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El Straino

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Everything posted by El Straino

  1. Man, between the Scott Fraud threads (was sooo looking forward to #3) and ones like this, it's time to ask the tough questions...has HB properly sprayed the doorways and foundations for trolls? Pretty thick out here this time of year. I believe you can pick up Troll-b-Gone in a 5 gallon bucket at Lowe's.
  2. If we keep turning the ball over it won't matter if we're playing Juggernaut U. or Patty-cake State. Mid-season gut check time, and time for some light bulbs to flicker on for some younger guys.
  3. How the eff did we hang with these guys in Columbus last year?
  4. Hear me out, for $150 M...in every goshdarn room...we NEEDS it. And especially delivering drinks by the pool.
  5. I like this fast, decisive AM instead of bizarro AM.
  6. Bowl games? You wanna talk about bowl games?
  7. Clicking on any HB thread with Bo Pelini in the title is not unlike opening up that tupperware container that's been in the fridge since the Bush Jr. administration. The morbid curiosity is there- while fully realizing what the stinky end result will be.
  8. Zero runzas and zero Val's pizza sold. The tension amongst the concessions crew is palpable.
  9. Cotton? Or a certain prehistoric purple dinosaur with a creepy disposition towards young children?
  10. The Holy Roman Empire was neither holy, Roman, nor an Empire. Oh, crap this is in the Husker football section *Don't screw this up* *Don't screw this up* I, uhh, too...have, um. Watched the Husker footsball. Yes.
  11. It was Kool-Aid Days here in Hastings just a couple weeks ago. Still coming down from that sugar high. Trying to get off the sauce but it keeps dragging me back in...
  12. And if you keep sipping the kool-aid it'll change even more for the better. Goes down smooooooth. As for myself I have another pitcher cooling in the fridge (cheers!)
  13. Shush!!! Not another word!
  14. SF: Don't worry guys, they used to call me Beefstacks McFrost. Ryan Held: No one's ever called him that. Seriously dude, you gotta lay off the workouts if you wanna get in touch with your inner Mangino. Lookin like a classical Greek god statue.
  15. I swear Burkhead could turn himself into Ant-Man at times just to squeak out extra yardage. I get chills thinking what Ameer could've done in a Frost offense. Ahman had that 5th gear that looked effortless. I'm partial to AG and LP, who could combine speed with truck sticking fools when needed.
  16. I didn't even notice till I read this that it was gone! Bring it back! Dooo it for the kids!
  17. As to the OP: if you gotta keep asking the question (and boy do we seem to ever), chances are good it's being forced
  18. Ah, this takes me back. Circa 1996 my older brother had roomies in a college party house here in H-Town...they had an impressive 6 foot tall setup simply named Bong Osborne, complete with Apex huskers hat and jacket.
  19. For 20 years long now Our hopes have turned to ash Now we just hope you Pay for the pizza with cash
  20. Just gonna get on huskerboard, dink around, see what's goin on during this uneventful off-season time of ye...whaaaaaaaaaat?
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