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Everything posted by UniversalMartin

  1. I live outside the middle of the country and rock my Adidas slides, cargo shorts and Nike T while buying Kirkland socks at Costco...winning!!! $20 you watch "Keeping Up With The Kardashians"
  2. We are a P5 historical Blue Blood and our QB situation over the past 20 years has been akin to a High School team that their starting QB is also the starting D-Tackle
  3. Oh the hope I had when it was 13-7 and they had 3rd and long
  4. As a former ref, albeit HS basketball, there was not one time I cared about who won...with that said, it's not big time or just College in general. I just know refs and a vast majority on the HS level I worked with just wanted to call a good clean game.
  5. I learned my wife is starting to genuinely believe she is the jinx to Nebraska, we met in 03.
  6. Yeah, not understanding anyone who would think going for the TD then was a bad choice...100% believe the coaches said, " you got 3- 4 seconds to throw it, has to be in the zone or thrown away...we will kick the FG if incomplete"...just a poor decision on Sims part
  7. Preaching to the choir my man...for all the great things Few does, his loyalty to starters is a work area. There were many times this year GU had double digit leads with under 4 to go, game well in hand and he had Timme, Strawther and starting guards still on the floor. We lost not just Hunter but as well as Dominick Harris to the portal this year likely because of stuff like that.
  8. As a GU fan....we are bummed...the dudes a get. With that said, iam a Husker at heart, so hell yeah!!!!
  9. I don't believe any Husker related football "this is going to be dope" jargon until I see it actually on the field against teams not named Nebraska.
  10. I don't understand how any Husker fan can see this, knowing our YEARS of laziness, and not think this is a good thing.
  11. "Only a Sith deals in absolutes" #TheObiWanKenobiAbsolutes #isn't it ironic...don't ya think
  12. Death stares you straight in the face, it doesn't look to the side and duck face. IMPROVEMENT!!
  13. Bout as good as time as any to use a word I rarely use...."egads!!!"
  14. Ironically, I think the limited number let in (4) amplifies talent gaps, whereas more let in would have that play out on a more sensible scale
  15. Yeah, f#&% YOU skip bayless...you pos worm
  16. Exactly, I actually thought Harbaugh played the time pretty well
  17. Ummm..that was 100% targeting. We all have seen far less get called. I hate Michigan...but?
  18. I just hate how everything is up for immediate public opinion, I am guilty as charged for being a breeze of wind in those sails...it just sucks at the end of the day. Decisions are made on "what if" instead of "what happened". Not talking about the MJ situation in general, it's just another example of how we as people form a quick opinion without zero context/facts and the internet does the rest.
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