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The Democrat Utopia

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12 minutes ago, Dr. Strangelove said:


The reason American wealth had reached record levels is because of their houses - most don't own stocks and aren't exposed to the market. 

That’s not true!


14 minutes ago, Dr. Strangelove said:
4 hours ago, Archy1221 said:


The stock market is stagnant because the Federal Reserve is keeping interest rates high

This also is limited in truthfulness.   The market is forward looking.   The fear is continued rate increases, not so much a Fed that plans on keeping the current rates as is for a time being with no further increases. 

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7 minutes ago, Archy1221 said:

This also is limited in truthfulness.   The market is forward looking.   The fear is continued rate increases, not so much a Fed that plans on keeping the current rates as is for a time being with no further increases. 

OK....I know that's the mantra that Wall Street puts out, but it's BS.  It is not always forward looking.  You could have a very strong company with a great plan moving forward.  But, if their actual earnings miss projections (Earnings are what happened in the past) the stock is sold and drops. Everyone wants to think the market is this grandiose area where investors comb over future plans of great forward thinkers.  But, in reality, it's a "what have you done for me lately" cesspool where you mess up the slightest in the very short term, you're punished.


I've known people who have taken their companies public or ran public companies.  The idea of "forward thinking" is laughed at and is extremely frustrating for managers.

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2 hours ago, Archy1221 said:

This also is limited in truthfulness.   The market is forward looking.   The fear is continued rate increases, not so much a Fed that plans on keeping the current rates as is for a time being with no further increases. 

I never said the worry was keeping interest rates where they are. I said the worry is that they remain high - which is a range of possibilities that include fewer rate decreases than expected next year, keeping rates at their current levels longer than anticipated, or more rate increases than the Fed indicates. All of which constitute the Fed keeping rates high...  just like I said.


And yes, millions of American's own stock via their 401k accounts. Even with recent stock market performance, the median net worth of American's reached a new all time high because of homeownership. 


I am tickled by the idea that the booming American economy, record wage growth, record median net worth is somehow not good enough. We do agree though: hopefully America can be the country where these world best numbers can not only continue, but grow even faster. 

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2 hours ago, BigRedBuster said:

You could have a very strong company with a great plan moving forward.  But, if their actual earnings miss projections (Earnings are what happened in the past) the stock is sold and drops.

Not sure if you follow earnings reports and quarterly conference calls, but the following happens quite often……..company reports blow out quarter, stock pops AH’s then CEO gets on warning of a tough next two quarters and by the time pre-market hits the next day stock is trading negative.    

Or, the inverse happens and earnings are not great, but investor call happens and CEO says company is no longer in expanse mode (i.e.spending money to grow) and generally investors take that as time to grow profits and stock rises the next day ore-market………forward looking.  

Now, stocks also will trade on the news of the day…..because of what that means for the future.  

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2 hours ago, BigRedBuster said:

OK....I know that's the mantra that Wall Street puts out, but it's BS.  It is not always forward looking.  You could have a very strong company with a great plan moving forward.  But, if their actual earnings miss projections (Earnings are what happened in the past) the stock is sold and drops. Everyone wants to think the market is this grandiose area where investors comb over future plans of great forward thinkers.  But, in reality, it's a "what have you done for me lately" cesspool where you mess up the slightest in the very short term, you're punished.


I've known people who have taken their companies public or ran public companies.  The idea of "forward thinking" is laughed at and is extremely frustrating for managers.


Absolutely. They operate on cash flow, profit taking, and quarterly earnings. If investors were making long-term bets, they would not react to daily disruptions, but they do. Any Wall Street executive or freshman econ student could see the bundled derivative bubble of 2007 was unsustainable, but nobody wanted to shut off the short term money grab. It's pretty much casino gambling among a very small class of institutional investors, and shouldn't be the main metric for a healthy American economy. 


Warren Buffet might be the exception, but he's already considered quaint. 

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16 minutes ago, Archy1221 said:


Now, stocks also will trade on the news of the day…..because of what that means for the future.  


Well yeah, "tomorrow" technically qualifies as the future, but I don't think that's in the spirit of "forward thinking" in which you don't hitch yourself to the news of the day, every day.

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2 hours ago, Archy1221 said:

Not sure if you follow earnings reports and quarterly conference calls, but the following happens quite often……..company reports blow out quarter, stock pops AH’s then CEO gets on warning of a tough next two quarters and by the time pre-market hits the next day stock is trading negative.    

Or, the inverse happens and earnings are not great, but investor call happens and CEO says company is no longer in expanse mode (i.e.spending money to grow) and generally investors take that as time to grow profits and stock rises the next day ore-market………forward looking.  

Now, stocks also will trade on the news of the day…..because of what that means for the future.  

Yes, I know very well how all that works. And it’s laughable how you described that. 

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1 hour ago, Archy1221 said:



There are much better ways to answer this question, requiring no storming off, but a more prudent person of this political stripe might calmly suggest "the right to defend itself" deserves separate consideration from the deaths of innocent civilians, that in the case of Palestinians has often gone beyond the traditional bounds of collateral damage. It's a plea that is extending way beyond the likes of Omar. Every sentient politician is counseling Israel to measure Hamas retaliation against a less discriminate war on Gaza that could expand the conflict in some really unpleasant ways. 


But yes, the political left identifies Israel as a First World imperialists, and the Palestinians as the impoverished underdog America is duty bound to protect. Omar herself is immune to any contradictions and nuance on this.

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17 hours ago, Archy1221 said:

HA…forgot about this one.  


Didn't vote for her.  But.....oh how I wish we wouldn't have ended up with a life long con man, criminal fraud that eventually would try to tear down our election process and attack our government while making us the laughing stock of the free world.

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