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JJ Husker

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Everything posted by JJ Husker

  1. There are no free lunches. None. Anywhere. Our whole economy can be thought of as one pool of water. You can't take a bucket full out of one end of the pool without replacing it with water from the same pool. That "other" pool of water where some of you think water magically appears from simply doesn't exist. Once you grasp this concept fully you will realize the futility of this asinine idea.
  2. That is extremely disappointing. Please enroll in some economics classes. Start with a basic class, Supply and Demand, and then maybe a mid level class of "What causes inflation and how inflation cannot reduce the income gap". If you think this wild proposal would solve our problems and would have no harmful unintended consequences, you're wrong, but I would be interested (read as comically entertained) to see your reasoning on it.
  3. Quite possibly the stupidest f'ing idea I've ever heard of. If you think this is a good idea, I'm afraid there is no help available for your particular lack of understanding basic economic concepts. And yes, I read the whole article. A few of the important questions that nobody supporting this seems to address; 1- where does the money come from to fund it? 2- If it the intent is to put more disposable income in everyone's hands, what pray tell do you think will happen to the cost of living? Let's close our eyes and ignore the obvious and pretend that this is not an extreme form of socialism. Everyone gets the same amount and we eliminate all kinds of inefficient government management of existing social welfare programs. Where do those people go for jobs when theirs are eliminated? How do the current poor (have nots) catch up to the current rich (haves)? The answer the income gap is not reduced, it simply grows and would then just be at a larger scale. The only effect would be moving the poverty line up to a higher income bracket. This has zero chance of working in an open market system of capitalism. It's only chance would be in a socialist/communist system and then you would just have the inherent problems associated with that type of system. Pretty sure that economic system has already been shown through history to fail 100% of the time. Where does the money come from to fund it. It has to come from somewher, some people. If you think it would not cause rampant inflation you are an idiot. Hey, I realize our current system leaves a lot to be desired. Government management of it is inefficient and it is not fairly administered. People game the system. Some truly needy people don't get the assistance they really need. Trust me, I get it. But this solution is so stupid it is laughable. Talk about out of the frying pan and into fire. If you really think this sounds good, please seek help for mental shortcomings and complete lack of understanding of basic economic principles. And for God's sake, please don't vote. You're already doing more than your share of damage.
  4. I'm smoking a couple pork butts later on this week. Might have to whip up a batch of this alternate version and try it out.
  5. I got me a Chrysler, it seats about 20 So hurry up and bring your jukebox money.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. JJ Husker

      JJ Husker

      Love me some B52's. You can't not crank that stuff up.

    3. knapplc


      My first sand volleyball team was the Rock Lobsters. We'd have owned PO Pears if it wasn't for those damned Domestic Oats.

    4. TonyStalloni


      Got me a Chrysler, it's big as a whale and I'm about to set sale!

  6. Hey, I've got an idea; ignore social media, don't use it at all. I really don't other than the occasional tweet somebody may post here on HB and I don't feel like I'm missing a thing. Heck, if it wasn't for some of the stuff I've seen 2nd hand that KB has posted on twitter, I'd probably like him a lot more than I do. There is a whole body of work why no one should ever use it and very little evidence it is worthwhile at all.
  7. Ours has a Pizza Hut Express in it....try eating one of those and making it out of the store before nature calls. Not gonna happen.
  8. If you have a big honkin' diesel truck and you regularly punch it for no better reason than to emit a loud roar and puff of black smoke, STOP, because you are an immature douchebag.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. onlyHskrfaninIL


      I always thought it was called "look at me, I'm into fat, ugly chicks"

    3. Decked


      Must be chevy fans.

    4. ZRod


      Honest to god decked it's almost always Ford of Dodge guys.

  9. The TE (and FB) is a dying position among the highest producing offenses. And that's a gross mischaracterization of what he said. What he really said was that he doesn't work off of a script. Unlike some other OCs. You sure do take any criticism of the past, underperforming staff, quite personally. Pelini and Beck failed to move the program past a certain point. It really isn't debatable yet you constantly act like it is. Might be time to accept it and move on.
  10. Whatever happened to the existence of objective truth. If you're born with a penis, you're a man. If your born with a vagina you're a woman. Those are the restrooms you should use and I don't care what mental condition you have that tells you that you "identify" as the opposite sex. And it is still classified as a mental disorder in case anyone was getting upset. That fact may well be on its way to being changed but I don't believe if it is changed that will be best for all Trans people. Some of them need the diagnosis so they can get the help they need for depression and other related issues. I don't want these people to feel put out or shamed but there are objective truths and if you were born with a penis, then you should use the men's room and vice versa. Others don't need to be subjected to your identity problems. Having said that, I don't think it is a huge issue. It really shouldn't be an issue at all if people would just use a little common sense. And emergency/panic situations with kids doing the peepee dance, or even adults in dire situations, don't belong in this discussion. I've used a women's room before and I've taken my kids into whatever restroom was available. Luckily it never happened when it was occupied by a woman because I would have felt bad. But a persons real gender is not a subjective thing. You're either a man or a woman. If you think you should be the other, that really shouldn't be society's problem.
  11. Makes ya wonder, if he is that awful (which most Nebraska fans and now many tOSU fans are sure of) and Urban basically admits as much, why is he still there? The Buckeyes don't seem like the type of program to keep around dead weight like was Pelini's MO at Nebraska.
  12. Dang! That was a brutal hit to take totally unprepared like that. Sorry to hear you're still having problems from it. Hope things get better. Will say some prayers for you.
  13. Oh how I miss real football. Half of the hits in those clips would be illegal today.
  14. I've got an easy solution. The teams that voted for the ban don't get to participate in satellite camps. The teams voted against the ban can keep holding the camps. Everyone gets to play on the field they want that way. Amirite?
  15. This stuff is awesome. I prefer a tomato based sauce like KC Masterpiece or Sweet Baby Ray's, etc. for most BBQ (especially beef) but this stuff just can't be beat on pulled pork. It's got the right blend of sour, sweet, hot, and pucker face. Try it, you'll like it. Carolina Gold Ingredients: 1 1/2 cups prepared yellow mustard (I've used Heinz or French's) 5 Tablespoons brown sugar 4 Tablespoons tomato paste (I usually use ketchup and a bit more than the 4T) 3 Tablespoons apple cider vinegar (you can use more or less to your taste preference- I like more) 1 Tablespoon Worcestershire sauce 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper 1/2 teaspoon black pepper 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder Combine all ingredients in a saucepan and simmer for about 5-10 minutes to dissolve sugar. Remove from heat and let cool before using. Don't overcook. Refrigerate leftover sauce.
  16. That is about the most honest take I've seen on satellite camps and the NCAA in general. It's supposed to be satire but it's nothing but the truth.
  17. you're right. we should just give up now. summer off for everyone!!! Yup. Give up now. Send any recruits elsewhere, tear down Memorial, auction off the equipment. Cornographic had it called all along. We suck, should just quit now before we embarrass him errrr I mean ourselves any further. Now where are those razor blades.....
  18. Opinions are like a$$holes, everybody has one and some people seem to have an endless supply of ridiculous ones.
  19. That Simple Man by Shinedown is awesome. I guess it helps when the source song is great to start with. Chris Stapleton and Kings of Leon covered Simple Man recently. Pretty decent.
  20. I get what you were saying. I think the more popular description is simply when a band "covers" a song that some other band previously made widely known. Basically whenever a band or singer remakes a song that everyone accepts as another artist's original. Doesn't matter if it sounds like the original or not.
  21. A couple of my favorites are Turn the Page by Metallica and Personal Jesus by Marilyn Manson. I also really like Sound of Silence by Disturbed. Man of Constant Sorrow by Charm City Devils.
  22. What the F is wrong with you? Seriously. He is the most important recruit this program has had in forever, moreso than just being a great player because of the other recruits he will help steer our way. Are you purposely trying to sabotage Husker football? Grow up and shutup.
  23. Is the spring game going to be televised live on BTN? If not, when will it air?

    1. Saunders


      Live streaming on BTN2go.com, televised at 4 central.

    2. JJ Husker
  24. Not enough. My butt checks can about cover 2 seat numbers. If there are 40, there really is only room for about 32.
  25. Weather forecast for Saturday- Winter Storm Warning.....9" to 16" of snow.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. JJ Husker

      JJ Husker

      Without regard for your parole officer's advice? Just don't do it within 500 feet of a school this time.

    3. Redux


      knapp's gonna enter a room naked 5 times apparantely

    4. VectorVictor


      Figured he'd just bring six or seven of his 'friends' with him?

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