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The General Election

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One thing that I would recommend to all on here, even those that do not support Trump, is to go on youtube and re-watch the election night coverage across multiple networks, and see how they covered the night, and how wrong so many of them were through the entire night.


  • The entire night started out with confident statements that "Trump MUST WIN Florida" to have a chance. In reality Trump could have still won the election without winning Florida
  • "Trump is going to lose the Hispanic vote badly." In reality, Trump got more Hispanic (and black) votes than Romney did
  • Upon realizing that Trump had a chance to win, then the panic set in and all the talk was focused on the world financial markets collapsing and possibly never recovering. In reality, the futures shot down for less than 24 hours, and now we are seeing a huge Trump rally on Wall Street on all the optimism of a new leader and new economic agenda


There are many more completely outlandish statements that were made through the night, and I realize hindsight is 20/20, but when we talk about media bias and fake news and there is evidence of how wrong the media was in their assessments and coverage, it should make everyone question what they read and hear from any journalist.

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I really don't give a flying rip what networks predicted outcomes wrong.


Most of America along with just about every prediction service had it wrong.


So what???? Are you trying to claim that all of these wrong sites are now some form of liberal propaganda machine???


If so, you have lost all sense of reality.


I suppose now we should all just go watch Fox News because they are do awesome and they are do fair and balanced.

  • Fire 3
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I really don't give a flying rip what networks predicted outcomes wrong.


Most of America along with just about every prediction service had it wrong.


So what???? Are you trying to claim that all of these wrong sites are now some form of liberal propaganda machine???


If so, you have lost all sense of reality.


I suppose now we should all just go watch Fox News because they are do awesome and they are do fair and balanced.


Wow, you have become quite sensitive these days. All networks (including PBS and Fox) made outlandish statements through the night, and if all of the media can be so wrong about an event that has had so much coverage for months and months, it's hard to accept what they have to say on topics that have received far less coverage. There seems to be plenty of talk about "fake" news and what can be believed vs not believed, and I think all Americans need to step back from all sources of news and question what they are reading or hearing on television, and the election night coverage of 2016 is the perfect case study to support this.

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Ok...I'll step away.


Here is what I would love for you to do.


Start a new thread titled "trump presidency".


In there you post links to articles you think we should read because they are all telling the truth with no bias.


Meanwhile, I'm going to read trumps tweets and listen to his own words.


So far, going do has lead me to believe he's an immature lying jackass.


Maybe this new thread can open my eyes so I don't have to actually pay attention to his own words.

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No gymnastics, but I'd wager a good deal Pence is handling foreign policy and strategy anyway.


Trump wants to ditch the POTUS handle in favor of the being CEO of the United States. He wants to surround himself with people he deems successful and simply delegate work to others. I think he just wants to micromanage his administration.


In terms of actual foreign policy and intelligence, I doubt he cares. The man just wants to market himself and be the center of attention. He's on a tour to soak up adoration right now for crying out loud.


He's an empty figurehead, but it's going to be four years of him trying to convince us every new thing he does is the greatest accomplishment since breaking free from Great Britain. The challenge for those who oppose him will be clearly demonstrating and articulating how he's actually doing things that are bad for people.

I think you got this pegged about right. :thumbs I think Pence behind the scene is the de facto president. Trump is the cheerleader getting all of the adulation. And to be honest, whatever happens well, will be because of Pence behind the scene working policy deals wt Congress. Trump will claim to be the big negotiator (maybe the final negotiation portion so he can get the credit ) but he doesn't know policy from a hole in the wall.

It was Pence who did the Carrier deal and it is Pence who knows the ins and outs of Congress and has the long term relationships there.

Interesting. This was pretty much the same thing the left said about Dubya and his VP.

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By the way, sorry for the sensitivity, I'm just tired of people telling me his own words and actions should not be paid attention to.


He and his supporters are gaslighting you. They're trying to normalize everything he does and convince people who are disgusted that it's their fault and there's really nothing wrong with Trump. FWIW, I think you're taking the right tact. Disregard others, look at what he says and does, and decide for yourself.


Also, tangentially, have you ever heard of Gish Gallop? Because Trump uses it a LOT. His entire existence is pretty much a giant Gish Gallop. It's a technique whereby one makes so many claims/arguments that are extremely loosely connected (at all) in trying to argue something that it's impossible to try to refute the mountain of BS they jsut put forth. They're SO wrong that it's hard to refute because you don't have the time or can't even remember all the points they made anyway.


Interesting psychological stuff.

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I really don't give a flying rip what networks predicted outcomes wrong.


Most of America along with just about every prediction service had it wrong.


So what???? Are you trying to claim that all of these wrong sites are now some form of liberal propaganda machine???


If so, you have lost all sense of reality.


I suppose now we should all just go watch Fox News because they are do awesome and they are do fair and balanced.

Are you saying that you don't see the obvious bias that every network minus Fox has against any Republican? (And yes Fox is just as bad in the other direction) Not to mention the collusion that CNN and others had with the DNC and the Clinton campaign during both the primaries and the general election is an embarrassment and that is the definition of corrupt liberal bias.The media is a joke because they hate anything republican and got caught with their biased ways, so Trump tweets to bypass them. I would do the same thing if I was in his shoes, why take the abuse from a bunch of liberal hacks that try to state that they are not bias when the evidence shows otherwise.


Now they once again want to show fake moral outrage for another topic that isn't true. Where was the outrage when the DNC was caught paying people to start fights at Trump rallies? They can't accept that they lost, so now it's Russia's fault that they lost. Now we have a POTUS wasting taxpayer dollars investigating something that was proven didn't happen months ago with no new evidence to come forward. If he was that worried about it, why not investigate it months ago? Or why wasn't it big deal when five foreign nations were able to hack into Hillary's illegal server that had national security info in them? But no, he lost, his legacy lost, and the Dems got slapped around last month because their elitist "we are smarter than you are and if you don't agree with us then you are a homophobe, racist, or sexist" attitude is out of touch with the country. Instead of losing gracefully, they bring up a bogus conspiracy theory which only makes them look worse to anyone that has half a brain.


Dems (as in elected officials, not anyone on here) need to grow a pair, admit that they are wrong and screwed this election up and get in touch with reality. If not then they are going to be in worse condition than the R's were in 2012.

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When is it that facts began being labeled as "partisan"? Half of the US has bought into the fact that if someone fact checks or presents verified data to show opposite their candidate's comments and views that they are a biased lynchmob.

When will the day come that eyes open and people realize that this whole time it hasnt been networks biased against the right, but instead that they have just all along, been telling the truth by doing fact based journalism. You know, the kind we used to insist on.

You know at some point you have to look in the mirror. When every tv, newspaper, pundit, ex president, senators from both sides and etc say this is a wacked, scary, unprecedented, dangerous situation then perhaps - just perhaps its time to consider that there are only two sources telling you otherwise, and they have active rolls in the cabinet of this demegogue,

  • Fire 4
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I really don't give a flying rip what networks predicted outcomes wrong.


Most of America along with just about every prediction service had it wrong.


So what???? Are you trying to claim that all of these wrong sites are now some form of liberal propaganda machine???


If so, you have lost all sense of reality.


I suppose now we should all just go watch Fox News because they are do awesome and they are do fair and balanced.

Are you saying that you don't see the obvious bias that every network minus Fox has against any Republican? (And yes Fox is just as bad in the other direction) Not to mention the collusion that CNN and others had with the DNC and the Clinton campaign during both the primaries and the general election is an embarrassment and that is the definition of corrupt liberal bias.The media is a joke because they hate anything republican and got caught with their biased ways, so Trump tweets to bypass them. I would do the same thing if I was in his shoes, why take the abuse from a bunch of liberal hacks that try to state that they are not bias when the evidence shows otherwise.


Now they once again want to show fake moral outrage for another topic that isn't true. Where was the outrage when the DNC was caught paying people to start fights at Trump rallies? They can't accept that they lost, so now it's Russia's fault that they lost. Now we have a POTUS wasting taxpayer dollars investigating something that was proven didn't happen months ago with no new evidence to come forward. If he was that worried about it, why not investigate it months ago? Or why wasn't it big deal when five foreign nations were able to hack into Hillary's illegal server that had national security info in them? But no, he lost, his legacy lost, and the Dems got slapped around last month because their elitist "we are smarter than you are and if you don't agree with us then you are a homophobe, racist, or sexist" attitude is out of touch with the country. Instead of losing gracefully, they bring up a bogus conspiracy theory which only makes them look worse to anyone that has half a brain.


Dems (as in elected officials, not anyone on here) need to grow a pair, admit that they are wrong and screwed this election up and get in touch with reality. If not then they are going to be in worse condition than the R's were in 2012.



[Citation needed]

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I really don't give a flying rip what networks predicted outcomes wrong.


Most of America along with just about every prediction service had it wrong.


So what???? Are you trying to claim that all of these wrong sites are now some form of liberal propaganda machine???


If so, you have lost all sense of reality.


I suppose now we should all just go watch Fox News because they are do awesome and they are do fair and balanced.

Are you saying that you don't see the obvious bias that every network minus Fox has against any Republican? (And yes Fox is just as bad in the other direction) Not to mention the collusion that CNN and others had with the DNC and the Clinton campaign during both the primaries and the general election is an embarrassment and that is the definition of corrupt liberal bias.The media is a joke because they hate anything republican and got caught with their biased ways, so Trump tweets to bypass them. I would do the same thing if I was in his shoes, why take the abuse from a bunch of liberal hacks that try to state that they are not bias when the evidence shows otherwise.


Now they once again want to show fake moral outrage for another topic that isn't true. Where was the outrage when the DNC was caught paying people to start fights at Trump rallies? They can't accept that they lost, so now it's Russia's fault that they lost. Now we have a POTUS wasting taxpayer dollars investigating something that was proven didn't happen months ago with no new evidence to come forward. If he was that worried about it, why not investigate it months ago? Or why wasn't it big deal when five foreign nations were able to hack into Hillary's illegal server that had national security info in them? But no, he lost, his legacy lost, and the Dems got slapped around last month because their elitist "we are smarter than you are and if you don't agree with us then you are a homophobe, racist, or sexist" attitude is out of touch with the country. Instead of losing gracefully, they bring up a bogus conspiracy theory which only makes them look worse to anyone that has half a brain.


Dems (as in elected officials, not anyone on here) need to grow a pair, admit that they are wrong and screwed this election up and get in touch with reality. If not then they are going to be in worse condition than the R's were in 2012.


I once was sued by my neighbor when I lived in Des Moines. This neighbor was absolutely horrible to live around. They were so horrible, that a reporter for the Des Moines Register called me (and all the neighbors) to write an article about them. I was quoted several times in the article.


Well, the neighbor sued me and everyone else who was quoted. In the pre trial meeting to try to solve the issue, my lawyer was worthless and they sat there crying about how horrible it was that they were slandered so bad in the paper.


Finally, I had had it. I flat out told them that if they don't want people to talk about them, they need to stop doing stupid stuff that makes everyone else's life miserable around them. Their lawyer called for a recess and then came back in and said they were dropping the suit.


Moral to the story, if you don't want people to say stupid sh#t about you, don't do stupid sh#t. This is exactly what the Republican party has come to. They have been absolutely clueless on issues and when any news outlet reports on the stupid sh#t, they cry saying that's unfair. You know...everyone's unfair except Fox News and Breitbart. Nobody should listen to anyone but those people (Oh...and those random news articles people pass around talking about how Hillary is running a sex ring out of a pizza joint.)


Your post is exactly why we are at the cross roads with fake news. Everyone on the right is so convinced there is some huge conspiracy against them in the media, they are scared to death to actually pay attention to legitimate outlets. Instead, they pass around crap all over social media and actually believe it. This is such a pathetic situation that we now have one of the biggest problem children in this issue actually advising the President elect. The President elect is so friggen clueless that he himself has tweeted out fake news crap.


So...getting back to your post here.

So, now we are claiming any news network that got the predictions wrong or was shocked at Trump's victory are now horribly biased and can't be trusted? Sorry, I don't have a problem if someone on TV is shocked that an immature jackass wins the Presidency of the United states of America.


If you don't want people to say you do stupid stuff, don't do stupid stuff.



And...for his twitter account. The guy is a flaming idiot for what he does on that account. It proves he is a thin skinned egomaniac. Not quite what I want representing me on the international stage.

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And...one more thing. This crying that it's "liberals" who are "freaking out" about the elections...bla bla bla.....


Ummmm....many on the right are just as interested in looking into what happened.


Funny how that works when a completely incompetent person gets elected.


But...hey....Trump followers can just keep right on ignoring the major issues here.



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When is it that facts began being labeled as "partisan"? Half of the US has bought into the fact that if someone fact checks or presents verified data to show opposite their candidate's comments and views that they are a biased lynchmob.


When will the day come that eyes open and people realize that this whole time it hasnt been networks biased against the right, but instead that they have just all along, been telling the truth by doing fact based journalism. You know, the kind we used to insist on.


You know at some point you have to look in the mirror. When every tv, newspaper, pundit, ex president, senators from both sides and etc say this is a wacked, scary, unprecedented, dangerous situation then perhaps - just perhaps its time to consider that there are only two sources telling you otherwise, and they have active rolls in the cabinet of this demegogue,


Now the part in bold is perhaps the most laughable statement I have seen on here in a couple months. Talk about naive...

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