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Post your electoral map

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Ah, I see. Would you say you're hopeful that Trump loses and does not become the next POTUS?


Or basically indifferent, but you expect that he will lose?

I will be very glad he did not win. At the same time, i will be very frustrated that she did.



I can understand that sentiment. But since this race has potentially narrowed uncomfortably close to a coin flip, let's flip the assumptions.


When Donald Trump becomes president-elect, will you be similarly glad that she did not win? And at the same time, frustrated that he did?

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Ah, I see. Would you say you're hopeful that Trump loses and does not become the next POTUS?


Or basically indifferent, but you expect that he will lose?

I will be very glad he did not win. At the same time, i will be very frustrated that she did.


I can understand that sentiment. But since this race has potentially narrowed uncomfortably close to a coin flip, let's flip the assumptions.


When Donald Trump becomes president-elect, will you be similarly glad that she did not win? And at the same time, frustrated that he did?


I have the same feeling as BRI - Glad Trump didn't win, frustrated that Clinton did.


If the coin doesn't land on Foltzy & Trump wins, I'll be glad Clinton didn't win, but horrified that Trump did.


A Trump presidency says much worse things about America & Americans than a Clinton presidency.

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rather generous

I think it's more likely that Trump exceeds that electoral vote total than Hillary but I see this as the most plausible outcome based on what I've seen from the polls and early voting.



I was reading the link someone posted in the general election topic about Nevada and I'd probably flip that one to blue if I made the map again.

  • Fire 1
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You guys think this is a game!?!!!!


But seriously, I always think it's funny how serious politics should be, and then it always turns into a weekend morning pregame show. People are just throwing around bs about who might win and how, with no more concern about the issues at hand.

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You guys think this is a game!?!!!!


But seriously, I always think it's funny how serious politics should be, and then it always turns into a weekend morning pregame show. People are just throwing around bs about who might win and how, with no more concern about the issues at hand.


Making it into a game delays the onset of the existential panic... :lol:

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You guys think this is a game!?!!!!


But seriously, I always think it's funny how serious politics should be, and then it always turns into a weekend morning pregame show. People are just throwing around bs about who might win and how, with no more concern about the issues at hand.

???? if you've read the other threads I'm not sure how you can say people here have no concern about the issues at hand.


Just because people are reading about voter turnout and the updates from early voting in each state doesn't mean they're made it into a game and are just BS'ing.

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Ah, I see. Would you say you're hopeful that Trump loses and does not become the next POTUS?


Or basically indifferent, but you expect that he will lose?

I will be very glad he did not win. At the same time, i will be very frustrated that she did.

I can understand that sentiment. But since this race has potentially narrowed uncomfortably close to a coin flip, let's flip the assumptions.


When Donald Trump becomes president-elect, will you be similarly glad that she did not win? And at the same time, frustrated that he did?

I have the same feeling as BRI - Glad Trump didn't win, frustrated that Clinton did.


If the coin doesn't land on Foltzy & Trump wins, I'll be glad Clinton didn't win, but horrified that Trump did.


A Trump presidency says much worse things about America & Americans than a Clinton presidency.

That pretty much sums it up.

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Ah, I see. Would you say you're hopeful that Trump loses and does not become the next POTUS?


Or basically indifferent, but you expect that he will lose?

I will be very glad he did not win. At the same time, i will be very frustrated that she did.


I can understand that sentiment. But since this race has potentially narrowed uncomfortably close to a coin flip, let's flip the assumptions.


When Donald Trump becomes president-elect, will you be similarly glad that she did not win? And at the same time, frustrated that he did?


I have the same feeling as BRI - Glad Trump didn't win, frustrated that Clinton did.


If the coin doesn't land on Foltzy & Trump wins, I'll be glad Clinton didn't win, but horrified that Trump did.


A Trump presidency says much worse things about America & Americans than a Clinton presidency.


I'm kind of scared either way. Either way it will be an interesting ride. Opposition will rise up on both sides in opposition to the stated positions of the candidates. As in most cases, the "devil" that wins, rarely turns out as bad as advertised by the opposition party - esp if they have to deal wt an opposing party in Congress. I suspect either way, we will survive and go though this all again in 4 years. Just think, campaigning will begin again after the 2018 mid terms. Oh what fun - time for a federal limit on campaigns.


Regarding the map - I kind of favor the OP map - I think it will be very close as Trump has had momentum recently but Hillary has had the benefit of time - not enough time for Trump to get over the hump. The FBI directors 2nd surprise letter in as many weeks helps Hillary and may blunt some of Trumps momentum . I think NC is the new Florida (even thought Florida is very tight also). Trump needs to flip one of the upper middle rust belt states to pull it off. I don't think he has the ground game to do it. He's had big crowds but that doesn't automatically reflect what happens at the polls.


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They really need to split California either by district or into a north and south. I don't think that would affect anything (I don't know, tbh) but having 55 votes come from one state is a little excessive. You win California and you're 20.5% to president.



Why is it excessive? It's proportional to the population. Also, when the Republican nominee wins the popular vote and loses the electoral college, you'll have a lot better reason to complain.

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They really need to split California either by district or into a north and south. I don't think that would affect anything (I don't know, tbh) but having 55 votes come from one state is a little excessive. You win California and you're 20.5% to president.


They need to just eliminate the electoral college altogether and go by the popular vote. It is ridiculous that the candidate with the most votes could lose the election due to where their votes are concentrated or due to a faithless elector.

  • Fire 1
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