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Everything posted by CornHOLIO

  1. Bruce Jenner: Already trying to prove Women can't drive?

    1. NUance
    2. CornHOLIO


      Further evidence that it just might be....The Horemones

  2. I thought the article was more of a display of how stupid sports writers can be, and how you never know just how good a class can be until after they leave.
  3. If you lose the devil gets your skoal

    1. NUpolo8


      So rosin up your bow and play your fiddle hard


      Cuz Hell's brokers loose in Georgia


      Cuz Sd'skers wife ate all the lard

    2. RedRedJarvisRedwine


      Deviled eggs are a gift from God

  4. I gave birth to a 4 foot Brownsnake today!!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. HuskerfaninOkieland
    3. CornHOLIO


      Now if I could just remember what I ate a couple of days ago. Yesterday it was only 2 yellow peppers and 80 puny tomatos. Oh, and a piece of my 2nd attempt at making flatbread.

    4. HUSKER 37

      HUSKER 37

      Wouldn't a 4 footed brown snake be a salamander?

  5. What was with the tie-dyed shirts or bandannas some of the players were wearing under their pads?
  6. I can't even imagine any of the players showing up
  7. Try not to scare him off this time. And beat them roll detergents!!! :nanalama :moreinteresting :nanalama
    1. VectorVictor


      Don't go into the comments--apparently there are a few knuckleheads that hate Rex

    2. suh_fan93


      Awesome. Come on Bengals. You gotta give Rex some more looks.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Landlord


      It's my understanding that it's good custom to tip anyone that provides a specific personal service. Bartender, waiter, hairstylist, delivery person, valet, bellhops, concierge, etc.

    3. beanman



    4. Hingle McCringleberry

      Hingle McCringleberry

      I knew a maid about 20 years ago, and she asaid the same thing. Ive never done it, although I do leave my spare change behind, not worth taking to the airport etc.

  8. https://madmimi.com/p/292b25 Another interesting post.
  9. Are they planning on raising ticket prices some more?
  10. Is assaulting a Seahag fan bad?
  11. But! In Space, No one can hear you poot.
  12. Last time I buy nut huggers

    1. CornHOLIO


      A size too small at that...Thought they'd make me feel a little sexy...Just couldn't resist the manager's special of 5 for $5...My voice seems to go up an octive every time I sit down :(



  13. Michigan should never win a recruiting battle. Except for hockey and that Olympic thing where you sweep up an icy floor to slow down some pot.
  14. There HAS to be a way we can use this to our advantage (Mechicken under Tundra) https://scontent-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/t1/q82/s720x720/77147_10151823079876367_307554566_n.jpg

    1. FrankWheeler


      Chicago doesn't look to go there - what is this from?

    2. Michiganball


      Send more dogs and sleds please.

    3. Huskerzoo


      I think you can actually see the snowmounds outside my house in that picture.

  15. Powdered coffee creamer with chilled water on my cherios. Ran outa milk
  16. Sort of funny..Wonder if it was on purpose. http://beforeitsnews.com/obama-birthplace-controversy/2013/10/the-obamacare-800-line-spells-1-800-f1uckyo-2468382.html
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