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The General Election

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What "Hillary supporters?"


Look at post 3091 in this thread.


Since this is pointed at me, yeah, I guess I am a "Hillary supporter" because I will be voting for her. But I am more anti-Trump than anything. I want that clown no where near the Oval Office.


I live in a state where she has a single digit lead. If I lived in CA or NY I would for sure be voting for Johnson as a protest.


I don't overly care for her all too much. From what I have learned about Kaine, I would prefer him to her. And I really don't like the cycle of her following Bill as POTUS, just like I didn't care for W following his father.


But I see her as 4 more years of the status quo, which isn't a totally bad thing IMO.

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Already rolled back the food safety talk. What a clown show


WASHINGTON — A fact sheet issued by Donald Trump's campaign on Thursday said he would roll back food safety regulations if the billionaire businessman is elected president, arguing they are burdensome to farmers and "overkill."
The campaign later deleted the fact sheet from its website and issued a new release that did not include the food safety language. The fact sheet was sent out to supplement a speech Trump gave to the New York Economic Club on boosting economic growth. Trump did not mention food safety in the speech.




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Already rolled back the food safety talk. What a clown show


WASHINGTON — A fact sheet issued by Donald Trump's campaign on Thursday said he would roll back food safety regulations if the billionaire businessman is elected president, arguing they are burdensome to farmers and "overkill."
The campaign later deleted the fact sheet from its website and issued a new release that did not include the food safety language. The fact sheet was sent out to supplement a speech Trump gave to the New York Economic Club on boosting economic growth. Trump did not mention food safety in the speech.




Of course.....


You flap your lips blabbering whatever comes out about stuff you have no clue about.


Then, you have people around you say...."Dude....that was really dumb". So, you have to some how sweep it under the rug that it was even said.

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People are concerned about Hillary's health, but want to replace her with a 75 year old? lol


Either that says something about the depth of concern over Hillary's health or a wish for a mulligan to go back and have a 'do over'.

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Does this idiot really just get to say that and that wipes away all the idiotic and rediculous statements he has made over the last 8 years? Really???



He says "Hillary started it and I finished it" like somehow we just ignore everything in the middle.


But....the real funny part will be watching his Republican followers clamor onto his statements and act like Hillary was the center and all of the Birther movement and they didn't have anything to do with it.





I wonder what all the right wingers are going to say now that support him and have always claimed Obama was a Muslim and born in Africa.

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The Birther nonsense is another example of how hypocritical politics can be. Some Conservatives exert a TON of time and energy hollering about where Obama was born - and yet they don't say a word about where one-time front-runner Ted Cruz was born (Canada).


Oddly, they make a stink about Obama's full name being Barack Hussein Obama, but don't seem to care that Ted Cruz's first name is Rafael.


It's a weird time to be alive.

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