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Trump supporter hypocrisy

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Figured we could talk here about Trump supporters getting up in arms about something they look/looked the other way for either when Trump did it or when it was done to the Obamas.


Exhibit 1:


People are going crazy on my FB and on conservative sites about how the SNL writer was mean to Barron Trump. I could understand that, because it was an awful thing to say about a 10 year old. She should be fired.


The problem is these same people voted for Trump who has insulted pretty much every group of people and many individuals except for White males. Most of the people complaining about the former said nothing about the latter, and they voted for him.


Exhibit 2: I just read a comment by someone telling liberals to quit complaining about the expense of guarding Melania. Again I would agree... it's a stupid complaint, but every time Obama used Air Force One or Michelle went somewhere, there were complaints all over the place about the cost.



I am so sick of idiots.

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My favorite is how Hillary is a weak, enabler who stayed with her cheating husband. But nothing's been said about the third wife, who was (I think) cheating with him while he was married to the second - and who has stood by while taped conversations have come out talking about his grabbing and etc while they were married. Never mind the Russian shower info.


Or the fact that he is quoted as asking Marla if terminating the unexpected pregnancy (Tiffany) when they were not yet married was an option and is now representing the party that prides itself on profile agendas.

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Figured we could talk here about Trump supporters getting up in arms about something they look/looked the other way for either when Trump did it or when it was done to the Obamas.

Exhibit 1:

People are going crazy on my FB and on conservative sites about how the SNL writer was mean to Barron Trump. I could understand that, because it was an awful thing to say about a 10 year old. She should be fired.

The problem is these same people voted for Trump who has insulted pretty much every group of people and many individuals except for White males. Most of the people complaining about the former said nothing about the latter, and they voted for him.

Exhibit 2: I just read a comment by someone telling liberals to quit complaining about the expense of guarding Melania. Again I would agree... it's a stupid complaint, but every time Obama used Air Force One or Michelle went somewhere, there were complaints all over the place about the cost.

I am so sick of idiots.

How do you know these people are hypocrites? Just because some people did this one thing, and these other people did this other thing, doesn't necessarily make any of them hypocrites. Unless you know for a fact it is the same person. Seems a little unfair to throw that tag at individuals without more specifics to go on. Do you know these people looked the other way when Trump did something similar or when it was done to the Obamas? Seems kind of like stereotyping or prejudice without further proof.


I could complain about the Baron thing (if I even knew what it was) and not be a hypocrite. Personally I think the kids should be off limits and I don't care if they're Trump's or Clinton's or Obama's.


I understand that it may seem like "those" people do these things but we probably shouldn't tie the behavior of individuals to the group or vice versa. Just because someone may have voted for or supports Trump does not necessarily make them a hypocrite on any specific issue.

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I mean I think there's just a lot of institutional hypocrisy in politics in general. A lot of people only take issue with a particular behavior insofar as they can use it as a weapon against their opponents.


I think there is a lot of that swirling around Trump and the GOP in particular, but not exclusively so. I just think it is more prevalent with them right now.

Easy examples:

  • Religious voters flocking to the unashamed adulterer who ripped a ton of people off with his fraudulent university and likes to read "Two Corinthians."
  • As a corollary, Trump trying to attack the Clinton's for being abusers of women.
  • Pro-military folks supporting the guy who taunted a former POW and presidential nominee, attacked a gold star family (and claimed he had made similar sacrifices), dodged the draft multiple times, and talked down our commanders.
  • The GOP routinely freaking out about the deficit under a Democratic president and proceeding to blow it up with tax cuts under Republican presidents.
  • The working class turning out in droves to put their faith in a guy whose entire career has largely consisted of stepping on their backs to propel himself upward.

I could go on, but there is a good degree of hypocrisy involved with being in certain groups and casting a vote for Trump. Which is fine, but those groups shouldn't get offended if someone calls them on it because it's pretty accurate.


A lot of the most egregious hypocrisy comes from POTUS himself, though.

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So along the same lines, let's say the group is not a political party or a group of Trump supporters. Let's say the group is a race or color of people. Can we make assumptions about other people in those groups based on what some within the group do or say?


Hopefully you see my concern here.

  • Fire 2
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Figured we could talk here about Trump supporters getting up in arms about something they look/looked the other way for either when Trump did it or when it was done to the Obamas.

Exhibit 1:

People are going crazy on my FB and on conservative sites about how the SNL writer was mean to Barron Trump. I could understand that, because it was an awful thing to say about a 10 year old. She should be fired.

The problem is these same people voted for Trump who has insulted pretty much every group of people and many individuals except for White males. Most of the people complaining about the former said nothing about the latter, and they voted for him.

Exhibit 2: I just read a comment by someone telling liberals to quit complaining about the expense of guarding Melania. Again I would agree... it's a stupid complaint, but every time Obama used Air Force One or Michelle went somewhere, there were complaints all over the place about the cost.

I am so sick of idiots.

How do you know these people are hypocrites? Just because some people did this one thing, and these other people did this other thing, doesn't necessarily make any of them hypocrites. Unless you know for a fact it is the same person. Seems a little unfair to throw that tag at individuals without more specifics to go on. Do you know these people looked the other way when Trump did something similar or when it was done to the Obamas? Seems kind of like stereotyping or prejudice without further proof.


I could complain about the Baron thing (if I even knew what it was) and not be a hypocrite. Personally I think the kids should be off limits and I don't care if they're Trump's or Clinton's or Obama's.


I understand that it may seem like "those" people do these things but we probably shouldn't tie the behavior of individuals to the group or vice versa. Just because someone may have voted for or supports Trump does not necessarily make them a hypocrite on any specific issue.

I personally know republicans that are being huge hypocrites right now. It's unbelievable how they do it.


For the last 8 years they are the first ones to forward pretty disgusting things about the Obama's. Now, all I see them post is scolding liberals to grow up accept losing.


I have grown to have very very little respect for these people.


The person they voted into office is the biggest hypocrite of them all.

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I think this thread is mostly representative of


A) People that we all know personally, but obviously aren't calling out by name


B) The politicians and media members of the far right


We can definitely be comfortable saying that, say, Breitbart, is guilty of much of this hypocrisy, can't we?

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I've got no problem identifying specific people as hypocrites, if and when you have witnessed THAT person being inconsistent. I've got a big problem with gathering the torches and pitchforks and going after a group or faceless people within that group. But y'all carry on with the same stereotyping behavior that would get you branded a racist if the group makeup were slightly different.

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I didn't say I read an article or heard about something or say that all Trump voters or Trump supporters did something.


I said I'm seeing people on my FB. Like everyone who has a FB, I have FB friends who differ from me politically. What I posted applies to at least 6 of them, today. Did you want me to tell you their names or something? I do know for a fact they're hypocrites. They did exactly what I posted.

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Careful what you wish for , there is plenty of hypocrisy from the left as well...

What am I wishing for? I agree. Just as one example (apparently I'm being a stereotyping racist for what I'm about to say (what??)), every single President gets questioned on how much vacation time they take, how often they golf, and how much taxpayer money is being spent ok security and plane trips by them and their wives. Make a topic about it if you want.


The thing is I don't remember a whole hell a lot of it from 2000-2008 but I've kinda blocked out memories of that time period because of what happened with Nebraska football. Also, way less people used social media.

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I think this thread is mostly representative of


A) People that we all know personally, but obviously aren't calling out by name


B) The politicians and media members of the far right


We can definitely be comfortable saying that, say, Breitbart, is guilty of much of this hypocrisy, can't we?



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I think this thread is mostly representative of


A) People that we all know personally, but obviously aren't calling out by name


B) The politicians and media members of the far right


We can definitely be comfortable saying that, say, Breitbart, is guilty of much of this hypocrisy, can't we?

I don't know, maybe. The examples that have been given have not seemed like anyone was saying Bob did this for Obama but now Bob is doing this other thing for Trump. It's way too easy to see Bill do one thing and Paul do another, then identify both of them as conservatives or Trump supporters or whatever and them label one a hypocrite because of what the other did.


Now if you want to deal with Trump specifically or Brietbart or whoever, at least we can be provided proof of their hypocrisy. It's a little tougher when speaking in generalities of faceless people on your Facebook feed. Bad assumptions are easy to jump to when it's that group of people that you generally have a problem with. Based on your posting history of racial issues, I would think you of all people would understand this LOMS. I'm not saying there aren't any hypocrites in the group, surely there are plenty. But the way it was presented seemed a little suspect to me.

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