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Everything posted by darkhorse85

  1. You can buy an autographed can of Spaghettios on his website for $15. From the website: "I will autograph this can of spaghettios with the same powerful right arm & wrist that I use to throw rocket balls" Yeah, he could use some help. Yikes.
  2. Have any of you ever told someone on the street to go "F" themselves? Like, even if you really, really didn't like the person I still don't think 99% of people would do that. This is definitely "Cool story, bro" material.
  3. Terry Glenn was pretty awesome for OSU that year. But who knows how much of an impact he would have had for them without George taking a lot of the heat.
  4. Same. Obviously would have loved to see Tommie get it but Eddie George also went out and was ROTY in the NFL the next year. That has nothing to do with winning the Heisman but it's a credit to how good Eddie George was. Great players, both of them.
  5. Urban Meyer to Liberty confirmed?
  6. I heard they're just getting new smoothie makers....with dome lids for extra smoothie volume. So there's your dome connection. Lets see recruits turn that down.
  7. I believe it too. We'll just probably never know how hard the decision was for him. The thought could have been fleeting for all we know.
  8. Frost will have these guys doing the Triple Lindy in no time.
  9. I was really hoping Suh and Lolo Jones would have about 15 babies when they were seeing each other.
  10. I ate there a handful of times in college. Had to pay, yes. Of course I didn't have a meal plan at all so I paid every time I ate in a dining hall (rarely). Pretty sure even if you had a meal plan you had to pay at the training table though.
  11. Would love to see this kid here. It's obvious he's not afraid to put in the work and he has his dad to thank for that. http://www.mitchellrepublic.com/news/4254701-48-chamberlains-police-chief-still-competing-states-best-weightlifters
  12. Ahem....I'll have you know that our coach has amassed half the number of losses that your coach has in about a quarter of the time. What say you now, Badger boy? Ah...I've got nothing. Good luck this Saturday.
  13. That place burnt down a few years ago I think.
  14. Same. I've been to Boulder for multiple games as well as Madison. Never has a bad experience at either place. Both are beautiful cities. I'm sure these stories started from something but by the way everyone talks you'd think you're walking into these towns like John McClain with his sandwich board at the beginning of Die Hard with a Vengeance.
  15. Yes. I don't stand or whatever they ask vets to do at these events anymore. My wife thinks I should but I just feel uncomfortable doing it. I didn't serve for recognition. I served because I wanted to do it. I don't ask for your thanks but at the same time I won't be a dick to you for thanking me either. Uncle Same gave me an education for "free" so I consider us square. I don't talk about my service much either because it won't resonate with most people. People ask dumb questions. I can't tell you how many times I've been asked if I've ever killed anyone. Why does that matter? Are you going to think any more/less of me by my honest answer to that question? Kick rocks, buddy. I personally think this chair/seat thing is kind of dumb but I won't disrespect it either. I think some of the other veteran recognition things are kind of dumb too. I know people that just eat up the recognition and have never left CONUS. Now, I'm not saying you ever need to be deployed to make a difference in the military but it's hard to take someone seriously is they've never has their ass in the grass. I'm jaded. I've seen a lot of weird s#!t in the short time I was in the military. The world is a super messed up place.
  16. Well it was a parking lot before they built this so I think they'll be okay.
  17. I'm glad to see Mike Arthur is on the mend. Guy was a mess for quite some time.
  18. 402 kids will also have the option of tattooing it on their cheeks as eye black.
  19. I was robbing a completely different house.
  20. Crazy, isn't it? Growing up I could have never imagined having two so highly rated receivers playing here st the same time. Pretty awesome.
  21. What kind of crack was I smoking to think it was field turf then? Yikes, my mistake. Nothing to see here!
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