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Status Updates posted by commando

  1. nope...not me



    1. BigRedBuster


      There is no way in hell......

    2. JJ Husker

      JJ Husker


      Reminds me of driving the Oh My God road from Central City to Idaho Springs in Colo…..only way worse.

    3. suh_fan93


      I'm not watching that.  Noooope.  lol

  2. chance to see northern lights tonight



    1. BigRedBuster


      Crap, was this last night?  If so, is there any chance of this again tonight?

    2. commando


      it was due to solar  storms yesterday.  i doubt they will be going on again tonight.

    3. admo


      Aurora Borealis chuckleshuffle  


      Nearly amazing as NGC 7293 "God's Eye" 


      Туманность Улитка (Helix Nebula, NGC 7293)

  3. are there any masons here?   if so....can you tell me how this structure managed to stand long enough to get the roof on it?  is there anything they did right here?



    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. MLB 51

      MLB 51

      Those look like pavers or cap stones. There are some steel rods sticking out above the doorway, but I doubt there are any vertical pieces of rebar in there. Those stones aren't hollow. Probably some place in South America. :)

    3. commando


      can anyone translate what those guys are saying?


    4. BigRedBuster


      I would not even want to walk into that building.

  4. i started the prayer thread since no one else has done it yet.   first time i have had the honor...don't mess it up.   

    1. GSG
    2. ladyhawke


      First time I didn’t post on Let’s Pray. Sorry about that 

  5. K-state making oklahoma look bad

  6. i thought it was a tribute to the warriors when i first saw this.  guess that means i am old



    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. commando


      never heard of him.  like i said....i am old.  lol



      They actually ain't too bad.

    4. JJ Husker

      JJ Husker

      I know exactly what you mean. And I don’t know who Ghost is either.


      Warriors, come out and plaaeyay.

  7. good news...the Huskers won't lose this weekend!


    1. JJ Husker

      JJ Husker

      You seem pretty confident in that prediction. :ohnoes

    2. admo


      They might win it !!! Huskers favored by 3


      Rookie GIF

  8. godspeed Dr. Fever



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ladyhawke


      Yes. He was so much fun! WKRP was a favorite-especially the Turkey Drop!


    3. commando


      i still try to watch the turkey drop episode every thanksgiving.   

    4. RedDenver


      The drinking test with the cop is also great.

  9. in honor of spotify pulling his music



    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. commando
    3. commando
    4. admo


      Well I heard Mister Young sing about her
      Well I heard ol' Neil put her down
      Well I hope Neil Young will remember,
      A southern man don’t need him around anyhow..

      - Lynyrd Skynyrd (Sweet Home Alabama)


      The riff betweeen Neil Young and Skynyrd?



      Truth is, nothing but respect  :woo



  10. R.I.P John Madden



    1. JJ Husker

      JJ Husker

      Sad about this. Madden was the man. I knew of him more as a coach and announcer and not really as the namesake of the video game. He was a very likable guy that did a ton for the sport. I hate that we’re losing all the icons.

    2. The Dude

      The Dude

      Honestly I assumed he was already gone.


      RIP to one of the great ambassadors to the best sport in the history of the world.

    3. ladyhawke


      It’s sad that everyone was just talking about him and he unexpectedly passes away. RIP

  11.  how does pass interference work in the B1G?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. JJ Husker

      JJ Husker

      @BigRedBuster Exactly.  There are always many things the team can/should do to take the game out of the referee’s hands but that we didn’t/haven’t does not reduce the importance of obvious bad calls by the officials.


      I’m not very prone to conspiracies but our history with B1G officiating paints a pretty compelling picture that there is something less than fair and equal afoot.

    3. BigRedBuster


      @JJ Husker When playing good teams in the top 15, a lot can go into a win or a loss.  A team can play very well and still lose just to a better team in a well fought game.  But....you should never have this bad of a mistake by the refs that very well could have affected the outcome of the game.  


      It is just absolutely unacceptable.  

    4. TonyStalloni


      Hey Wisconsin is going to make the BIG some serious money. Nebraska isn’t going to make them a cent. We need to be ahead by ten points or more in the last minute or these calls will continue.

  12. this is a first.....walked out the front door and see a chicken sitting on the hood of our car.  

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. TonyStalloni


      Had you just washed the car? You know how birds love a freshly washed car!

    3. BigRedBuster


      Did you have fried chicken for supper?

    4. JJ Husker

      JJ Husker

      Maybe it was the notorious joy riding chicken getting ready to steal your car?



  13. got to admit....the boards automatic censor of bad language has saved me from getting banned after yesterdays game.    i know many of my posts have those symbols instead of the words i used in them. 

  14. it's not over till it's over.  down 24 to 7 with 1:09 left and they come back to win (no overtime)



    1. NoLongerN


      That was amazing.  Bishop Gorman is no slouch either.  

  15. 8 left




    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. TonyStalloni


      We are reaching a point when musicians from 60's and 70's bands who haven't died from abuse are dieing of old age.It's a bit amazing many have lasted this long given the lifestyle in their early years. 

    3. teachercd


      When Keith dies, we can smoke his ashes and get high.

    4. suh_fan93


      Charlie was a great drummer and definitely a nice person.  :(  RIP.  He had a helluva run.

  16. i remember this.    wish it had never strayed away from music and into reality TV



    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. teachercd


      Anyone remember the parents that were outraged over MTV, how it was going to ruin their kids!


      And the first Real Word they let the people watch TV in the house, then they realized that being "real" meant you watch a lot of f#&%ing TV and that is boring, so they took the TV's out.

    3. JJ Husker

      JJ Husker

      Ah yes, when MTV actually played only music videos 247. MTV kicked off my freshman year at UNL. It was on all the time in every room. The only exception was 11 at night when All Night Live with uncle Ed was on….and Monday Night Football.

    4. admo


      MTV, skateboarding, staying up late and rockin' was the best.  You feel me?





  17. who put the curse on me.   covid in january....now i ruptured my achiilles.   out of work for at least 12 weeks now.  i thought 2020 was bad.....2021 said hold my beer.   

    1. JJ Husker

      JJ Husker

      Dang. Sorry to hear that. Ruptured Achilles does not sound pleasant.

    2. ladyhawke


      Feel better soon! My husband had that happen to him a few years ago!  Just do everything they tell you!

  18. on day 3 of trying to pass a kidney stone...i find out i also have covid.   thanks 2020.



      2020 wasn't going to let go of you that easy!!   Get well and watch out for a ricochet!

    2. JJ Husker

      JJ Husker

      Good luck on both fronts.....probably moreso with the kidney stone. Those sumb!^@hes hurt! I had a bunch at once a couple years ago, one was the size of a shooter marble. Had to be surgically removed. I didn't have an opportunity to try to pass them, thankfully.

    3. commando


      yes...the kidney stones are causing more suffering than the covid is....i think.   not sure if the extreme headaches and the constant fatigue is the result of the pain from the kidney stones or they are symptoms of covid.   could be both i guess.

  19. covid has gone too far this time.  RIP Dawn Wells.  



    1. JJ Husker

      JJ Husker

      I always thought Mary Ann was much hotter than Ginger.

    2. HuskerInLostWages


      @JJ Huskerno doubt about it, she was.

  20. first thing i thought wasn't "thats a cool flamethrower".   my first thought was "dang, that's 1 heck of a big wasp nest"   fwiw...i believe that's a murder hornet nest.      



    1. knapplc


      They've been using flamethrowing drones in China for a while. 





      The stupid stuff I could do with one of these !

  21. can anyone see the northern lights tonight?   i haven't noticed them

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. macroboy


      They are right next to Uranus.

    3. JJ Husker

      JJ Husker

      @macroboy Why are you looking at his anus? :lol:


      Obligatory Uranus joke.

    4. macroboy


      @JJ Husker they never get old. 

  22. WTF?  is this the secret to winning in the B1G?



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