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Trump Legal Troubles

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1 hour ago, knapplc said:


I don't think so.



This article goes on to say that Biden may choose not to prosecute him in an effort to heal the country, but I think that ship has long since sailed. No person should be above the law. 

Good article.  I like this ending:




Finally, self-pardon would do violence to the president’s core constitutional responsibility to “take care that the laws be faithfully executed.” Trump’s exempting himself from criminal law would patently fail the “take care” test, and it at least arguably fails the “faithfully” part as well — most scholars contend that word requires executive power to be motivated by some kind of public purpose, as opposed to rank self-dealing. (On these terms, Trump may prove to have been the most faithless president in history.)

Our 45th president famously couldn’t sit still past the 4th Amendment when an advisor tried to read the Constitution to him starting with the Bill of Rights. He probably believes he has the power to pardon himself. He’s wrong, but because his successor will be governed by prudence that Trump wouldn’t understand, he’ll probably never find out.




The article had a riddle in it that I found interesting and heard before.  But it would side track this discussion - so I'll hide

the discussion on that riddle.





There are some things God cannot do simply because He is omnipotent. If God is infinitely powerful than it’s impossible to create a rock so large He cannot lift it. For if there was anything He couldn’t lift, that would prove Him a being of finite strength. But a being of infinite power could create a rock of infinite size and infinite weight and still be able to move it. It is because God is infinitely powerful (i.e omnipotent) that He cannot create a rock too hard for Him to move.

This little riddle is akin to asking “Can God’s infinite power overwhelm His infinite power?” Or it’s like asking “Can God beat Himself in a fist fight” or “Can God think up a mathematical equation too difficult for Him to solve”. It’s sheer nonsense. C.S Lewis once said “Nonsense is still nonsense even when we speak it about God.”You’re basically asking if a Being of unlimited power can produce something to limit Him. But His unlimited power, by definition, rules out that possibility. An unlimited being cannot create limits for Himself.

The definition of omnipotence does not mean being able to do the logically impossible (to do something logically contradictory). God cannot create square circles, married bachelors, one ended sticks etc. God can do anything that’s logically possible, that is; not logically contradictory. God can create out of nothing, God can make ax heads float in water, He can make animals speak in a human tongue, He can cause a virgin to be pregnant, but He can’t make something exist and not exist at the same time, He can’t cause an animal to speak in a human tongue and be silent at the same time, and He can’t make a woman both pregnant and not pregnant at the same time. Nowhere in The Bible does it say that God can do the logically impossible. That is not the definition of Omnipotence.

There are other things God cannot do. Not just logically impossible things. He can’t commit sin. He cannot do evil acts because God is sinless and holy (Psalm 23:6, Psalm 25:8; Psalm 34;8; 2 Corinthians 5:21, etc.) and so to do those things would be to contradict His own morally perfect nature. Titus 1:2 says that it’s impossible for God to lie. It’s not that God merely chooses not to lie, but that He’s literally incapable of it. Why? Because lying is a sin and sin goes against God’s morally perfect nature. God can no more do evil then fire can cause things to freeze.

Richard Bushey of “ThereforeGodExists.com also wrote about this question. And he said in the article “This is not to say that logic is some sort of force that transcends God that he is a slave to. But rather it is to say that logical consistency is founded in the person of God himself.” Indeed. Logical Consistency is a character trait of God like holiness, love, justice, etc. Indeed. God is a rational Being. Even if God’s power did allow him to do the logically impossible, at the very least, His nature would prevent Him from doing so.

Can God do anything? Yes. So long as it’s both logically possible and in accord with His morally perfect character.




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On 11/9/2020 at 1:19 PM, RedDenver said:

I'm going to call it now: Trump pardons himself and it stands.


Biden will probably say something about moving on and healing and whatnot, and no one will pursue it.


On 11/11/2020 at 11:50 AM, TGHusker said:

Perhaps the state of NY will pursue action

Following up on the "Can/will Trump pardon himself" discussion:


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NY AG thinks Trump resigns and Pence pardons him.       Now wouldn't that be funny if Pence finally developed a conscience/spine and didn't pardon him:lol:






New York state’s attorney general made a stunning prediction on The View Tuesday.

While discussing the post-Jan. 20 legal prospects of President Donald Trump, New York AG Letitia James — who is currently pursuing a civil investigation against the president, while Manhattan’s district attorney has a criminal investigation ongoing — said she believes the commander in chief will take a stunning preemptive measure to try to cut future criminal charges off at the pass.

“The vast majority of legal scholars have indicated that he cannot pardon himself,” James said. “What he could do is step down and allow … Vice President [Mike] Pence, to pardon him. I suspect that he will pardon his family members, his children, his son-in-law, and individuals in his administration as well as some of his close associates. And then I suspect, at some point in time, he will step down and allow the vice president to pardon him.”

James went on to note, though, that even if Trump takes that shocking step, and Pence goes on to pardon him, such an action cannot shield him from potential legal consequences in the Empire State.

“It’s important to understand he is pardoned from federal crimes. But he is not pardoned from state crimes,” James said. “Last year, I introduced a bill in the state legislature which would close the pardon loophole, so that individuals such as the President of the United States would not evade justice. It’s important we have this check on presidential powers. … the state legislature, I’m so happy they passed that bill and it is now the law in the state of New York. President Trump cannot avoid justice in the great state of New York.”



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10 minutes ago, RedDenver said:

99.9% chance Trump pardons himself.

Then there will be legal arguments as to if that is legal or not.






WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump has declared that he has the “absolute right” to issue a pardon to himself. Yet the law is much murkier than his confidence suggests.

No president has attempted to pardon himself while in office, so if Trump tries to do so in the next six weeks, he will be venturing into legally untested territory without clear guidance from the Constitution or from judges. Legal experts are divided on an inherently ambiguous question that was left vague by the Founding Fathers and has never had to be definitively resolved in court.




In favor of a self-pardon is the broad power the Constitution affords a president when it comes to issuing clemency for federal crimes — both charged and not-yet charged — and the absence of any law or language that explicitly prohibits such an act.

But some scholars say a self-pardon collides with other provisions of the Constitution or even fundamental principles of law. The Constitution’s text — affording the president “power to grant reprieves and pardons for offenses against the United States, except in cases of impeachment” — can be read to suggest that the Founding Fathers envisioned some sort of limitations on a president’s pardon power. It could also mean the power is to be used on someone else, not yourself.



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Just in time for January 21, 2021






State prosecutors in Manhattan have interviewed several employees of President Trump’s bank and insurance broker in recent weeks, according to people with knowledge of the matter, significantly escalating an investigation into the president that he is powerless to stop.

The interviews with people who work for the lender, Deutsche Bank, and the insurance brokerage, Aon, are the latest indication that once Mr. Trump leaves office, he still faces the potential threat of criminal charges that would be beyond the reach of federal pardons.

It remains unclear whether the office of the Manhattan district attorney, Cyrus R. Vance Jr., will ultimately bring charges. The prosecutors have been fighting in court for more than a year to obtain Mr. Trump’s personal and corporate tax returns, which they have called central to their investigation. The issue now rests with the Supreme Court.

But lately, Mr. Vance’s office has stepped up its efforts, issuing new subpoenas and questioning witnesses, including some before a grand jury, according to the people with knowledge of the matter, who requested anonymity because of the sensitive nature of the investigation.

The grand jury appears to be serving an investigative function, allowing prosecutors to authenticate documents and pursue other leads, rather than considering any charges.

When Mr. Trump returns to private life in January, he will lose the protection from criminal prosecution that his office has afforded him. While The New York Times has reported that he discussed granting pre-emptive pardons to his eldest children before leaving office — and has claimed that he has the power to pardon himself — that authority applies only to federal crimes, and not to state or local investigations like the one being conducted by Mr. Vance’s office.

Mr. Trump, who has maintained he did nothing improper, has railed against the inquiry, calling it a politically motivated “witch hunt.”

The investigation by Mr. Vance, a Democrat, has focused on Mr. Trump’s conduct as a private business owner and whether he or employees at his family business, the Trump Organization, committed financial crimes. It is the only known criminal inquiry into the president.

Employees of Deutsche Bank and Aon, two corporate giants, could be important witnesses. As two of Mr. Trump’s oldest allies — and some of the only mainstream companies willing to do regular business with him — they might offer investigators a rich vein of information about the Trump Organization.

There is no indication that either company is suspected of wrongdoing.



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