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6 hours ago, knapplc said:

"School Choice" or vouchers are a grift by the religious right to fund their schools through public tax dollars. 


Yes it is.


I mean, parents have always had the choice of sending their kids to private schools or public schools, but income and neighborhood often make the choice for you.


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27 minutes ago, JJ Husker said:

I don’t think there are bad schools, only bad locations and bad parents and very few bad teachers.

That is what I mean.


It is the kids that ruin it...because the parents don't stop it...


I taught in a school where I was told to "f#&% off" for asking a 7th grade to open her book.  Where two students refused to sit at the same table because they hated each other and started cursing each other out, where a 7th grade girl told me her grandpa was going to come to school and make me "rest in peace"

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1 minute ago, teachercd said:

That is what I mean.


It is the kids that ruin it...because the parents don't stop it...

Well, I've said for many years that one problem is that school systems can't get rid of bad kids that are only there to cause trouble.  It should be much easier and this would help a lot of inner city schools.  I don't know what you do with those kids.  Maybe alternative schools?  But, there are good students that are held back by these idiots.

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3 minutes ago, BigRedBuster said:

Well, I've said for many years that one problem is that school systems can't get rid of bad kids that are only there to cause trouble.  It should be much easier and this would help a lot of inner city schools.  I don't know what you do with those kids.  Maybe alternative schools?  But, there are good students that are held back by these idiots.

You almost need two types of alt schools.


You need one for jackasses

You need one for kids are not jackasses but just suck at school.


You also need an apprentice program that kids can start by 15 years old.



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4 minutes ago, teachercd said:

You almost need two types of alt schools.


You need one for jackasses

You need one for kids are not jackasses but just suck at school.


You also need an apprentice program that kids can start by 15 years old.



If you take care of the jackasses, dealing with the kids that are good kids, but have a hard time in school becomes a lot easier.  Also, I'm sure you've seen it before.  But, sometimes those kids that are bad at school, get sucked into being in the jacka$$ group and become jackasses....instead of continuing to try hard in school.

Love the apprentice idea.

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1 minute ago, teachercd said:

You almost need two tips of alt schools.


You need one for jackasses

You need one for kids are not jackasses but just suck at school.


You also need an apprentice program that kids can start by 15 years old.



I get what you’re saying but IMO the jackasses can just GTFO of the school system completely. Transfer them directly to where they’re going to end up anyway, jail. Now kids that suck at school, sure give them an alternative.


We have an alternative HS here where the troublemakers go. You guessed it, they continue to cause trouble and once in awhile there is a stabbing or something. I guess the good thing is they are separated from the kids that actually want to learn. I don’t think there are enough kids sent there as there are still plenty of complete s#!theads in the normal schools.


Like I said, 98% of the problem is bad parenting. Raise a s#!thead at home and they’re gonna be a s#!thead at school. Pretty simple. Sorry Nancy Reagan but some kids need to be left behind for the good of the others.

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3 minutes ago, BigRedBuster said:

If you take care of the jackasses, dealing with the kids that are good kids, but have a hard time in school becomes a lot easier.  Also, I'm sure you've seen it before.  But, sometimes those kids that are bad at school, get sucked into being in the jacka$$ group and become jackasses....instead of continuing to try hard in school.

Love the apprentice idea.

Oh yeah, so many times a kid starts off at school just fine and then gets sucked into the bad group.


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Just now, JJ Husker said:

I get what you’re saying but IMO the jackasses can just GTFO of the school system completely. Transfer them directly to where they’re going to end up anyway, jail. Now kids that suck at school, sure give them an alternative.


We have an alternative HS here where the troublemakers go. You guessed it, they continue to cause trouble and once in awhile there is a stabbing or something. I guess the good thing is they are separated from the kids that actually want to learn. I don’t think there are enough kids sent there as there are still plenty of complete s#!theads in the normal schools.


Like I said, 98% of the problem is bad parenting. Raise a s#!thead at home and they’re gonna be a s#!thead at school. Pretty simple. Sorry Nancy Reagan but some kids need to be left behind for the good of the others.

You would be shocked (probably not actually) at how hard it is to get a kid into alt school.  


I have a buddy at a bad school right now, he doesn't even bother sending kids to the office anymore. for things like being. told to "F off" or being called the "N word"...because the kid is just back in his class in 10 minutes.  

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I was a substitute teacher in the K-1 class at my kid's school for five days. I was supported by one of the regular teachers, knew and liked most of the kids, and there wasn't a notable incident of any kind all week.


And yet, I was on the verge of using profanity almost constantly.  

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9 hours ago, knapplc said:

"School Choice" or vouchers are a grift by the religious right to fund their schools through public tax dollars. 



I'm in favor of school choice as long as the tax dollars only go to public schools and the schools don't have any choice over which students go there.

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You know not all private schools are religious.  


Again, do what is best for kids.  Not the public school system.  


Ohio does not have open enrollment.  Not sure of the DOE thing.  I would like to look into it.  


Charter Schools are not religious but operate as kind of a private school.


If there is a voucher system, there should be open enrollment.  White suburban schools do not like open enrolment.  They don't want city kids.  We are in the suburbs and take city kids.  We change lives.

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6 hours ago, knapplc said:


That's what sucks about "school choice." They take reasonable opinions like yours (and mine, honestly) and manipulate that into their political agenda. 


I think everyone is fine with parents choosing where to send their kids. I think everyone is fine with opting into another school, or district, or even a private school.


Where I think most people are reasonably iffy is when private schools with no oversight are gifted tax money to push an unregulated agenda. That's not how regular people want their taxes spent. 

An example I thought of. 

My brother lives in Louisiana. Some of the worst public schools in the country. He sent his kids to catholic schools, not because of some crazy religious belief. But, because they were so much better. Obviously, many families can’t afford that. Should they be penalized because they can’t afford that, or, should they be given aid to help them go to those schools by allowing their tax dollars pay for it?

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Just now, BigRedBuster said:

An example I thought of. 

My brother lives in Louisiana. Some of the worst public schools in the country. He sent his kids to catholic schools, not because of some crazy religious belief. But, because they were so much better. Obviously, many families can’t afford that. Should they be penalized because they can’t afford that, or, should they be given aid to help them go to those schools by allowing their tax dollars pay for it?

Or should the public schools get fixed?

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