.

  16. Blah blah. I mean, I am sure the BLM was jerking Bundy around a bit. But come on. What is the catalyst in this situation? The dumbass who doesn't pay his bills. Same sh#t at Ruby Ridge. I mean sure, the govt waddled on in there and made a very big mess. Why? Dumbass Randy Weaver sold sawed off shotguns. Does that necessitate capping his wife and kid? Nope, don't think so. Big bad govt made the smarter choice and decided to not turn Bundy/Associates into a pile of meat like they did in Idaho. I'd call that progress right?!?! If these whack jobs would quit thinking they are above and beyond the US government we'd quit having issues.
  17. I don't know about you, but i'm feeling twenty twoooo.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. GSG


      Happy B-day Marf. Don't listen to that crap though lol

    3. RedRedJarvisRedwine


      Did I click on some link that sent me to a site where grown men quote crappy angsty tween age whiny off key man hating catty off pitch songs.

    4. zoogs


      Oh naw you DIIIINNNNNN'T

  18. My poor Zags ran into a buzzsaw. Oh well. College basketball pretty much over for me, couple weeks of lacrosse then onto college football. Pretty stoked, you guys.

    1. Savage Husker

      Savage Husker

      Not too many people happy with Few.

  19. Don't think I've seen a game with such a free throw disparity. Stupid way to go out.

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