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  1. Your first sports memory, about yourself.


    Mine...Tee-Ball.  Never played before but my mom wanted to be able to "see me" so she told me to play first base...so I asked the coach and ended up playing first base (and catcher, because I sucked) forever.  

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    2. ColoradoHusk


      I was a total sports dork/spaz when I was a kid, especially with baseball.  I looked forward to those games and would be so mad when the games were rained out.  My first memories were in the beginning of "kid pitch".  This was back in the day where they didn't transition from tee ball to coach/machine pitch to kid pitch.


      I would get on the rubber and throw the ball as hard as I could.  I was pretty wild and hit a lot of kids.  I remember one game where I was pitching, and the ball went up and in on the hitter.  Well, the ball hit off the handle of the bat, deflected and hit the kid in the face.  I remember the delay it caused from the kid being hurt.  I didn't really know how to react being the "cause" of this kid's injury.

    3. RedDenver


      Soccer in 1st grade when we still played on the full size field. I played fullback, and one game the goalie and I brought Hot Wheels and played in the dirt because once the ball went to the other end of the field, it was never making it back.

    4. HUSKERherc


      Pee-wee ball (coach pitch).  Last batter for the other team and we were always told to throw the ball to the catcher no matter what.  I was playing short stop.  The batter hit's it out to the fence.  I cut the ball off at the edge of the grass, spin around and launch the ball at the catcher.  As the catcher is standing on home plate, our coach starts walking past the plate to go take the mound, even though there were still a couple kids running the bases.  The catcher sticks his glove up and catches my throw that is like inches away from hitting our coach in the face.  Our coach was pissed.  "WHO THREW THAT?!?!.....WHO THREW THAT BALL?!?!?!"  I'm jogging towards the dugout at this point and I raise my hand in the air.  Coach goes on to chew my a$$ about how the play was over and I should have just held the ball and handed it to him instead of throwing it to the catcher.  I was terrified to make a play for several games after that.  Kept second guessing whether or not I should throw the ball.

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