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Status Replies posted by RedDenver

  1. I think Eichorst should watch the match on Saturday, just to make sure he didn't make a mistake about the "best coach on campus".

  2. LOL the comments on this tweet.



  3. ESPNs college football coverage is almost unwatchable. Just merge it with the sec network.

  4. Not sure where to put this thread so Ill just ask here......who are some of your favorite twitter follows?  Local/National/Sports/Parody 

  5. Not sure where to put this thread so Ill just ask here......who are some of your favorite twitter follows?  Local/National/Sports/Parody 

  6. Not sure where to put this thread so Ill just ask here......who are some of your favorite twitter follows?  Local/National/Sports/Parody 

  7. Preferred alternative turkey cooking method? Smoked or fried?

  8. Preferred alternative turkey cooking method? Smoked or fried?

  9. Holy Cow! Speeding ticket fines have really increased since I last got one.

  10. Holy Cow! Speeding ticket fines have really increased since I last got one.

  11. Mike McIntyre out at CU after this season. That game may have gotten easier for NU next season. 

  12. What's wrong with a little kangaroo meat? Might put a bounce in your step!  https://thetakeout.com/nebraska-school-serves-kangaroo-chili-1829838460

  13. UNK sells Runzas w/ cheese. What is wrong with Lincoln?

  14. I know I have to be patient...while making a stew in the crock pot but it still sucks.

  15. i missed it live - how did the martinez tip play get ruled a safety? illegal batting of the ball or something? seems bogus 

  16. 2017 Nebraska would be a 14 point favorite over 2018 Nebraska.

  17. I don't think it's out of line to ask if Frost has already lost this team.

  18. Best playground game that (probably) isn't allowed anymore? I'm going with Red Rover 

  19. Do we have to turn this week into another 1997 redux? I'm sick of it already.

  20. Saul is soooo much better than Breaking Bad...it is not even close

  21. I misread the announcement and thought it said "Board Outrage Tonight" and my first thought was... what did GSG do now?

  22. O/U on a fly over to honor the Prodigal Son Saturday?

  23. The Gebbia thread started off weird but I thought to my self, "self, it'll calm down after a few days".  But it just keeps getting weirder.

  24. The new ESPN bottom line ticker is ass

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