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Danny Bateman

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Danny Bateman last won the day on August 26 2020

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About Danny Bateman

  • Birthday 11/21/1991

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    Approaching the Great White North
  • Interests
    Watching the Huskers tear off the arms of inferior teams and proceed to beat them with them.

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Defensive Coordinator

Defensive Coordinator (16/21)



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  1. Womp womp. Best breakfast joint in Omaha.



    1. Show previous comments  37 more
    2. Xmas32


      @teachercd so...Brad Pitt meets Steve Buscemi eh.  I'm guessing the Brad Pitt piece of you is you're also a male and Steve Buscemi is the physical part without the acting chops right?


      Since this has turned into a breakfast place discussion.  I'm more Lisa's versus 11-Worth although Lisa's coffee is consistently maybe the worst coffee I've ever tasted.  I'm amazed at how badly they screw it up every time.  Both of those places took a back seat to Amato's though.  I also like Le Peep quite a bit but it seems like everything is a few bucks more so it's hard to justify it unless I've got a gift card.  Honest to goodness another solid breakfast spot is the HyVee Market Grilles, especially when they have 1/2 priced omlettes or skillets.  You get a mountain of food for $6, it's a crazy good deal.  Farmhouse is also pretty solid.

    3. teachercd


      Le Peep is crazy expensive (If anything, THAT is the most offensive thing)

    4. Savage Husker

      Savage Husker

      @ZRod No one is denying it’s not about slavery, but I don’t suggest omitting timelines to make this war about nobility of the north in regard to slavery,  when the first and foremost cause of the war was to preserve the Union. 


      For as much bashing on the confederate states, the Union could have as easily freed the slaves prior to any secession or battle, instead they waited and used them as a political ally to win the war through recruitment with the promise of being freed. Does that not raise concern to you that their freedom was contingent on winning the war? 


      @whateveritis1224 I have read that quote mentioned at the end of the article and I understand why people feel the way they do about Lee, then again, that sentiment was held by the majority of people at the time, even Lincoln didn’t think black people deserved the same rights as whites, ie. voting, serving as jurors, etc. So when do we cancel Lincoln?



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