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Trump's America


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In and of itself, it brings me a bit of joy to see Trump display quite obviously the pathetic and absurd lengths to which he will go to protect his fragile ego. It brings with it a bit of vindication that I was right about what a small, petty human being he is.


When you take a step back, it's a harbinger none of us are probably comfortable with. He will try to fake a narrative of great approval for his decisions when there is none there.

This time it is a press conference. What if next time it is the decision to go to war or create a Muslim registry? Is he going to have his aides clap and holler for that too?

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Sorry for those of you living in blue states:


President-elect Donald Trump twice suggested at his news conference that states that voted for him overwhelmingly during the election would get special attention from his White House, especially on the issue of jobs and trade.


Referring to his victory in November, Trump said that many states “did get it right” by voting for him and those states would have better jobs, security and veterans services.


“And we focused very hard in those states, and they really reciprocated,” Trump said. “And those states are going to have a lot of jobs, and they’re going to have a lot of security. They’re going to have a lot of good news for their veterans.”


Later, he warned companies against moving jobs to Mexico or other countries from “places that I won.”


“But what really is happening is the word is now out, that when you want to move your plant to Mexico or some other place, and you want to fire all of your workers from Michigan and Ohio and all these places that I won, for good reason, it’s not going to happen that way anymore,” Trump said.


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For those of you who don't know who Marine Le Pen is, she's a far right-wing (as in, European right-wing, like Hitler/Fascist right-wing, not American Midwest right-wing where you believe in fiscal responsibility, meat & potatoes) French politician.


So why is it significant that she's been seen at Trump Tower?



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Did I read that right? That America's intelligence agencies are warning other countries not to trust this administration? Holy F$&k.


Yes, that is the opinion of Mr. Mujanović. Now, that is only his opinion, and we can disagree with that (for the record, I'm not qualified to completely agree or disagree with him, but I understand his logic), but these are his bona fides. He kinda probably knows what he's talking about.



I am a political scientist and analyst of southeast European and international affairs with a PhD from York University in Toronto. My career background is a unique blend of global academic and professional engagement, as I have worked as a scholar, policy analyst, consultant, researcher, and writer in both North America and Europe.


My academic research concentrates primarily on the politics of contemporary southeastern Europe, with a particular focus on the politics of the non-EU states of the Western Balkans. More broadly, my academic fields of interest and expertise are split between international relations, global political economy, and political theory. I am interested in democratization processes, state development (including the process of state failure), and post-conflict and peace studies, in particular as these topics relate to southeastern Europe. These concerns likewise keep me invested in debates on social movements and organized labor, regionally and globally.


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