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killer cacti

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Status Updates posted by killer cacti

  1. SMH Tigers. It was fun while it lasted. Focus on that ACC title now.

    1. Excel


      Its ok Cacti, these things happen.

    2. Hoosker


      You never want to have to comeback against the Jackets. The Kings of Keep Away.

  2. Snow day in SC - and not an oz on the ground yet.

    1. NUance


      South Caroliny. Where they measure snow in Oz not inches.


    2. killer cacti

      killer cacti

      LOL...it was more of a saying than anything - but kinda true too


    3. GSG


      I thought snow was measured in 8-balls?

  3. Sometimes I troll cartoonists on facebook and wonder what exactly I'm doing with my life.

  4. Sting just came back. #SurvivorSeries

  5. Tell me why I should stick around Huskerboard...GO!

    1. Show previous comments  20 more
    2. Blackshirtsguru


      Just do eeeeet

    3. icedavis


      I enjoy your graphical work. It's been a good source of inspiration for the graphical work I have been doing. If nothing else, I would like to keep following you and your work.

    4. killer cacti

      killer cacti

      @icedavis - it's all here: http://bit.ly/1KGJBX6

  6. Thanks to everyone who voted for my blackshirt.

  7. Thanks to the Huskerboard and all our veterans!!! Thanks so much for all that you do!

  8. The 10 month old makes his Clemson debut tomorrow!

  9. The Clemson Tigers are 6-0!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. HuskerfaninOkieland


      We've had quite a few 'c$%ks on the board before

    3. killer cacti

      killer cacti

      Don't let your guard down.

    4. NoLongerN


      And K-State is 5-0. Wow.

  10. These Gamecocks sure are touchy...TAKE A JOKE!

    1. Excel


      love you cacti

    2. NUance


      I think we'll see a lot of c$%ks jokes this month.

    3. GSG


      CornCock jokes?

  11. Way to go Huskers, now if only my Tigers can follow up that performance tomorrow!!!

  12. We're 2 days away from meeting our little one! Can't wait!!!

  13. What the hell is going on with y'all?

    1. Danny Bateman

      Danny Bateman

      Hey, we can't all beat up on Al Go... wait. >=/


    2. NUance


      Unfortunately, not much. Not much that's good anyway.

    3. VectorVictor


      We hired a bargain-bin Dr. Tom and are getting bargain-bin results across the board. We currently aspire to be a dumpster fire...that's how bad things are.

  14. Where's the State of the Board Address? I came for the politics.

    1. Eric the Red

      Eric the Red

      I think I should be finished with everything and post by 10pm tomorrow. Thanks for asking.

    2. Junior


      I'll be holding my breath

  15. With the FSU loss last night...Clemson now controls its own destiny in the ACC Atlantic...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. UGAHusker


      Me too, although, as usual, I'm not too confident in our chances against the jean shorts clan from Gainesville.

    3. UGAHusker


      Gosh, you Clemson people are all alike. A Clemson buddy of mine was just like, "thank you Florida State!"

    4. killer cacti

      killer cacti

      without FSU losing last night, we were pretty much done...

  16. Working 4 of 5 days a week from home, starting in a month. I'll take it.

    1. darkhorse85


      Me too but I get to start in a couple of weeks. Can't wait.

    2. GM_Tood
  17. You guys as excited as I am about the first playoff rankings?

  18. You guys ok?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ShawnWatson


      I'm alone and cold.

    3. Hoosker


      I'm doin alright.

    4. Dr. Mantis Toboggan

      Dr. Mantis Toboggan

      The Dude isn't doing well. He just lost his thumbs

  19. You guys suck. ;) Go Tigers.

    1. Redux


      Hey! We know...

    2. NUance


      We don't suck as much as Vegas thinks though.

  20. You haven't lived until you've worn under armour shorts whilst going commando. The boys are clapping along like a room without a roof.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. GM_Tood
    3. The Dude
    4. Stumpy1


      My 8yr old went commando to the last day of school. My wife told him to change into his baseball uni and he said he needs to grab a pair of undie. My wife asked him if he wore any to school and he said nope, why. He wore nike gym shorts that day.

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