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Trump Legal Troubles

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8 hours ago, TGHusker said:


:laughpound   I agree - we can persuade the cult members to contribute their 401k, & IRAs and assign annuities to us as beneficiaries, raise money for Trump's future medical expenses which will be YUGE, Baron's college fund, Melinda's Makeup and Accesories Closet Fund, Jr's Drug fund.    All sorts of options. 

You can't make this up. 


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Good article.  Notes that we are on a street we've never been on before in the history of the USA. 







To some scholars of U.S. democracy, his response has only deepened a belief that Trump is undermining the American system of governance.

“He is fundamentally saying that he is the law and that anything which brings a law to bear against him undermines what he perceives as America,” Tribe said. “That’s the very inverse of what most of us think America is all about. It’s about more than any one person — however charismatic, however adored by his followers.”

Meacham called it “the vernacular of a dictator.”

“It’s politically diabolical and road tested,” he said. “I understand that’s what he would say. But it’s not true. At some point, truth has to matter. And facts have to matter. And the fact is that if you took this out of a polarized partisan climate, this wouldn’t even be a particularly close call.”

Criminal indictments against Trump have become so frequent that they can begin to feel normal. But they are anything but. His March 30 indictment in the Stormy Daniels hush money case marked the first criminal charges against any current or former president in the 234 years since George Washington took office.

After that first indictment, several historians and legal scholars said that landmark showed that no one in the United States was above the law, not even presidents. But they also cautioned that prosecuting Trump in such divisive times could lead to politically motivated, tit-for-tat prosecutions of presidents in the future.

It would be good for no one to celebrate accountability for a former president. It’s not something to take joy in,” Kleinfeld said.

She said accountability was key to reducing violence and strengthening U.S. democracy.

“Trump keeps hoping that another mob will come to his rescue,” she said. “He’s called for that in veiled language after his arraignment in New York and every time there’s a legal action against him.”

But, she said, the vigorous prosecutions of hundreds of Jan. 6 rioters have left many of those who might have taken to the streets for Trump angry and scared.

“People are afraid of the consequences,” she said. “Accountability is quelling the mob.”



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15 hours ago, Dr. Strangelove said:

You can't make this up. 


And more:

561 years has a nice ring to it.     Patriots, Comrades, Idiots, Fools, Cult members - it's all the same in Trump's mind. 






With Crooked Joe’s corrupt DOJ having unlawfully INDICTED yours truly yet again, reports indicate that I could now face a combined 561 YEARS in prison from the Left’s witch hunts.

…There’s only ONE MESSAGE someone can send by trying to throw you in jail for 6 lifetimes, and that’s FEAR.
The fear that if you vote for the ONLY candidate who puts you FIRST, you too could be harassed, indicted, and even ARRESTED by the current Marxist regime in Washington.

Because these endless witch hunts and indictments aren’t really about me, they’re about YOU having a voice in your own country.
I’m just standing in the Left’s way – and I always will.

Rest assured, Patriot, if there’s ONE thing I’m willing to risk my freedom for, it’s YOUR FREEDOM.

But while the Democrats continue to send America barreling towards tyranny, I ask that YOU peacefully stand with me during these dark times – as one UNITED Republican Party – and PROVE that we will NEVER SURRENDER the country we hold so dear.

However, if you’re struggling right now due to Crooked Joe’s policies and the sinister Swamp creatures in Washington, please just hit the back button and go about your day. In that case, I don’t want you to even think about donating!

But if you can contribute even just $1, God knows how much our country needs patriots like YOU at this pivotal moment in history…
Please make a contribution of any amount – truly, even just $1 – to show that our movement will NEVER SURRENDER our country to the Left’s tyranny even as Crooked Joe and his Deep State thugs try to JAIL me for 561 YEARS.



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Expect a mug shot in Georgia








FULTON COUNTY, Ga. — Fulton County Sheriff Pat Labat says his office is preparing for the possibility of former President Donald Trump being indicted in Fulton County.

He says that, if indicted by a grand jury, the former president will be treated like anyone else accused of a crime, including fingerprints and a mugshot.

“Unless somebody tells me differently, we are following our normal practices, and so it doesn’t matter your status, we’ll have a mugshot ready for you,” Sheriff Labat said.



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