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Kenny Bell and NCAA Reform

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Why should they have to? College athletics are a billion dollar industry. Plenty of money right there.



Why should normal students? College academics are a multi-million dollar industry. Plenty of money there.

Is that why they continue to raise tuition and layoff professors and have budget cutbacks? How many video games using a normal student's likeness are there? How many science classes are Adidas and Nike sponsoring? How many Math Bowls are getting $15 million to compete?


And I am not saying that normal students should. If they don't like the situation, do something about it like athletes are.


Why do athletic departments constantly have to ask for HUGE donations to operate if they are in this billion dollar business? Simply looking at revenues means absolutely NOTHING!!!

Why would you use your own money if you knew you could get a bunch of people to just give it to you?

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Why should they have to? College athletics are a billion dollar industry. Plenty of money right there.



Why should normal students? College academics are a multi-million dollar industry. Plenty of money there.

Is that why they continue to raise tuition and layoff professors and have budget cutbacks? How many video games using a normal student's likeness are there? How many science classes are Adidas and Nike sponsoring? How many Math Bowls are getting $15 million to compete?


And I am not saying that normal students should. If they don't like the situation, do something about it like athletes are.


Why do athletic departments constantly have to ask for HUGE donations to operate if they are in this billion dollar business? Simply looking at revenues means absolutely NOTHING!!!

Why would you use your own money if you knew you could get a bunch of people to just give it to you?




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Greed. Starts at the top and trickles right on down. Enough is never enough.


There's no reason salaries for any of these people needs to be so high, including Presidents of Universities on down to the coaching staff's. Yet, every year they climb. Television deals in the billions? For what? Who is paying for this?


Ticket prices go up every season. Student athletes don't feel they are being compensated appropriately. What's the answer? I don't know. I'm sure if the guys at the top weren't so f'ing arrogant and extravagant in the ways they flash their increasing money deals and salaries, it may help.


Do you yank scholarships away? Here you go kids. No more scholarship. You want to play ball for a living and get an education I guess you'd better find a way to do it. Wanna make the big NFL dollars some day playing the game you love? Well, the red carpet entrance, the stage on which you showcase those talents, it no longer is given to you. Is that the answer? Probably not.


At some point people have to stop taking and start giving back. That won't ever happen. So f#*k it. Pay em' all. Pay em massive amounts of money. It will never be enough, so to hell with it. The fans will always foot the bill. Til' they don't, or can't anymore I guess. Of course, when the fans can't afford it anymore, they will just ask for more money from their work place.......blah blah. What a society.


Best post I have read in a long time and agree with it 99.9%! Can't say 100% because nothing is ever a sure thing! + 1 True!



To further your comments True... see link;


By Laura A. Bischoff


Columbus Bureau





E. Gordon Gee makes millions as president of Ohio State University, but a Dayton Daily News investigation found the university spends almost as much for Gee to travel the globe, throw parties, wine and dine donors, woo prospective faculty, hang out with students and staff and maintain a 9,600-square-foot mansion on 1.3 acres. (For full story click link below!)





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Greed. Starts at the top and trickles right on down. Enough is never enough.


There's no reason salaries for any of these people needs to be so high, including Presidents of Universities on down to the coaching staff's. Yet, every year they climb. Television deals in the billions? For what? Who is paying for this?


Ticket prices go up every season. Student athletes don't feel they are being compensated appropriately. What's the answer? I don't know. I'm sure if the guys at the top weren't so f'ing arrogant and extravagant in the ways they flash their increasing money deals and salaries, it may help.


Do you yank scholarships away? Here you go kids. No more scholarship. You want to play ball for a living and get an education I guess you'd better find a way to do it. Wanna make the big NFL dollars some day playing the game you love? Well, the red carpet entrance, the stage on which you showcase those talents, it no longer is given to you. Is that the answer? Probably not.


At some point people have to stop taking and start giving back. That won't ever happen. So f#*k it. Pay em' all. Pay em massive amounts of money. It will never be enough, so to hell with it. The fans will always foot the bill. Til' they don't, or can't anymore I guess. Of course, when the fans can't afford it anymore, they will just ask for more money from their work place.......blah blah. What a society.


Best post I have read in a long time and agree with it 99.9%! Can't say 100% because nothing is ever a sure thing! + 1 True!



To further your comments True... see link;


By Laura A. Bischoff


Columbus Bureau





E. Gordon Gee makes millions as president of Ohio State University, but a Dayton Daily News investigation found the university spends almost as much for Gee to travel the globe, throw parties, wine and dine donors, woo prospective faculty, hang out with students and staff and maintain a 9,600-square-foot mansion on 1.3 acres. (For full story click link below!)







That pisses me off more as a father starting to send three kids to college and sky rocketing tuition that they will end up taking loans out to pay for than feeling sorry for some pampered athlete.

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Why should they have to? College athletics are a billion dollar industry. Plenty of money right there.

And you think all that money is just pocketed? You know they spend money to make the players wanna be there too right? Whether it's facilities, coaches players want, other sports that aren't as popular to watch and root for but are just as important. The money is needed (not all, mind you. But then again the players already get excess from beyond just their tuition) to keep the university going. So basically just because person A is more athletically gifted than person B, that person A deserves more and person B should have to work twice as hard to stay afloat in college only to be in massive debt once they're done? Talk about labeling. Who knew genes still dictate someone's place in the world....

When the university makes close to a half a billion dollars off of one type of student over the course of 4 years and not the other based on an ability such as athleticism, then they get treated differently.


I compensate my salesmen better than my warehouse workers because one makes me money by selling my product and the other one doesn't.

Which is related how? This is about students. Not car salesmen. The student athletes SHOULD and do get full tuition and everything else they already have. But other than injury related medical bills/ and tuition paid if you get a career ending injury, they need no extra compensation. The kids on academic schollies are the ones who get the grants and donations who keep the university afloat by raising the average gpa. Where's their stipends?

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Greed. Starts at the top and trickles right on down. Enough is never enough.


There's no reason salaries for any of these people needs to be so high, including Presidents of Universities on down to the coaching staff's. Yet, every year they climb. Television deals in the billions? For what? Who is paying for this?


Ticket prices go up every season. Student athletes don't feel they are being compensated appropriately. What's the answer? I don't know. I'm sure if the guys at the top weren't so f'ing arrogant and extravagant in the ways they flash their increasing money deals and salaries, it may help.


Do you yank scholarships away? Here you go kids. No more scholarship. You want to play ball for a living and get an education I guess you'd better find a way to do it. Wanna make the big NFL dollars some day playing the game you love? Well, the red carpet entrance, the stage on which you showcase those talents, it no longer is given to you. Is that the answer? Probably not.


At some point people have to stop taking and start giving back. That won't ever happen. So f#*k it. Pay em' all. Pay em massive amounts of money. It will never be enough, so to hell with it. The fans will always foot the bill. Til' they don't, or can't anymore I guess. Of course, when the fans can't afford it anymore, they will just ask for more money from their work place.......blah blah. What a society.


Best post I have read in a long time and agree with it 99.9%! Can't say 100% because nothing is ever a sure thing! + 1 True!



To further your comments True... see link;


By Laura A. Bischoff


Columbus Bureau





E. Gordon Gee makes millions as president of Ohio State University, but a Dayton Daily News investigation found the university spends almost as much for Gee to travel the globe, throw parties, wine and dine donors, woo prospective faculty, hang out with students and staff and maintain a 9,600-square-foot mansion on 1.3 acres. (For full story click link below!)







That pisses me off more as a father starting to send three kids to college and sky rocketing tuition that they will end up taking loans out to pay for than feeling sorry for some pampered athlete.


Yep, sad!


additional info at the bottom of that article I linked above. (Ouch!)


Ohio State University President E. Gordon Gee’s discretionary spending from Oct. 1 2007 through June 30, 2012:


Travel: $1.09 million


Tailgating: $813,000


President’s special events: $2.17 million


President’s office: $1.6 million


Residence operation: $2.1 million


Grand Total: $7.77 million


Source: OSU records


An apples to apples comparison of university presidents’ expenses is difficult because each institution lumps different items into its reports. Here is a look at expenses and compensation for the leaders of three large public universities.


E. Gordon Gee, Ohio State University, $1.9 million a year compensation, plus a car, house and access to charter jets. Travel, housing, entertainment spending 2007-mid-2012: $7.7 million


Bill Powers, University of Texas at Austin, $663,000 a year in compensation, no car or house, access to state-owned aircraft. Travel and entertainment spending 2007 to 2011: $$310,360


Mary Sue Coleman, University of Michigan, $860,782 a year in compensation, plus a car and house, flies commercial. Travel and entertainment spending 2007 to 2011: $410,235. Housing upkeep costs another $100,000 a year.

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E. Gordon Gee makes millions as president of Ohio State University, but a Dayton Daily News investigation found the university spends almost as much for Gee to travel the globe, throw parties, wine and dine donors, woo prospective faculty, hang out with students and staff and maintain a 9,600-square-foot mansion on 1.3 acres. (For full story click link below!)


Um, doesn't a university have to pull out all the stops to woo faculty and donors? That's some really important work there and I imagine one of the functions of its president.

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E. Gordon Gee makes millions as president of Ohio State University, but a Dayton Daily News investigation found the university spends almost as much for Gee to travel the globe, throw parties, wine and dine donors, woo prospective faculty, hang out with students and staff and maintain a 9,600-square-foot mansion on 1.3 acres. (For full story click link below!)


Um, doesn't a university have to pull out all the stops to woo faculty and donors? That's some really important work there and I imagine one of the functions of its president.


So it appears!

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The kids on academic schollies are the ones who get the grants and donations who keep the university afloat by raising the average gpa. Where's their stipends?




It's a valid argument. So where are the students leading the charge on that side?



Ummm...maybe they realize the education they are getting is worth it?

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The kids on academic schollies are the ones who get the grants and donations who keep the university afloat by raising the average gpa. Where's their stipends?




It's a valid argument. So where are the students leading the charge on that side?



Ummm...maybe they realize the education they are getting is worth it?

Keep on believing that.

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E. Gordon Gee makes millions as president of Ohio State University, but a Dayton Daily News investigation found the university spends almost as much for Gee to travel the globe, throw parties, wine and dine donors, woo prospective faculty, hang out with students and staff and maintain a 9,600-square-foot mansion on 1.3 acres. (For full story click link below!)


Um, doesn't a university have to pull out all the stops to woo faculty and donors? That's some really important work there and I imagine one of the functions of its president.


So it appears!



Obviously they need to do what is necessary to get the best faculty.


However, I have sales people on the road almost every week both driving and flying. Their travel expenses are a fraction of what the travel expenses are listed here.

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The kids on academic schollies are the ones who get the grants and donations who keep the university afloat by raising the average gpa. Where's their stipends?




It's a valid argument. So where are the students leading the charge on that side?



Ummm...maybe they realize the education they are getting is worth it?

Keep on believing that.


why should I stop.

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