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Everything posted by GM_Tood

  1. Was in the skybox for that one...they came in and let us know we could stay for an hour. Free pizza.
  2. I think airstrikes against military targets, including airfields and planes. I don't see any other option that does not involve military action. We can't sit back and let Russia dictate the world's role in this region/Syria. If not for the use of Chemical weapons, then I think it would have been same ol same ol for our involvement in Syria. Kinda sad imo. Do I win a cookie?
  3. Tomahawk time

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. funhusker


      Make or break time. Step one is always the easiest. We will soon see how our leaders handle all the moving parts they've just created. Btw, I agree with "step 1."

    3. JJ Husker

      JJ Husker

      Ha. I thought you were just a Braves fan...until I turned on the TV.

    4. GM_Tood
  4. Topgolf indoor driving range approved by Omaha Planning Board Anyone been to one of these before? Looks cool.
  5. Last Sept one of our Airstrikes killed ~60 Syrian military personnel by mistake. Other than that, we have not attacked any non-ISIS targets in Syria.
  6. I think airstrikes against military targets, including airfields and planes. I don't see any other option that does not involve military action. We can't sit back and let Russia dictate the world's role in this region/Syria. If not for the use of Chemical weapons, then I think it would have been same ol same ol for our involvement in Syria. Kinda sad imo.
  7. http://www.omaha.com/opinion/editorial-new-facebook-data-center-is-a-major-win-for/article_56319f28-90e7-5c4e-a67b-6f5e68cf84ff.html Great get for Nebraska, and kudos to Papillion Mayor Black and his administration.
  8. Yeah, I meant no ground troops...airstrikes only. Syria Libya Somalia Yemen Each of the above countries have/had "some sort" of Russian backing when US dropped bombs on them. Full on military involvement, none that I could come up with other than Syria.
  9. Do you want another Vietnam? Russia is on Assad's side and has been throughout. And they've been killing thousands of civilians the whole time. Right, because we have never thrown airstrikes on countries that have some sort of Russian backing. So the US stance should be - sit back and let other countries handle it. I could be down for that. America First.
  10. "Military Action" means boots on the ground? Runways/hangars/etc...airstrike the f out of them. Maybe Trump should look to Russia as the previous administration did to broker a deal to cut the Syrian wmd stockpile? That worked.
  11. Working from home allows for some extra TV watching.
  12. I watch news channels such as CNN, MSNBC, Fox, and Cheddar on a daily basis. Anyone should be able to see the difference in the way news is reported/not reported on certain channels. The goal should be to present factual/non-biased information to the American public. Can anyone here please provide us an outlet that you believe has the US citizens best interest at heart? But anyways...I'll patiently wait for the Trump/Russia investigation findings to pass judgement. Which one of those sources do you trust/rely on the most? That's a tough one. I guess my honest answer would be none. Each outlet (as LOMS stated above) has some hidden agenda behind their reporting. I would say my daily viewing habit would be Cheddar from 7:30-8:30, a mix of CNN/Fox/CNBC 11-1, and evening is a combo as there are certain anchors on each channel (Lemon, O'Reilly, Maddow) I cant stand, regardless of the story.
  13. I watch news channels such as CNN, MSNBC, Fox, and Cheddar on a daily basis. Anyone should be able to see the difference in the way news is reported/not reported on certain channels. The goal should be to present factual/non-biased information to the American public. Can anyone here please provide us an outlet that you believe has the US citizens best interest at heart? But anyways...I'll patiently wait for the Trump/Russia investigation findings to pass judgement.
  14. If Susan Rice was unmasking names months ago, why don't they have any tenable proof of collusion with Russia or solid credible leads? The MSM are perfectly willing to throw the curtain back on the (allegedly) BS government overreach that went on under Obama's "Most Transparent Government Ever" in an attempt to catch Trump in anything, which is objectively awful for all of us. Because failing to get in front of this just means that Trump and anyone who comes after are free to do this to their opponents at will. Then its just "business as usual". I want this over with. Drop the hammer on Trump with proof or explain there is no credible evidence of collusion and move on to the hacking claims.
  15. Recently picked up a SIG P320 TACOPS 9mm and i like it over my M&P9 and XDM. Though, any of the three I would recommend. I would suggest hitting a local range that rents out guns and try out a few.
  16. Working from home...flipping channels...Food Network...Giada...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Red Five

      Red Five

      Do you have happen to have an apple pie in the kitchen?

    3. Cdog923


      If you're looking at her teeth, you're doing it wrong.


    4. JJ Husker

      JJ Husker

      Imagining Giada without teeth may be causing me some moral dilemmas.

  17. http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-03-22/london-terrorism-suspect-named-hate-preacher-abu-izzadeen All I have been able to get so far....I would consider it unreliable until authorities officially announce the name.
  18. The outrage would not be because of legal FISA gathering of intelligence, it will be over the gathering of the intelligence that included US citizens (still legal) but those US citizens names being leaked....which is against the law.
  19. Obama signs warrantless-wiretapping bill into law
  20. LePetomaine Thruway?

    1. JJ Husker

      JJ Husker

      I see letters and can kind of sound them out into seeming words...

    2. Thanks_Tom RR

      Thanks_Tom RR

      Somebody's gotta go back and get a s#!t load of dimes!

  21. #21000

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. knapplc


      Thanks Obama!

    3. ZRod


      Where's mine?

    4. knapplc


      The Job Creators have yours, ZRod. It'll trickle down in a bit.

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