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Everything posted by ZRod

  1. Jaw 3-D, easily the best movie in the franchise.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. GM_Tood
    3. teachercd


      The Jaws movie that Michael Cain was in was really bad but Cain has a great line, he was asked about that movie and he said "Truthfully, I have never seen the movie but I hear it is bad...I have seen the house that it bought and it is very very nice"

    4. ZRod


      f#*k you guys. I meant Jaws ya hosers

  2. Because they trounced the almighty Bama. Duh!
  3. It was nice knowing you GSG. Fare thee well.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ZRod


      getting banned?

    3. ZRod


      You jerk you changed stati.

    4. GSG


      So be it

  4. There's quiet a few teams that I think are just where they are on name recognition. Auburn must feel like they never get any respect, always second fiddle in their own state. You know what I like. There's three teams from Texas on that list, and guess who's not one of them!
  5. This new quoting systems, it is strange...

    1. The Dude

      The Dude

      It's like a new pair of underwear. At first it's restrictive, but then it becomes apart of you.

    2. beanman


      I like the change. Well done Mods.

  6. Are you kidding me, Amelia Earhart is still playing from the 1937 world championships True, I guess I should have said for 2014.
  7. Don't forget the free tutoring, housing stipend, and access to facilities that other students either can't access or have very limited access to (ie the weight room and training table).
  8. I thought flight 370 was the hide and seek champion
  9. I don't think they believe in Satan in the biblical sense of the devil and hell.
  10. Either way, is it bad if it brings a smile to my face? Because it did...
  11. Landlord broke the internet again, or he's about to get banned.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. NUance


      I heard Landlord's account was taken over by EZ.

    3. ZRod


      Idk what you did all I know is I can't post on your status.

    4. NUance


      Heh, neither can I. Funny that.

  12. I often wonder how many of those guys that "go hungry" can afford still afford to pay for tattoos, going downtown in the off season, or that nice car they drive. If they don't have golden pants that is.
  13. Don't rush into cinco.

    1. JJ Husker

      JJ Husker

      Order the mayo.

    2. NUance


      You're not the boss of me.

    3. swmohusker


      Always start with dos

  14. Turns out this morning I'm 220. Weighed in at 212 lbs this morning. I'm headed in the right direction. Slowly. Are you still 4'10" though?! Just kidding... Good work! Please refrain from discussing my penis. / I'm a shade under 6'4" btw. 4.10" that's impressive! At 6'4" you better take it easy or you'll be a twig before to long. I haven't weighed in, with my golf cart whip lash, Easter candy, and school work it's been a perfect storm.
  15. If you step back and look at character development, doesn't it make sense that the ultimate villain would be a whiny little bitch? Evil is often the greatest form of selfishness. Don't you have to be a bumbling young fool before you can become a wise old man? I'm sure if Lucas would have fleshed out 2 more series to show the development of Vader and the other characters people might praise his genius. Utly, you sound like all the transformer fan boys that had Michael Bay ruin their childhood as well. We 20 somethings grew up with Star Wars just the same as the 30 and up crowd. We had the action figures, the light sabers, the giant X-wings and Millennium Falcons, and the bed sheets and underwear. Don't forget that the movies were also re-released in the late 90's. We just have the added advantage of not being an adult when the prequels were release so we were still able to experience the child like wonder and not the have the burden of being an adult and over analyzing everything.
  16. Oh sweet Jesus! You realize if they come at you with tanks, APCs, bombers, fighters, and missiles those guns aren't good for much anymore.
  17. Why have I not heard about this before. That is insane if true. It seems way to outrageous to be true to me though.
  18. This is true...You should cut back on as much dairy as possible when trying to diet as milk is labeled as "heavy" and will affect how your body digests the food you have eaten. I don't eat cereal any more, but you can replace regular milk with plain almond milk. The kind I buy has literally 1g of carbs per serving (8 servings in half gallon). Taste isn't horrible, although it is a bit pricier than normal milk. Never cared for the plain stuff. I liked the sweetened but then it has as much sugar as skim milk but less protein. And 60 carbs is insane to me. If I stay under 200g I feel like I'm doing good.
  19. Seems pretty solid Knap. I'm curious as to why they have you avoiding all the gluten grains unless you have an allergy or something. For me cutting down on the carbs has meant good results in losing weight. I rarely eat bread or pasta, but I eat a tone of veggies and a couple pieces of fruit everyday. If I do eat pasta regularly I basically plateau on weight loss until I cut back again. One indirect piece of advice I took from Chaddy was to cut back on the milk I drink, there's "hidden" carbs in there. I used to drink at least 3 glasses a day, now I only drink 1 maybe 2. Mainly I just put it on my granola in the morning and that's about it.
  20. With the way the Big12 was trending it might not have been terible as long as we had a D.
  21. Doubt it. If he was successful he'd probably move on, maybe to OSU after Tressel. If he wasn't successful or had a similar record to what it is now he would of got the Solich treatment from Stevie P.
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