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C N Red

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Everything posted by C N Red

  1. Booger Picker better get his act together today!! #GoBears

  2. Nebraska Basketball standard offense is to pass the ball around the perimeter and everyone just stand around. What in the hell happened to pass the ball and pick away to try and get others open. It's like its illegal to pick off ball. So sick of the high ball screen, we've never been able to run that. Miles just has no creativity. It's getting hard to watch.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. JJ Husker

      JJ Husker

      TT played pretty physical and has really good defense. I don't know about the first 4 teams we played but thinking they weren't near as good. TT was picked 7th in the Big 12 preseason for reference- I thought they looked better than that. We'll know more after we play a couple more better teams but the style and intensity of Nebraska's play seemed the same as usual. Not good if we have to depend on other teams handing us games. BTW, I'm just a casual observer of Nebrasketball. There are many others who could offer much better insight.

    3. huskered17


      Sports Ill, said we would win our first ncaa tour game this year. 

      What I'm reading here doesn't sound good. Probably just an off night for the team.:dunno



    4. C N Red

      C N Red

      If Miles could ever find an offense that gets guys moving off the ball we would be fine. Its just so much standing around, and against a good defense its not gonna work. If we could even run something similar to the Princeton offense it would make a huge difference.

  3. Surprising. Been a liability most of the year imo. But good for him.
  4. I really hope so! If we can really get hard into Georgia it'd be huge!!
  5. Really? I went to school in Lincoln and had all my heavy clothing. That sounds like you making excuses for a child. My parents would have looked at me sideways, and i will do the same to mine.
  6. I know people will some how find a way to stick up for the student section, but i sit in the north and have had to look at a wayyyy to empty student section too many times over the last 15 years. I get it, we've sucked some over the years and a few games i can understand, but its getting to a point of being embarrassing. They call for a black out and cant even get their sections filled. Sorry, but its time to cut back student tix and start selling seats to the public. There are 80-90 year olds i saw in the stands for the whole game yesterday.
  7. They have to have eligibility left. That's the #1 caveat. I'm guessing most of these guys are seniors and have used up their 4 years.
  8. Borchardt and Heiman are both already better than Jordy.

    1. TonyStalloni
    2. Minnesota_husker


      Heiman rebounds better than Jordy thats for sure. 

  9. This is almost hard to believe. Cool, but hard to believe. Getting a 3 seed would be sweet.
  10. I love the uniforms, but they should of just went with a real cream color for the helmets without the "straps". Please no jokes.
  11. Dont disagree, but you are gonna start seeing a lot more people with medicaid that are now able bodied, can work, and dont have kids. Thats who this expansion is about. Not about people who actually need it, its actually probably gonna hurt a lot of those who actually need it. To fund it for more its most likely they will have to take away some coverage from those who actualky need it. I would be VERY surprised if this gets enacted that the state unemployment rate doesnt increase. Also the reason the uninsured rate went down is b/c the gov't subsidizes people for insurance now. So, the less you make(work)the more they will pay for your insurance. Its taking a lot of money away from other things that need it to pay people for not willing to work enough in many instances. Ive had people tell me they only work so many hours a week so they get their full alottment of obamacare subsidies, even though there are hours available to work.
  12. I work in healthcare too, and probably make at least 50% of my $ from insurance. As far as medicaid goes, i would say only about 20% of adults i see that have it, should actually be on it. Plenty able bodied, minimal health issues, with plenty of jobs available. And they continue to have kids just to get as much help from the government they can. It ends up being a never ending cycle b/c there are no consequences to not keep doing it. The same families have it over and over for generations b/c the system is so easy to beat, and now its gonna be even easier. But lets just keep increasing the taxes of people who actually work so we can take care of them.
  13. No, im VERY much for affordable healthcare with better deductibles. The plans right now are ridiculous. It was MUCH better before obamacare. A lot more plans to choose from with optional deductibles and coinsurance. Right now as a self-employed person, i have one plan to choose from, Medica(which sucks), with high deductibles for more than was paying before obamacare. We need to go back to a better version of what we had before obamacare. Why do you think so many people want medicaid expansion? One reason of course is laziness, but the other is for a way to get insurance other than health market choices which there really isnt any choices. s#!t, pretty soon we will be like Canada anyway, with everyone on Medicaid.
  14. I really think the biggest thing being voted on today is the medicaid expansion. Its really surprising how many are voting for it. This could really hurt the state. All that money leaving the state and not coming back crap thats been spewed must really be working. If this passes we will have a budget shortfall. I dont think we will be able to balance our state budget with this without what? Taking money from education, infrastructure, etc. Very possible increase of taxes too. It helps able bodied people WITHOUT children. Of course they dont care about much of this. I guess alot of those people who dont want to work actually got up off their couches today to vote.
  15. Also, greater chance there will be Athlete only orgies there to increase chances of having much better future teams at the University with genetically better prodigies.
  16. Honestly, this kid doesn't sound very confident in his skills as he sounds pretty worried about competing for playing time. He wants to go to a school he can play right away without having to compete very hard. From what i'm seeing from Frost and Company, kids like this will not last long here anyway so probably best he goes somewhere else.
  17. Not the first nor the last time a promise made to the recruits family will change the recruits decision.
  18. Theres 2 in flag shorts. I actually just watched it. It ends with....kentucky.com So, Im going with best friend is one in flag shorts with UK shirt.
  19. Cool, just dont be getting hurt doing it. And who is the guy laughing? Thats better than the trick....Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
  20. Why in the hell are they even playing this game. We basically have no chance to win. Wonder what Purdue's odds were?
  21. Can someone please find out which one of the guys is his best friend? Then we can all quit guessing.
  22. I think this guy could be really good. Not sure about talent level hes playing against, but doesnt matter, b/c even if its not good hes destroying them. And if its above average talent its really impressive!
  23. Desmond Howard is sooooo bad at color. I mean hes terrible as an analyst in general, but i think hes even worse at color. He cant even do Maction worth a s#!t

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. C N Red

      C N Red

      The dude could be white, yellow, red, etc, if he is the same person as a different color he would still be terrible. He has no idea about what hes talking about as it pertains to football.

    3. ZRod


      We're just f#&%ing with you CN. Des sucks, we all know it. His takes are always hot garbage, and he's basically on Gameday to be inflammatory.

    4. The Dude

      The Dude

      I identify as a young black woman.

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