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The General Election

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So this just reinforces that the media typically supports the Democratic candidate? Hmmm...

Not really. A lot of news organizations who rarely or never make endorsements have come out against Trump. It speaks more to Trump than it does to any perceived media bias. Even you own republica party has done this. Though they don't have the balls to actually back it up when it matters.
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Tomorrow is the day, according to WikiLeaks and Anonymous...

Haven't we heard this before?


WikiLeaks has never specifically said "this date is the day".


WikiLeaks has named "remember, remember, the 5th of November"...



Yes it has. Assange gave a specific day in October. Then it ended up just being some kind of book promo. There were stories of people staying up all night to hear the news in the early morning.



The going RUMOR (plz, rumor) on the internet is Anonymous found video of her saying some very offensive things about black voters.


The other rumor is that it's video of Bill Clinton having sex with minors. The fact that I've now heard two completely different rumors makes this less believable but I guess we can wait with baited breath until tomorrow.

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Both are bad, but let's be real.


If Hillary said something bad about black voters, she will own up to it. In fact, she's already fed into negative stereotypes about Black people in her public past -- and owned up to it. Her platform, while we can debate its specific merits towards the Black community, is not "More Stop and Frisk." "Law and Order". "Inner Cities". Wink/nudge nods to disparity by policy. That's the other guy.


If Bill had sex with minors and there's video of it, then he will be disgraced. And it will have been his failing.

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Both are bad, but let's be real.


If Hillary said something bad about black voters, she will own up to it. In fact, she's already fed into negative stereotypes about Black people in her public past -- and owned up to it. Her platform, while we can debate its specific merits towards the Black community, is not "More Stop and Frisk." "Law and Order". "Inner Cities". Wink/nudge nods to disparity by policy. That's the other guy.


If Bill had sex with minors and there's video of it, then he will be disgraced. And it will have been his failing.

The rumor is dropping the n word, multiple times. I think that would be gaping hole in the boat, for sure.

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Yes, I agree that would be inappropriate, embarrassing, and highly likely to affect voter turnout.


I'd also posit that Hillary would understand why it is bad and offer the profuse apology necessary to demonstrate that she's better than that. It's kind of how it works in this pansy liberal PC culture of ours, in which she operates :P But absolutely. It'd be problematic. We'd look at the context, and hold her accountable. Personally, from a policy perspective, there's almost zilch chance that any hypothetical tape could make me prefer Trump on this front (could you and I agree there?). Though I would worry about how the election might be affected.


All that said, this is kind of folly, defending something that may or may not exist.



Here's a full guide to various other past election cycle rumors on the Obamas. Heck. Michelle Obama *may* (and I want to emphasize the totally unsubstantiated nature of this suggestion) even be someone who used derisive slang towards white people in the past. But look -- it's clearly not who she is now.
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Both are bad, but let's be real.


If Hillary said something bad about black voters, she will own up to it. In fact, she's already fed into negative stereotypes about Black people in her public past -- and owned up to it. Her platform, while we can debate its specific merits towards the Black community, is not "More Stop and Frisk." "Law and Order". "Inner Cities". Wink/nudge nods to disparity by policy. That's the other guy.


If Bill had sex with minors and there's video of it, then he will be disgraced. And it will have been his failing.

The rumor is dropping the n word, multiple times. I think that would be gaping hole in the boat, for sure.


Where are you seeing these rumors?

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Pretty sure this is more massive projection from Trump supporters, just as Trump projects pretty much all of his faults onto his opponents.

There have been rumors of Trump N-bomb tapes from the Apprentice for months now. Nothing's surfaced. Now I'm supposed to believe that one of Clinton is going to magically pop up tomorrow? Ha. HA.


My sides.


Moiraine, here's the reaction over at Infowars that *other* day that Assange was going to "end Clinton's campaign."


Strong language (and general idiocy) warning:


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Both are bad, but let's be real.


If Hillary said something bad about black voters, she will own up to it. In fact, she's already fed into negative stereotypes about Black people in her public past -- and owned up to it. Her platform, while we can debate its specific merits towards the Black community, is not "More Stop and Frisk." "Law and Order". "Inner Cities". Wink/nudge nods to disparity by policy. That's the other guy.


If Bill had sex with minors and there's video of it, then he will be disgraced. And it will have been his failing.

The rumor is dropping the n word, multiple times. I think that would be gaping hole in the boat, for sure.


Where are you seeing these rumors?




To keep this on track: Biggest surprise today for me is realizing how close NH has gotten - and the realization that it's because of Gary Johnson. He's polling at 8% in the state, much higher than elsewhere in the country.


His VP essentially said they will examine battleground states and instruct their voters to vote Hillary if necessary.

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