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Everything posted by commando

  1. Thanks to all the seniors. 99.9% of us are very grateful for what you have done here at DONU. Please ignore the trolls who say otherwise.
  2. it seems that Bo has nutured an "us against the fans" mentality with the team. add in tape gate and i can understand how the relationship got to this point.
  3. has anyone ever seen a chop block called against the defense before?

    1. Count 'Bility

      Count 'Bility

      Suh I bet, aint it?

    2. huKSer


      It could be Florida against Florida????????

    3. commando


      called against ashland in todays class c-1 championship game. i was not aware that the defense was suppose to be blocking anyone.

  4. going to memorial stadium tomorrow for the C-1 championship game. Go Big Blue!

    1. wiuhusker


      AG alum? If so you beat my high school in the first game of the year

  5. i remember watching this game on TV with the sound turned down and Lyle on the radio.
  6. the same wisconsin team that would have only 1 loss right now if not for the refs screwing them in the arizona state game.
  7. couldn't this have been included in 1 of the other bo must go threads?
  8. i pity the fan who dares to Boo Taylor if he is anywhere near me. it would be worth missing the rest of the game to smack someone that would do that.
  9. I agree, as long as he is able to and the rest of the team and coaches are ok with it.
  10. i think RK has earned at least the start on senior day...unless they trot Martinez out for 1 play.
  11. after saying that our special teams sucked last week...i owe them grats on playing well today (well.....punt return strategy still baffles me...but nice KO TD and OT FG)
  12. I call BS. From what I've seen of his pressers Bo cannot dance around ANYTHING! injury reports?
  13. i opened this thread hoping you were offering a snickers to everyone that was bitching today
  14. the calls went our way last year....and went their way this year. it happens
  15. tentatively agree. will add that our special teams are letting us down big time. Imo, if there is anything that we absolutely must fix it's special teams.
  16. i will bet you 1 rep that won't happen today
  17. is it wrong for me to laugh at this? http://www.cnn.com/2013/11/14/world/meast/syria-beheading-mistake/index.html?hpt=hp_t2
  18. those crazy westboro baptists are now protesting college football games

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. corncraze


      How do these crazies even exist?!

    3. darkhorse85


      They feed themselves off of attorney fees won in court. Half of their family are attorneys. Biggest trolls out there.

    4. NUance
    1. huskrplaya


      Why didn't Bo think of that??

    2. Foppa


      Why would you complain when you knew you were screwed?

    3. NUance


      Right: "If it's inevitable, just relax and enjoy it" ---Clayton Williams

  19. the SEC is playing by different rules then the rest of the NCAA. they can oversign to an extent that gives them an extra class every 4 years over the rest of the teams. the open bidding on players might also help them get the better players. They also cut many sports so the football $ stays with the football program. they use those $ to pay the best coaches (and bring in the best recruits money can buy). if we want the other conferences to be equal to the SEC...we have to follow their motto....."if you aint cheatin you aint tryin"
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