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teachercd last won the day on May 23

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Head Coach (18/21)



  1. Cities want houses, they want people living there and they want businesses. They need a tax base. Bennington over here in Nebraska keeps building huge houses and zero business/retail space and the taxes on the homes are INSANE.
  2. Hahaha! We used to do things like, let the players pick the score of a the game and if they got it right, no conditioning, s#!t like that. Coach: Okay, everyone, pick the score of the game this weekend. Players: Who is playing... No clue at all who NU would was playing that week. And then even their scores were insane "Uhhh, 11 to 39"
  3. Gives BOTH these teams an extra day to do some recruiting! Ha Two of the biggest recruiting HS's in the state.
  4. So funny that a country that was sooooo backwards preWWII worked SOOOO hard and in the process killed so many people just to get "modern" would once again start to look like an old stuck-in-back-time country. Commies gonna commie!
  5. When I coached HS football it always surprised me how little interest the guys on the team had on watching games. It was just not a big priority for them. Usually when I would ask them about it I would get these responses. 1. No, I did not watch it 2. My parents had friends over to watch, I saw a little bit of it here and there 3. Did you steal money out of my locker during practice?? I agree. I just posted about it, most of my HS players just did not watch/care about games like we do.
  6. Idaho is odd. I always thought that Boise would become a second-Denver, nice weather (sort of), mountains...but it still has yet to take off.
  7. Thanks!! https://www.noaa.gov/education/resource-collections/climate/climate-change-impacts
  8. I am so happy I have nice normal neighbors. And I am so happy that the ones I don't know just stay inside 24/7.
  9. Sooooo they don't like it when THEY are inconvenienced?
  10. Do not let Stranglove see that! He will be convinced that Joe will not get one single vote!!!
  11. I think one of the biggest semiconductor manufactories is there...will be interesting to see what happens with that.
  12. Good lord, I am glad I have never taken a loan out from where some of you guys have. Everything was show to me, well before I signed anything, every month, every payment, the interest rate, how much I would be paying in interest... Again, I am 100% for forgiving loans, starting with school loans, then CC debt and then mortgage.
  13. Hahaha! That guy got right in your kitchen for no reason!
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