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The Republican Utopia

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Semantics, perhaps, but Samantha Bee called Ivanka Trump a feckless c**t because of what she believed was Ivanka's abhorrent behavior, which Bee clearly detailed. That's a judgement call. 


Roseanne went after Valerie Jarrett's Iranian and African-American birth parents, as if nothing more than racism was needed to criticize her. 


The next day across the Internet I saw apologists saying "yeah, Roseanne went too far, but I don't like that Valerie Jarret character. So people started asking what specifically Valerie Jarrett did that they disapproved of. They couldn't cite a thing. 


Minnie Driver had the best response:


That was the wrong word for Samantha Bee to have used . But mostly because ( to paraphrase the French ) Ivanka has neither the warmth nor the depth.
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This could go in a number of different threads, but I will put it here: Been thinking about this for a while now and have come to a conclusion...


Trump no longer has supporters.  He has followers.  He is a cult leader in every sense: egotistical, self-serving, manipulative, liar, doesn't tolerate dissent, us-versus-them attitude, feels he is unfairly persecuted, etc etc.


Cult of Trump.  His followers believe everything he says without question and they will defend him no matter how outrageous he is or vile deeds he does.  

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52 minutes ago, Clifford Franklin said:

Nothing says working class hero delivering for the American people like...


This Pruitt story is just bonkers. He's clearly abusing his position every single day for his own gain and yet he just chugs forward anyway. It's hiding in plain sight.



My God he might be crazier than Trump. Hard to tell. Maybe Trump has better secret-keepers.

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On 6/7/2018 at 8:12 PM, Clifford Franklin said:

Nothing says working class hero delivering for the American people like...


This Pruitt story is just bonkers. He's clearly abusing his position every single day for his own gain and yet he just chugs forward anyway. It's hiding in plain sight.


On 6/7/2018 at 9:05 PM, Moiraine said:



My God he might be crazier than Trump. Hard to tell. Maybe Trump has better secret-keepers.



Trump loves Pruitt if for no other reason than he makes Trump's particular brand of crazy seem more normal.  One guy flouting the constitution and doing all this stuff stands out. A crowd doing it becomes overwhelming.  Less chance of blowback.


Trump doesn't keep Pruitt because he thinks Pruitt is doing a good job for America.  Pruitt covers Trump.

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On 6/7/2018 at 8:39 PM, Making Chimichangas said:

This could go in a number of different threads, but I will put it here: Been thinking about this for a while now and have come to a conclusion...


Trump no longer has supporters.  He has followers.  He is a cult leader in every sense: egotistical, self-serving, manipulative, liar, doesn't tolerate dissent, us-versus-them attitude, feels he is unfairly persecuted, etc etc.


Cult of Trump.  His followers believe everything he says without question and they will defend him no matter how outrageous he is or vile deeds he does.  

Yep,  Remember Trump said  - He could shoot someone in Times Square and his followers would still support him.


Related.  If this is the face of the modern day republican party - I want none of it.  The article below is more alarming than just these 2 quotes -if that isn't alarming enough.

Trump is remaking the party one district by one district by endorsing radicals who have no business being a US Senator.  I wonder if the reason so many repubs are 'retiring' from

Congress is due to the fact that the party is becoming something they can not support any longer. 

Time for a new party.  However, I think it will take a series devastating elections for the party to wake up.  It won't happen this time around and it may not happen in 2020 - if Trump doesn't get kicked out of office and if his NK plan works out and we aren't in a recession - good chance he gets re-elected.   Our last 3 presidents and last 4 out of 5 served 8 years. Clinton, GWB and Obama all had their issues going into their re-election.  The power of the oval office is no small thing.  However, after 8 years of Trump - the repub party will be unrecognizable - I just hope the country isn't in the same boat.  







When Corey Stewart beat Nick Freitas in Virginia’s Republican Senate primary on Tuesday, he got a congratulatory tweet from President Trump, who said, “Don’t underestimate Corey, a major chance of winning!”

Among the people who retweeted Trump’s accolades: Jason Kessler, a self-described “pro-white” activist who organized last year’s “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, during which a young woman was murdered by an alt-right rallygoer — and a friend and associate of Stewart’s.





Stewart’s win over Freitas means a Republican candidate with a birther past and connections to white nationalists and a virulent anti-Semite is the face of the Republican Party in Virginia this year. Stewart isn’t new to the scene — he lost two previous statewide elections in 2013 and 2017. But this year, he won, even in one of northern Virginia’s wealthiest suburbs. And he did so by pledging his undying loyalty to the one person who matters in the 2018 Republican Party, even after getting fired by his presidential campaign: Donald Trump.

Who is Corey Stewart, a “proud Southerner” who’s actually from Minnesota?

Corey Stewart has draped himself in the mantle of Trumpism, saying in 2016, “I was Trump before Trump was Trump.” And that has some truth to it: In 2012 during his run for lieutenant governor, he bragged about Prince William County’s “crackdown” on undocumented immigrants via a 2007 law that required police to check the immigration status of anyone detained or arrested if there was “probable cause” that the person might not be a citizen. (Stewart served as chair of the Prince William County Board of Supervisors.)



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So the "Left" has been waging a "culture war" for the past 50 years????  What a load of crap.  Many republicans, especially many of the far-right religious ones, are so mind-numbingly delusional it isn't funny anymore--it is downright scary.


They see a "culture war" when in reality, all that is happening are people saying:


*I'm not going to live like it is still 1952.

*I'm not going to answer to some "god" who doesn't exist and if he does, probably doesn't care.

*I'm not going to accept that I must think a certain way to be a patriot or an American.

*I'm going to live my life, the way I see fit.

*Having freedom means you protect the rights of others--especially when those "others" have beliefs opposite of yours.


This "culture war" propaganda goes hand in hand with the religious right's utter delusion that there is a "demonic war" against christianity.  There is no war, let alone demonic war against christianity.  Any supposed christian who says stuff like this, ask them the following questions:


*Who is preventing you from believing in god?

*Who is preventing you from going to church?

*Who is telling you that you cannot pray, on your own time?

*Who is telling you that you will be punished, or retaliated against, for having faith?


I want specific examples with the names, dates, and times of these events.  Ironically enough, not a single christian who thinks there is a "demonic war", that I have ever met, can provide any proof that those questions I posed are happening to them.  Why is that?  Because it is all in their delusional and self-righteous minds.  They literally imagine and dream up this non-existent persecution, then use these false facts to wage actual war on people who just want to live their life and be left alone.


@TGHusker, I hope you don't take what I say as a personal attack against you or your faith--because it certainly is not.  



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Lots of Republicans seem to have a persecution complex. When it comes to social/religious issues, liberals tend to want people to be treated equally rather than one group (a minority of some kind) being treated as less. Then as a reaction, Republican leaders say religion and/or the consitution are being attacked and lots of Republicans eat it up. It's completely illogical.


Also, RE the link, give me a break talking about Republicans trying dignity and statesmanship and it not working because the Democrats play dirty. That's a load of crap. Both have been plenty dirty for a long time but Trump is on a new and completely unacceptable level of his own.

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