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We are raising a generation of deluded narcissists

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While I agree with the points and the spirits of the article, especially being young and narcissistic myself, I think today's youth is also, in general, much more passionate than the generations before. Passion can be bad if it's towards bad things, but there are a lot of great things young people are devoting themselves to as well.


Bland an uninspired passion with a 10-second attention span, but collectively more passionate, nonetheless.




Here's what I was a part of last week:





I mean, great, but how many tabs/windows do you have open right now. Be honest.




17. Where are you going with that?


I have 6 and I worry about my attention span. When we bombard ourselves with little hits of "information" it is hard to seriously be "inspired" by a cause for an extended length of time. How long can our "passion" ralistically hold out for?

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I have 6 and I worry about my attention span. When we bombard ourselves with little hits of "information" it is hard to seriously be "inspired" by a cause for an extended length of time. How long can our "passion" ralistically hold out for?




I don't know the answer. Well, strike that, I do. Theoretically, as a Christian, I believe my passion can hold out for an infinite amount of time if I am relying on the Holy Spirit and not on myself. Still, that's not really an answer. So I'll go back to saying I don't know.


I always have a lot of tabs open because I'm doing a lot of things - not because I have a short attention span. I'll be too attentive towards certain things, so I'll open new tabs to look at later. I've got tabs open with resource images for graphics, research, things that I want to link other people later so I keep them open, etc.


At any rate, I see so many young college-age kids dedicated essentially throughout their entire college careers to causes they care about. I see the same thing in my own life. So I would agree that overall the lack of attention span is a problem, but I don't think youth today are any less capable of being passionate or attentive.

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We have grown up with teachers and parents and everyone else trying to instill confidence in us, telling us that we can be whatever we want to be, that we're all winners, that everyone is special, that we should be confident and make ourselves stand out in order to get scholarships, opportunities, and jobs, and all of a sudden we show a little bit of self-confidence and that's a BAD thing?




There's a difference between confidence and arrogance. The latter is what not only our generation, but the world suffers from.

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We have grown up with teachers and parents and everyone else trying to instill confidence in us, telling us that we can be whatever we want to be, that we're all winners, that everyone is special, that we should be confident and make ourselves stand out in order to get scholarships, opportunities, and jobs, and all of a sudden we show a little bit of self-confidence and that's a BAD thing?



Alot of people walk that fine line of being confident and being a jackoff. I have confidence but my parents also taught me respect for others, and that you have to earn that respect. I know alot of kids my age who were never taught that lesson, and it's painfully obvious.

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thinking your "special" is not being confident. We teach our kids that everyone is a winner and the result is self deception and entitlement

The really concerning part is what goes through their minds when they enter the real world and life decides to kick 'em in the teeth time and time again. Then how do they respond? I can sit here say with a clear conscious that I will never have to worry that my kids will fail to respond to some adversity. If my kid ever gets a trophy for losing, it will go right in the trash. You lost. Too bad.

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