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Repealing the ACA under Trump

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Not only that, the ACA was designed to fail so Barack couple sweep in and force people into socialized medicine as the saving grace.


that darn obama messed up and his plan that was designed to fail so he could start socialized medicine just wouldn't fail for him. now it's up to the republicans to work hard to destroy the thing that was designed to fail.
It will fail on its own when all the insurance providers drop out from all the bogus mandates. In the meantime, it has shackled business growth and caused many to close their doors because of the costs.

it's amazing that obamas designed to fail plan has survived longer than all the republican plans have so far.
All government health care plans are trash.

yet they work in every other developed nation in the world
Can you tell me what country has led the world the past hundred years in research and development in medicine?

too bad that spending doesn't represent itself well with overall health of americans. we rate poorly among developed nations in infant mortality rates, maternal death rates, and life expectancy

So we're lagging behind in 3 categories so therefore we should blow up our entire system?..


It's always a good idea to take a look at where we can improve for sure. IMHO I'll agree with you all that Western medicine needs a massive overhaul, but government taking it over will just make it less efficient, more costly, and more corrupt. The overhaul that we need in Western medicine has to do with doctors not actually searching for cures. We have a zillion prescription drugs, but very few if any of them actually address the root cause of the medical issue, but rather mask the symptoms. Then they have side effects that are masked by more drugs, etc. THAT is the issue with medicine, not that it's not socialized.

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And so ppl can't complain about "republican talking points" or "right bias articles" here you go:








In that article, here you go:

"The study suggested as many as 100 million small and large business plans could be canceled due to the changes."

"NBC News reported that between 50 percent and 75 percent of the 14 million who buy individual health insurance would likely receive a cancellation notice over 2014 because their plans did not meet the requirements of the ACA."


There are your numbers. G'night.

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And so ppl can't complain about "republican talking points" or "right bias articles" here you go:








In that article, here you go:

"The study suggested as many as 100 million small and large business plans could be canceled due to the changes."

"NBC News reported that between 50 percent and 75 percent of the 14 million who buy individual health insurance would likely receive a cancellation notice over 2014 because their plans did not meet the requirements of the ACA."


There are your numbers. G'night.

The first link is about the ACA coverage gap, which occurred because (primarily Republican) states refused the Medicaid expansion. I suppose you can blame the ACA for not forcing those states to help their own citizens.


The second link discusses the high deductible plans and how people can't afford the deductible. That's definitely a problem with healthcare, but it's one that repealing the ACA won't fix: the high cost of healthcare itself. An unregulated "free" market approach to healthcare won't fix this either as evidenced by the healthcare cost rise prior to the ACA.


The last link you gave for those two quotes show that the reason those plans were cancelled is that they did not meet the PPA requirements. So basically those weren't good plans as they didn't really cover potential healthcare costs. And the cancellations just meant those people had to get a different plan, not that they lost health insurance.

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John McCain while suffering from a brain tumor is the one vote that was needed to atleast begin the incredibly arduous process of unraveling the nightmare that is Obamacare. There is still hope folks. Perhaps he will have a more lucid moment and announce he is changing his mind and another vote can be scheduled.


A clean repeal would be far better than the most recent Senate version of repeal 'ultra lite' but if they just get the individual and employer mandates out and open up the market to new plans, etc, there will be a giant movement in the direction of more affordable (correction: lets just say less unaffordable) healthcare.


$1000 a month premiums with co-pays and deductibles of another $6000 or $8,000 is absolutely NOT affordable and frankly it is not even aptly described as health insurance. It is simply a massive tax imposed on working people and the funds essentially are going into the black hole of Washington DC special interest spending/waste. If you are foolish enough to actually sign up and take health insurance under Obamacare rules, you CAN'T afford to go to the doctor much less actually, God forbid, get sick. Health insurance was not good before Obamacare and it is nothing short of disasterous now. How can anyone seriously defend spending a couple hundred Billion dollars a year to "insure" (I use that term loosely to describe what being defined as insured under Obamacare rules) 10 million people out of 340 million people. Nonsense.


Anyone with good (relatively speaking) health insurance coverage today is someone with a $65 K plus annual income and insurance provided by your employer (likely about 75% employer funded) and would have been provided whether or not Obamacare ever was enacted. Those same plans would be much less costly and provide similar coverage as well.


The problem with healthcare in this country is TOO much health insurane and govt money being pumped into the system removing virtually all market forces and fiscal restraints on the health care system and providers. That's why we see about 90% of hospitals and medical clinics etc have spent trillions in new bricks and mortar and massive facility improvements, etc because they are receiving massive monetary infusions from these mandated programs. These facilities provide little practical medical benefits to the average joe patients who are being forced to purchase them. Heathcare in this country needs to go on a major fiscal diet over the coming decade as most Americans can't afford to use it, no matter how it is paid for.

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Ignore this troll.



This thread has a lot of useful insight and commentary - don't let this guy sh#t it up. Continue on as if he's not here, since he obviously isn't interested in legitimate dialogue.

I had a good laugh when the following post was the re-emergence of 84 (even if it's a rare post where he seems grounded and doesn't attack anyone).

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Something has bugged me about the entire healthcare debate for years.


So often you see old people get all worked up about it.


To me, their feelings about it don't hold much water. They are already on Medicare and will never have to ever worry about losing coverage again.


My parents fall into this and of quite frankly pisses me off when they think everyone should listen to them.

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There is zero competition in healthcare and that's been the case for well over 100 years.



Making health insurance companies compete won't drive down healthcare costs because the insurance companies are middlemen that have little influence on the underlying costs. Health insurance and healthcare are separate things.

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I don't think anyone has said the ACA is perfect or that it shouldn't be fixed.


But wut and 84 think that a straight repeal would fix costs, when it clearly won't.

Competition won't lower costs and increase quality is what you're saying?...
Did it before Obamacare?

Considering premiums and deductibles have gone through the roof since competition has been wiped out in most states, I'd say that speaks for itself.

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