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Clinton emails

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If Clinton wins after this I don't want to hear any sh#t about election rigging from the right.


Also, I'm not buying Comey's claim that he did this because he said under oath the investigation was over. The situation changes doesn't automatically make him a liar 4 months ago.



I'm willing to bet that he knew he was going to do this eventually. And he decided if he waited until after the election there would be endless hand-wringing and accusations from the likes of Trump and the GOP that this somehow confirmed their claims of things being rigged against them (and in Clinton's favor) were correct.


I guess he decided this way was the least bad option? I'm so sick and tired silly Washington partisan bullcrap. It honestly has me burnt out, and I started this election as someone who was very excited about the process. Imagine trying to work in that environment...

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How can they say that they are not from Clinton if they haven't looked at them yet? They had to find something to tie it to the other investigation.


Maybe they're calling them related to the investigation solely because they're Huma's emails. Maybe it's a device she didn't tell them about.


It is apparently a laptop that she shared with her now ex husband. I guess they forgot to acid wash that hard drive. So who knows what they have on the laptop that is pertinent to both investigations.

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How can they say that they are not from Clinton if they haven't looked at them yet? They had to find something to tie it to the other investigation.


Maybe they're calling them related to the investigation solely because they're Huma's emails. Maybe it's a device she didn't tell them about.


It is apparently a laptop that she shared with her now ex husband. I guess they forgot to acid wash that hard drive. So who knows what they have on the laptop that is pertinent to both investigations.




I have a feeling it's not going to be anything worse than we've already seen. Probably duplicate copies. But time will tell.

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From what I've been able to piece together it sounds like it's some emails that may have been from Hillary or she was just included. At the time that Comey sent the message he didn't actually know what was in the emails because the FBI hadn't obtained a warrant to look at the contents of the emails. So, they could be new emails or they could be duplicates of what has already been investigated. If the emails are new then they have to determine if there was classified info.


Right now, this isn't the smoking gun. It might be but we probably won't know for a couple months.


Comey couldn't just sit on this information and not share. It's an impossible position to be in with the election less than two weeks away.

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From what I've been able to piece together it sounds like it's some emails that may have been from Hillary or she was just included. At the time that Comey sent the message he didn't actually know what was in the emails because the FBI hadn't obtained a warrant to look at the contents of the emails. So, they could be new emails or they could be duplicates of what has already been investigated. If the emails are new then they have to determine if there was classified info.


Right now, this isn't the smoking gun. It might be but we probably won't know for a couple months.


Comey couldn't just sit on this information and not share. It's an impossible position to be in with the election less than two weeks away.


Yes he could sit on it. From everything I've read about it, what he did is something the FBI never does. His excuse that he said under oath the investigation is over is bullsh#t. Like I said before, getting new information didn't make him a liar 4 months ago.

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What's weird about the Comey deal is that if I understand the situation correctly, he felt the need to give an update on the situation, which itself is an act contrary to longstanding non-partisan policy, because he originally announced there would be no charges instead of someone from the DOJ... which is also an act contrary to longstanding policy.


So, basically, this whole thing is all kinds of abnormal. He's kind of stuck between a rock and a hard place, though. No matter what he did, someone was going to be ticked off at him.

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Comey has been turned into a partisan pinball. I suppose it's a result that could hardly be avoided given where we are: election season, and in the midst of an endless cycle of partisan scandal-chasing. We could probably muse about whether this has been a productive expenditure of our energies in the national discourse.


Here's some reading for those inclined:


1. http://www.vox.com/the-big-idea/2016/10/30/13471658/comey-email-clinton-investigation-indefensible-fbi

2. https://www.lawfareblog.com/james-comey-hillary-clinton-and-email-investigation-guide-perplexed


Apparently over a dozen former federal prosecutors have signed onto a letter criticizing Comey's decision. I tend to agree. He can't detonate a bomb over possibly nothing and pretend his hands are clean of the conspiracy-feeding. Not having any information lends itself to the imagination. That's irresponsible.

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Hillary on Friday/Sat demanded that the FBI turn over all of the information that they had. That the voters had a

right to know what information they had. This is the ultimate pot calling the kettle black. Think of the hypocrisy in

that statement. This from the person who deleted 33 thousand emls, bleached her server, and is involved in a Watergate

style cover up. Priceless!!


She and her supporters, including the compliant media, are saying the action of the FBI director's decision to reopen the case is 'unprecedented' - esp right before an election.

However, I'd say these things are unprecedented:

It is unprecedented that the FBI director would bow to political pressure & not indict someone who was “grossly careless” with security. In which wikileaks eventually showed that her intentions were to avoid scrutiny, cover up, and to work around the law.

“””""""""""""""""""that the attorney general would meet wt the husband of a person under investigation prior to the end of the investigation

“””""""""""""""""""" that the major media looked the other way, and it took an unground media operation to expose the ongoing corruption

“”””””"""""""""""""" that a major political party would nominate someone who is so obviously corrupt. Hillary placed Clinton Inc above the security and welfare of the USA.

“”””””””""""""""""""" that the DNC would rig the nomination process by actively supporting Hillary & actively undermining the candidacy of Bernie Sanders

“””””””””"""""""""""""that she would not be indicted for running a mafia style shakedown operation called the Clinton Foundation

“”””””” """"""""""""""" after the continued history of scandal around the Clintons, including the pay for play sale of the Lincoln bedroom in the 1990s that a party would nominate a couple who have turned pay for play into such a large scale

corrupt operation


And yes, I could start a 'unprecedented' list on Donald Trump but that is not the focus of this tread. Clinton is corrupt, Trump is inept among other things.


Reid's comments are comical. FBI having a double standard. He's forgotten that the FBI Director left Hillary off the hook in July by saying she was just grossly careless, yet others have gone to jail for far less.

Justice shouldn't stop just because of an election. If new information comes to light, then the investigation must be reopened.



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Related to my post above: Clinton Foundation - Justice Dept blocked investigation into the Clinton Foundation.




FBI agents argued — based at least in part on news accounts — earlier this year that the Clinton Foundation should be investigated for potentially giving donors special political access and favors. The Justice Department’s public integrity unit said they did not have enough evidence to move forward. (TG: I wonder if they have enough info now with all of the wikileaks dumps :dunno )

The Clinton Foundation said it was never contacted by the FBI, suggesting the bureau’s efforts were in a preliminary stage as prosecutors weighed in. But agents in New York have sought to keep their inquiries alive, feuding with the Justice Department about the lengths to which they can go, according to people familiar with the matter.

[Why the FBI director was able to defy Justice bosses on Clinton email announcement]

That infighting became public Sunday, when the Wall Street Journal published a detailed account of interactions between prosecutors and FBI officials over the politically sensitive subject.

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