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Vince R.

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Status Replies posted by Vince R.

  1. I think it's time to cancel my recruiting subscriptions elsewhere, and come home.

    1. Vince R.

      Vince R.

      @man eating mastodonYou get it pretty fast, and then you learn who gets it first. Tea leaf info for sure, and Munson was the first to swing the Mathis pendulum towards Nebraska recently. Then 247 came in a day later.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  2. Bo got canned today. He’s use to it. 

  3. My gut feeling is that they flipped Avante Dickerson. I hope I am right.

  4. I am pretty disappointed with recruiting right now.  

  5. I am so sick of these PWO commitments lol

    1. Vince R.

      Vince R.

      Honestly, would rather see scholarship commitments. I do value walk-ons and want them to have their moments, but right now, I want to see scholarship guys. Messed up I know. 

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  6. Frost is not the savior of Nebraska. 

  7. Nebraska fans who blame the defense make me cringe. 

    1. Vince R.

      Vince R.

      @Danny BatemanIm just frustrated Danny. We all care, and I'm just so upset with how this team is. I wanted to give this staff the benefit of the doubt, but I am seeing major flaws by the head man. 

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  8. Nebraska fans who blame the defense make me cringe. 

    1. Vince R.

      Vince R.

      @knapplcAn analytics guy who never watched the game would say that. Anybody who watched today would say its on the O, and not even close. 

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  9. Nebraska fans who blame the defense make me cringe. 

    1. Vince R.

      Vince R.

      You can't continue to rely on a shorthanded defense that needs more talent to take over for 3 quarters. 

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  10. Nebraska fans who blame the defense make me cringe. 

    1. Vince R.

      Vince R.

      @Danny BatemanCause believe it or not, this outrage actually gets to the locker room and office. Yes, they need to play beyond it but they are human. I am going to be a voice that "tries" to turn that tide towards the real issue of this team. The offense is a complete joke, and this is how a divide occurs. 

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  11. Nebraska fans who blame the defense make me cringe. 

    1. Vince R.

      Vince R.

      @knapplcReally? are you going to mention the turnovers and constant short fields this defense gave the O? I cant expect this D to be close to perfect. Don't be delusional. Frost and the QB are the biggest issues of this team. 


      @In the Deed the GloryYou're comical man. This offense lost the game in the second quarter. This defense did its job. 

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  12. This on the O. We've had excellent field position and two turnovers and we only have 10 points? Frost is s#!tting the bed with playcalling

  13. There is something going on in that state, in that city, and within those walls that simply keeps this program from having balls, and the ability to play under pressure. They are literally playing better when the game is over because they are puss cakes, and cannot play loose. I question the campus environment and what life is like for these players. These issues supersede staffs and rosters. What is happening on that campus that breeds the same mentality; that translates to the exact kind of play on game day? 

    1. Vince R.

      Vince R.

      @NebfanaticI don't think it has anything to do with the staff. I don't think I am going too deep because I am bringing up a program theme over the last 20 years. There is a difference between talent and will to play. Nebraska should never have a showing like that. The game plans are fine. The schemes are actually good. These players are rewired in a negative way once they move in. The competitive nature, and will to fight is stripped. This program has zero aggression, and has become a counter punch team. Hence why Nebraska is known to playing down to their opponents, or gets shell shocked when WI, tOSU, or Iowa punches first, and the game is over by the second quarter. There is something that is fundamentally broken on that campus, and it has zero to do with S&C, recruiting rankings, scheme, 3-4, spread, Frost, Riley, or Pelini. 

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  14. There is something going on in that state, in that city, and within those walls that simply keeps this program from having balls, and the ability to play under pressure. They are literally playing better when the game is over because they are puss cakes, and cannot play loose. I question the campus environment and what life is like for these players. These issues supersede staffs and rosters. What is happening on that campus that breeds the same mentality; that translates to the exact kind of play on game day? 

    1. Vince R.

      Vince R.

      @Danny BatemanWe have had all those things consistently for almost 20 years now. 5 different coaches, thousands of different players, but the same fragile mindset, sloppy play, lack of discipline, and no balls. 

      @ActualCornHuskerI understand that but its been two years and a lot of the roster is not from his era. I don't want to blame coaches anymore when I can see that they all have the same exact issues.

      @ZRod No armchairs here but you might be on to something. This team desperately needs a psychiatrist. Talent can be better but they lost from the second they walked out. 

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  15. Soft, soft, soft. And our OL sucks.

  16. Maybe I missed the origin of this tweet, but man.... Seems like a real misdirected/ asinine take....


    1. Vince R.

      Vince R.

      @B.B. Hemingway Absolutely not. I am not naive, but at no point did I get that impression. 

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  17. Maybe I missed the origin of this tweet, but man.... Seems like a real misdirected/ asinine take....


    1. Vince R.

      Vince R.

      To be honest, Nebraska fans are nicer to opposing fans than they are to each other lol.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  18. Maybe I missed the origin of this tweet, but man.... Seems like a real misdirected/ asinine take....


    1. Vince R.

      Vince R.

      Being from a completely different part of the country, and having experienced gameday and the state recently; I can see what he is saying. In addition, I never really felt the "Nebraska nice" that people allude to. I felt that people like to maintain the reputation but I never saw it as completely genuine. I couldn't help but see it like a cult more than anything. Just my experience. 



    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  19. Honest question....we are a week team mentally. FCS, get some swagger.

    1. Vince R.

      Vince R.

      We don't have enough alphas on this team. When you have the alphas among other alphas, you win. This team has a bunch of nice guys who need to be prodded to wake up. 

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  20. Not quite two weeks in, so maybe it improves, but this Severe/Benning combo is pretty terrible.

    1. Vince R.

      Vince R.

      I was just going to update my status. So far, the show is horrible. 

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  21. Mowins is calling the USA game.   McKewon announced that on Twitter.

    1. Vince R.

      Vince R.

      So we are all getting another 3 hours of sleep that Saturday. 

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  22. I have been watching a ton of tape over the last few months. I think calling Nebraska's D horrible or abysmal is a gross overstatement, and it doesn't really explain why we lost 8 games. Despite not having a true nose, good safeties, and starting the best catch tackler/ most underwhelming 4 year starter in Nebraska history (D.Young); they didn't get a ton of help from the Offense when it mattered. Our Offense was so boom or bust, but mostly bust. There are so many quarters where the Offense did not put up points. If Nebraska is able to just eliminate scoreless halves and quarters, it changes everything. Let alone a decent jump on D would make Nebraska more than formidable. They could contend for the conference rather easily.

    1. Vince R.

      Vince R.

      Don't get me wrong, I don't think the D was good by any stretch, but I see plenty of moments where they held their own, and Nebraska's O let them down. You can see it all over the Wisconsin game. 

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  23. What if I told you that Nebraska's game against tOSU last year had the makings of a convincing win (17-24 pts) favoring the Big Red. I really hope the self inflicting play is behind this program. It would make all the difference. 

    1. Vince R.

      Vince R.

      @ColoradoHuskIt's all good. I figured a new comment would come in. I think tOSU was the better team. Still, the opportunity is frustrating, but enlightening to what Nebraska could do. Nebraska out coached them, but execution simply wasn't on par with it. I don't expect that to be the case anymore. We have a ton to look forward to. 

    2. (See 18 other replies to this status update)

  24. What if I told you that Nebraska's game against tOSU last year had the makings of a convincing win (17-24 pts) favoring the Big Red. I really hope the self inflicting play is behind this program. It would make all the difference. 

    1. Vince R.

      Vince R.

      @ColoradoHuskI can say that lol. The pic is a good play. Nebraska mixed coverage and had someone underneath. Not even stopping the guy running to block the punt is a Nebraska mistake. Adrian throwing the ball 5 yards behind the line of scrimmage was a horrendous decision. It goes against the logic of football, and there was a guy covering him (and Nebraska threw away at least 3 on that drive). JD dropping an easy catch while Nebraska had the lead is all on Nebraska. tOSU had no part in that ball dropping. Nebraska scores there, and they potentially are up by two scores. I would say that is closer to should have won, but I didn't even say that. I said that the opportunity was there. 

    2. (See 18 other replies to this status update)

  25. What if I told you that Nebraska's game against tOSU last year had the makings of a convincing win (17-24 pts) favoring the Big Red. I really hope the self inflicting play is behind this program. It would make all the difference. 

    1. Vince R.

      Vince R.

      @ColoradoHuskI see your point here, but allowing a punt to be blocked, throwing the ball backwards, dropping an easy catch with the lead that puts you in scoring position is the point here. Nebraska threw the game away. It wasn't like Nebraska lost by 21. They could have legitimately won that game on the road, against a top 5 team, with all the issues. "What if" for sure, but my points are literally what coaches talk to their players about. It is those things. The little things. Hence why I said that I hope Nebraska can move past shooting themselves in the foot because the recipe to win that game is in there. Carrying the ball loosely was a trait of their players. JD dropping dimes isn't, you see what I mean? Nebraska handed them turnovers, while we actually forced them. There is a huge difference. 

    2. (See 18 other replies to this status update)

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