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Texas Cop, "Police Brutality", Black kids.

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If people can throw out the right winged side, then us on the right side can throw out the left winged articles as "Well its obviously slanted left therefore....blah blah blah."

When I see that as being someones reason for not reading right winged article....it just makes that person the opposite they claim to be -- Close Minded

There is nothing open minded about the left, it's time to quit claiming it. (Not directed at anyone, just my thoughts as I've read through some of this)


I would agree with this but also add that being closed minded to a site because it's right or left is on par with constantly reading sites on one side or the other and believing everything they say while not opening up to a balanced opinion.


I saw an interview with the girl who organized the party. It started with a cookout in the park beside the pool. They then decided to go to the pool and swim. She had thrown parties like this before with no problems.


At the end of the interview, she was asked if she will go back to that pool. She answered....."I hope so because I live in the community".


There was wrong things done by everybody involved. But, to me, the adults involved (who should have been the calming influence) did nothing but fuel the flames especially a police officer that is supposed to be trained in how to handle these situations.

Ok here is my final say on the situation and I will try to give the last little bit of insight, hopefully providing clarity to the situation. First, and foremost, I want to say that the situation was handled wrong on all sides. I do not want anyone to gather the idea that I was in full support of the officer, or other adults.


With regards to the Craig Ranch community, you can live there while not paying dues to use the pool. So even if you were to live in the community, you do not have full access to the pool. Now, in addition, if you do have access to the pool - you have a set number of guest that are allowed (20 people) and if you are to host a party, you must inform the HOA and pay a $150 deposit. The woman that organized the party, did not do either of these. The woman is a professional party promoter and what she did was set up the DJ booth outside of the pool and used this day to promote a party happening on June 19th, not related to the Craig Ranch HOA pool. When individuals saw this, as well as the DJ's tweets, they were under the assumption that the $15 was to get into the pool on June 5th. Once they were told that was not the case, it upset them and rightfully so. At this point, individuals who bought the tickets, again not to the pool but a later party on June 19th, began to hop the fence. This is where the inappropriate comments began by individuals who were already in the pool and the situation spiraled out of control. At that point, things got even more out of hand again not condoning any of the actions from either side and resulted in what everyone has seen on TV. Now, the neighborhood is being targeted and vandalized as people have made this a race situation. Yes, the cop's actions were out of control and inappropriate, but the situation could have all been prevented if the original HOA rules were followed. Whether someone wants to return to a pool, or not, depends on if they pay the dues. If they don't, then legally, they do not have a right to enter the pool.

There is hope left for this country! I think the majority of people are on the same page as you. Regardless of what started this incident and the false media reports, the actions of the officer were out of line. And either he or someone above him recognized that with his resignation.
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I tend to usually side with the police, but in this situation that officer should be fired.


The kids were not listening, and were acting like pricks.. but they are kids. You need to be a bigger man in that situation..


I understand you need to listen to the police, and ya, that girl probably deserves to have her head slammed in the sidewalk, but that isnt the police's job. That guy seemed like a power hungry prick. The two other officers there seemed fine, just that one.


The kids really didnt pose much of a threat other than being a-holes.

Didn't pose much of a threat? Just assaulted 2 security guards, a mom and her 3 kids, damaged neighborhood property and threw bottles and objects at neighbors and the police. Kids just being kids I guess...


The kids he was dealing with on the video didnt pose much of a threat outside of being disrespectful.


I am all for cops using there tools to protect themselves and not listening to a cop will end poorly.


But the dude was out of control, and yelling/screaming... Then he bashes a young girls face in to the pavement. She was being a capital B and part of me enjoyed watching her be disrespectful and then get taught a ver tough lesson, but at the end of the day.. they were children.


I am all for cops looking out for their own safety first. My dad is a cop.



But from what we saw on this video, this kids werent posing much of a threat other than being disrespectful.

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If people can throw out the right winged side, then us on the right side can throw out the left winged articles as "Well its obviously slanted left therefore....blah blah blah."

When I see that as being someones reason for not reading right winged article....it just makes that person the opposite they claim to be -- Close Minded

There is nothing open minded about the left, it's time to quit claiming it. (Not directed at anyone, just my thoughts as I've read through some of this)

I would agree with this but also add that being closed minded to a site because it's right or left is on par with constantly reading sites on one side or the other and believing everything they say while not opening up to a balanced opinion.


I saw an interview with the girl who organized the party. It started with a cookout in the park beside the pool. They then decided to go to the pool and swim. She had thrown parties like this before with no problems.


At the end of the interview, she was asked if she will go back to that pool. She answered....."I hope so because I live in the community".


There was wrong things done by everybody involved. But, to me, the adults involved (who should have been the calming influence) did nothing but fuel the flames especially a police officer that is supposed to be trained in how to handle these situations.

Ok here is my final say on the situation and I will try to give the last little bit of insight, hopefully providing clarity to the situation. First, and foremost, I want to say that the situation was handled wrong on all sides. I do not want anyone to gather the idea that I was in full support of the officer, or other adults.


With regards to the Craig Ranch community, you can live there while not paying dues to use the pool. So even if you were to live in the community, you do not have full access to the pool. Now, in addition, if you do have access to the pool - you have a set number of guest that are allowed (20 people) and if you are to host a party, you must inform the HOA and pay a $150 deposit. The woman that organized the party, did not do either of these. The woman is a professional party promoter and what she did was set up the DJ booth outside of the pool and used this day to promote a party happening on June 19th, not related to the Craig Ranch HOA pool. When individuals saw this, as well as the DJ's tweets, they were under the assumption that the $15 was to get into the pool on June 5th. Once they were told that was not the case, it upset them and rightfully so. At this point, individuals who bought the tickets, again not to the pool but a later party on June 19th, began to hop the fence. This is where the inappropriate comments began by individuals who were already in the pool and the situation spiraled out of control. At that point, things got even more out of hand again not condoning any of the actions from either side and resulted in what everyone has seen on TV. Now, the neighborhood is being targeted and vandalized as people have made this a race situation. Yes, the cop's actions were out of control and inappropriate, but the situation could have all been prevented if the original HOA rules were followed. Whether someone wants to return to a pool, or not, depends on if they pay the dues. If they don't, then legally, they do not have a right to enter the pool.

There is hope left for this country! I think the majority of people are on the same page as you. Regardless of what started this incident and the false media reports, the actions of the officer were out of line. And either he or someone above him recognized that with his resignation.


Solid post.


I dont get why everything is made in to a race issue.


The cops were called because things were out of control.


An officer felt out numbered and acted like an A-hole to kids who were acting like a-holes.


The issue is he is a police officer who is expected to act right and they were just young kids...



Race should have nothing to do with any of this. Black, white, brown, yellow or green.... Bad situation, handled even worse.

  • Fire 1
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Is it illegal to be disrespectful to a cop?

If a police officer tells you to leave private property and you dont, then yes.. it is illegal.


That is how they were being disrespectful. They were not listening to a command given by an officer.


The video was taken from a sidewalk, next to a street, which would appear to not be private property. And there is still an amendment in the Bill of Rights allowing people to congregate. Officers can not remove your rights.

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There is already a thread for this, but regardless.



The video is extremely hard to watch. ZRod makes a good point - a decent handful of people (white people*) will retort with the idea that compliance with the police is always the wisest action, which makes sense, but that only ever works perfectly when police are perfect and is only a fair point when it comes down to you breaking the law if you are disobeying. Police make demands and orders all the time that do not legally have to be complied with. Don't get me wrong, I totally understand the sentiment, and I even follow it myself (had a situation recently where I was pulled over and really tempted to just refuse to comply with the things the cop was asking me to do, which I legally had a right to not do, but thought better of it and came out better for it as well), but if you have minority friends you've probably learned that every minority parent teaches their kids as soon as they are old enough to understand that you can't give the police any kind of a reason, and to a lot of people it seems that even still too many officers are finding reasons to use force or to aggressively deal with a situation or whatever by going too far.



All of that aside, this guys' job is to deescalate situations like this, and he did the polar opposite in the most grand fashion and that's just a frustrating thing to deal with, both in and out of the context of any racial component.

Curiosity has gotten the best of me, what things were you going to refuse to comply with?

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Curiosity has gotten the best of me, what things were you going to refuse to comply with?




I got pulled over for speeding a few weeks back on an arterial road that continuously changes from 30 to 40. I'd just left a really heated discussion and it was late and the cop wanted me to do sobriety tests because I had told him I was coming home from the bar. Was really close to refusing because I was tired and just wanted to get home, and there was no reason for him to suspect anything at all other than my own free admission, but thought better of it, did the tests, blew a .03, and didn't get a ticket due to my cooperation.

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Curiosity has gotten the best of me, what things were you going to refuse to comply with?



I got pulled over for speeding a few weeks back on an arterial road that continuously changes from 30 to 40. I'd just left a really heated discussion and it was late and the cop wanted me to do sobriety tests because I had told him I was coming home from the bar. Was really close to refusing because I was tired and just wanted to get home, and there was no reason for him to suspect anything at all other than my own free admission, but thought better of it, did the tests, blew a .03, and didn't get a ticket due to my cooperation.

I don't know about Illinois but you realize that refusing the breathalyzer in Nebraska would have cost you your license for a year right?


And a quick google search would indicate they have a similar law in Illinois.

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I don't know about Illinois but you realize that refusing the breathalyzer in Nebraska would have cost you your license for a year right?




He didn't ask me to do a breathalyzer or even mention it until after he had me do every other test and already assured me that he wouldn't ticket me for DUI, but just wanted to be sure I didn't need a cab or anything. If he would have asked me to breathe from the start I wouldn't have thought to refuse at all.

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Curiosity has gotten the best of me, what things were you going to refuse to comply with?




I got pulled over for speeding a few weeks back on an arterial road that continuously changes from 30 to 40. I'd just left a really heated discussion and it was late and the cop wanted me to do sobriety tests because I had told him I was coming home from the bar. Was really close to refusing because I was tired and just wanted to get home, and there was no reason for him to suspect anything at all other than my own free admission, but thought better of it, did the tests, blew a .03, and didn't get a ticket due to my cooperation.


How do you know this?

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.03 isn't completely sober though. Your eyes will give more clues than you think. Your admission of just leaving a bar, coupled with a few possible signs your eyes may have been giving away basically forced him to run you through sobriety tests. Once we run those tests we can tell pretty quickly whether someone is intoxicated or drugged. If you are close or below, based on what we see, we may not even offer a PBT on the side of the road. Just varies from PD to PD.

  • Fire 1
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.03 isn't completely sober though. Your eyes will give more clues than you think. Your admission of just leaving a bar, coupled with a few possible signs your eyes may have been giving away basically forced him to run you through sobriety tests. Once we run those tests we can tell pretty quickly whether someone is intoxicated or drugged. If you are close or below, based on what we see, we may not even offer a PBT on the side of the road. Just varies from PD to PD.



Obviously I can't tell what my eyes are like, but in response to any ~suspicion~ or "oh you don't know that", I recall the entire sequence of events quite specifically, and while I wouldn't bet my life on it, I'm confident enough saying that if I wouldn't have mentioned being at the bar and having drinks, I didn't give him enough to reasonably come to the conclusion that I might be impaired; I was articulate, apologetic, upfront, explaining my Nebraska license, etc. I was also tired and had to be up early, and the cop was a pretty young dude and seemed like he might be fairly new to the job, hence the temptation to decline his tests (that and I obviously hate all policemen).


But like I said, I thought better of it and it ended up working out in my favor not being cited for going 19 over.

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