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The 2024 Presidential Election- The LONG General Election

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1 hour ago, Guy Chamberlin said:


If you're smart and bring a keen understanding of both politics and media, why would you want the job?

You can go do a podcast or radio show instead and make way more money.


I still think AOC ends up with a podcast deal...probably 10 million a year.

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2 hours ago, Guy Chamberlin said:


If you're smart and bring a keen understanding of both politics and media, why would you want the job?

Well, you need to have a big enough ego to think it would be the best place you can make a difference and that no one could do it better than you.  For some it would be a calling, for others an ego trip for all it would probably be the hardest job they held. 

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1 hour ago, knapplc said:

How is this guy polling above even 1%? Good gravy.



Agreed - but even stranger:   

How does a guy with 91 87 felony indictments, a guy convicted of rape and fraud, a guy facing jail time for insurrection charges and hush money charges and a guy who took secret govt documents and bragged about having them get the 88% of the primary vote of a whole party??   Pretty bad gravy in my book -  Knapp - the kind you wouldn't but on any of your prized recipes.  


Regarding RFKjr - :blink::blink::blink:   pretty nutso  - and can you imagine listening to that voice for 4 years :(

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Trump and his family's cozy relationship with the Saudi prince may be trouble for Biden during this election season.  







Is Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman trying to sabotage Joe Biden’s reelection bid? It’s quite possible. The Saudi leader, known as MBS, has made clear his disdain for President Biden, and his fury over insults lobbed at him by this White House. He is a powerful force behind the current surge in oil prices, which could — if sustained — contribute to Biden’s defeat.

Oil prices are soaring — up 19 percent since the start of the year. Since they lag behind crude oil, gasoline prices have only jumped 14 percent so far. But, unless oil markets take a giant step backwards, prices at the pump will steadily increase into the summer driving season and pummel Biden’s popularity.

This happened two years ago. As gasoline prices rose to an all-time high of $5 per gallon in June 2022, Biden’s approval ratings tanked. He started the year at 43.2 percent approval and by the July 4 holiday, when millions of Americans take to the roads, he had slipped to 38.1 percent.

Why are oil prices rising? There are a number of factors, including Russia’s war against Ukraine, turbulence and fear of escalation in the Middle East and also some revival in China’s growth and demand for energy. But it is the ongoing production cuts agreed to by OPEC+, engineered in large part by Saudi Arabia, that are really lifting prices.

In recent days, OPEC+ held a ministerial meeting at which members recommitted to continuing voluntary cuts of 2.2 million barrels per day until June. The decision had been expected, but nonetheless signaled that Saudi Arabia and Russia, the world’s leading oil exporters, are determined to keep prices high. MBS is the key decision-maker for Saudi Arabia; by virtue of the kingdom’s unique position as “swing producer,” he is also the dominant voice within OPEC+.

For Russia, high oil prices are critical to winning its battle with Ukraine. Biden, after Putin invaded its neighbor, boasted that the U.S. and its allies were imposing draconian penalties to hold Moscow accountable. Biden said, “The totality of our sanctions and export controls is crushing the Russian economy.” He cited the sharp decline of the ruble and predicted the Moscow stock exchange would “probably collapse.”

Since that day, one month into the conflict, the ruble has rebounded 47 percent and the main Russian stock index is up 37 percent, only 25 percent below its all-time high. How has Russia managed? By teaming with the Saudis to curtail production and boost oil prices.

For the Russians, high oil prices are a matter of survival. For the Saudis, skyrocketing oil costs are essential to fulfilling the grandiose economic vision of MBS. They are also key to exacting revenge against Biden, who early on went out of his way to insult the young heir apparent. The White House indicated it intended to “recalibrate” its relationship with the Saudis, and especially with MBS, who had worked successfully with the Trump White House.

Having vowed on the campaign trail in 2019 to make Saudi Arabia “the pariah that they are,” Biden initially shunned the crown prince, agreeing to speak only to his ailing father King Salman. In addition, the White House released a report accusing MBS of responsibility for the death of journalist Jamal Khashoggi and terminated sales of offensive weapons needed by Saudi Arabia to conduct its war in Yemen. Moreover, Biden rescinded Trump’s terror designation for the Houthis, despite the group having attacked Saudi oil infrastructure.

Worse, the Biden team attempted to revive the nuclear deal with Iran, Saudi Arabia’s bitter enemy.

Early in Biden’s presidency, the Saudis surprised oil traders by leading OPEC to not increase oil output, despite rising demand; prices jumped 4 percent. It was MBS’s first salvo, reminding Biden of the importance of the U.S.-Saudi alliance, which has been in place since 1945, and of his own ascendance.



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"Indeed, if we were to blindly register nonvoters and get them on the rolls, we would be distinctly aiding Trump’s quest for a personal dictatorship," the memo explained, casting doubt on the longstanding Democrat voter registration push that typically has resulted in favorable results in previous elections.

The memo argues that Democrats should focus their registration efforts only in "specific, heavily pro-Biden populations" and the Washington Post explained that "the rise in Trump support among nonregistered voters has run up against a long-held Democratic policy priority of growing the voter rolls."

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So, I was with two guys last night that are very Republican. I thought for sure they would never vote for Trump again. 

Nope. They both ranted about how horrible Biden is and how they would vote for Trump over him….Biden isn’t going to live 4 more years….he can’t find his way off the stage….Kamala is horrible….bla bla bla….




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24 minutes ago, BigRedBuster said:

So, I was with two guys last night that are very Republican. I thought for sure they would never vote for Trump again. 

Nope. They both ranted about how horrible Biden is and how they would vote for Trump over him….Biden isn’t going to live 4 more years….he can’t find his way off the stage….Kamala is horrible….bla bla bla….




As I have been saying...

There is NO good choice.

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