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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/08/2021 in Posts

  1. I think when people remind you to "be careful" when answering a post, it's simply because you''ve already walked into a corner that's either willfully ignorant or offensive, and you will likely have to pretend you're merely debating a point of order rather than the unpleasant belief system behind it. This is based strictly on everything you've posted.
    5 points
  2. My opinion is that you know the multiple changes in voting requirements are specifically designed at the state GOP level to discourage Black voters, who predominantly vote Democrat, and that you're okay with it because you're a Republican. Arguing that it's simple to get an ID lets you ignore that this strategic voter suppression is pretty ugly at the core, and few can deny its racist underpinnings with a straight face. Of course I may be wrong. But I'm betting not.
    4 points
  3. That would be an incorrect assessment, but you are welcome to your opinion of course. It’s more likely that you are wrong and are looking for a way to be offended or not proven wrong.
    4 points
  4. Yep. I think I've said this before, but like when Kennedy ran for president, a lot of Catholics said "finally, one of us! That's my guy!" When Obama ran, a lot of black Americans said "finally, one of us! That's my guy!" So when Trump came along in 2016, it is no secret that so many racists a$$holes, and idiots came out of the woodwork. "Finally, one of us! That's my guy!" The problem is, there are A LOT of racists, a$$holes, and idiots, and they are fiercely loyal to other racists, a$$holes, and idiots and find ways to elect more of their own.
    4 points
  5. My savior is far from an idiot or spews idiocy. His words and teachings in are in the best selling book of all time, and followed by billions across the globe. You call it idiocy, I call it the Word of God.
    3 points
  6. Must be Flat Earth. We don’t see it on round Earth.
    3 points
  7. I hope this post doesnt change the "focus" of what this thread is about but I actually felt like this year was a much more promising year for what Fred can do. Talent is still an issue with this team. I have tried to watch Freds offense more closely and while I dont always love the look, it comes down to the guys not executing or guys like Teddy going rogue. Last years team was really bad in terms of talent. This years team just has a weird mix of talent that doesnt mesh well, yet. I think if we can add actual talent to some pieces we have, we might actually get a feel for the coach Fred is. I look at the Rutgers game as an example. The guys made plays and look what they could do. I hope we can build a better base and not change the team out ever year, but also I get why he did it because last years team had about 60% of the talent this team has.
    3 points
  8. I'm almost of the opinion that dumb people like electing dumb people like them. It's like it validates they are smarter than the rest of the world sees them if their representative is as dumb as they are.
    3 points
  9. One word: IDIOT. Guys like that shouldn't be anywhere near the pulpit but on the other side of the altar on their knees asking for forgiveness. Oh, let me add $10 he has a MAGA hat on the back shelf behind his desk or displayed in his truck window. And this guy says women need to lose weight or they will be responsible for their husbands making the rounds else where I wonder if he has looked in the mirror recently.
    3 points
  10. Whatever you all are talking about, I am glad it’s so enjoyable for you to derail threads. Still doesn’t change the reality that China Joe’s cognitive ability is rapidly declining and he most likely won’t be the 2024 Dem nominee which is what was being posted about until...well you know
    3 points
  11. Forgive me. Dems haven’t been lower since 1994. Hope that makes them feel some solace that it’s not an all time low, just a 27 year low
    3 points
  12. And there it is. It beggars belief that you wouldn't know the reference, or why it's directly applicable to the conversation. But rather than discuss what is an uncomfortable truth about trump for people trying to claim some kind of cognitive impairment on behalf of President Biden, we have this attempted tangent. No one is fooled by this.
    3 points
  13. Hey everyone, let's keep playing the game where Archy needs everything he finds inconvenient explained to him in an effort to wear down the conversation.
    3 points
  14. You're either naive or disingenuous to think the Republican strategists didn't run the data analytics and found that by eliminating weekend voting they would reduce access to voting in communities that traditionally do not vote Republican. All your wiggling otherwise is just fodder. You know the real reason the Republicans are doing this.
    3 points
  15. Wasn’t me, though I don’t see the big deal about a smiley emoticon. The bigger travesty was being told to be careful about how to answer a post!
    3 points
  16. Biden operating at 25% of his peak mental acuity is 10x smarter than Trump ever was.
    3 points
  17. And the percent of Americans that identify as Republican has continued to go down. So, going from 88% to 96% of a shrinking minority is an odd accomplishment to be proud of.
    3 points
  18. Is weekend voting only allowed for African Americans? I'm not sure what point you're trying to make. Well actually, I am. I just don't see why we can't find ways to include more people in the process. I mean, even Trump continues to brag about the millions of new voters that cast a ballot for him.
    3 points
  19. Can you show me the check Mexico used to pay for trump's racist wall?
    2 points
  20. No. Trump was the only president in my lifetime to stick with his campaign promises. I was quite surprised when Trump actually adopted an America First policy and avoided foreign wars while trying to get out of the ones we are in. You can find those promises in the speeches from the other guys but only Trump acted accordingly.
    2 points
  21. what racial undertones you ask? This is very offensive to the SPLC and a lot of liberals. Dr Seuss wrote a story saying the screetches should be judged by their character instead of their appearance. https://www.nationalreview.com/2021/03/against-canceling-dr-seuss/ No they are likely pretty smart. People this evil should not be running a lemonade stand.
    2 points
  22. They do, you just choose to close your eyes, cover your ears, and sing nananananananana in order to avoid seeing it. https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2020/10/02/trump-and-white-supremacy-he-did-condemn-and-has-repeatedly-column/5883336002/ https://www.factcheck.org/2020/02/trump-has-condemned-white-supremacists/ https://davidharrisjr.com/caitlin/trump-has-condemned-white-supremacy-heres-a-list/
    2 points
  23. And you totally ignore the idiocy from the your savior.
    2 points
  24. If only the republicans who claim the denounce white supremacists spent more time... you know... denouncing white supremacists rather than the Democrats, this would be believable.
    2 points
  25. Politics is a two party zero sum game. Everyone knows this. So if people in those groups want to vote and potentially win, they have to vote for D or R Here is an example of why groups like that may vote one way or another. Party A wants to pander to identity politics, restrict gun access, blame everyone for a natural climate change and tax accordingly, wants to move the country closer to a one world order, tax as much as they can cause government is better at handling their money (we can just call Party A Democrats), denounces white supremacists and militia members. Party B says it doesn’t matter what your identity is everyone should have the same economic, academic opportunity and laws applied equally. Climate change will happen no matter what but humans should be good stewards of the environment, America first policy then help out other countries in need, tax as little as we have to since people are better at spending their own money (we can just call Party B Republicans), denounces white supremacists and militia members. There is no relevant party B, C, or D to vote for. So if those undesirables want to vote (no one can stop them from casting legal ballots), even though both Party’s denounce them and don’t want their support, they would vote Party B because of the other issues I just brought up.
    2 points
  26. I think politicians like Greene and Boebert are far more aware of what they're doing than not. No reasonably intelligent person would share and behold to some of their opinions, but I wager they know that huge elements of their support base would because a lot of Americans are unintelligent and easy to manipulate. Same thing for Trump. The man is a chronic liar and was a liberal's liberal well into adulthood. He then made what can only be described as a miraculous flip flop on just about every single major political issue one could have an opinion on. Was he an idiot, or was he bought into the power of manipulation and 'now politics?' I wager the latter. One thing I've learned about the Republican party in the last four years is that a lot of them are OK with putting their eggs in the same basket as anti-semites, racists and ethno-nationalists. They just don't want the affiliation pointed out.
    2 points
  27. Look no further than the 2020 Presidential election. What planet does this happen on? Every parent I have ever met or know wants a better life (which would include education) for their kids than what the parents have.
    2 points
  28. I'm guessing you don't get much Creighton Bluejay basketball news in Oklahoma...
    2 points
  29. Josh Hawley is to the Senate what Jim Jordon is to the House. - despicable apologists for trump and the failed election. https://reason.com/2021/03/06/josh-hawleys-toxic-populism/
    2 points
  30. And you don't seem to care that trump was clearly in cognitive decline, as evidenced by man, woman, cofveve. So we get the partisan nature of the concern, but it's kinda on deaf ears.
    2 points
  31. Dude looks like Mike Vick in Madden 04, where you just run back and forth until your receiver gets open and chuck it down the field. Plenty of arm talent, but can he read and react in a standard passing attack? There is a lot to be desired from the highlights/competition.
    2 points
  32. It matters why they are making the rule. It matters what the demographic of voters is that has to wait in line a lot longer because of where they live. The GOP is making it harder to vote especially for people in densely populated areas by reducing the window of time to vote in. Minorities are much more likely to live in these areas. What they are doing is considered illegal in most industries, which is a good thing. For example companies can’t do things if disparate impact is shown, even if they weren’t doing it on purpose. Unless they can show no other option was available to them, which clearly isn’t the case here.
    2 points
  33. Would eliminating weekend voting make it "easier" to vote? Of course not, that's why states allowed it; to increase voter turnout. We both seem to agree that this is a good thing. I don't think anyone claimed Africans Americans could "only" vote on weekends. They simply pointed out the pretty obvious motives of the Georgia GOP. Voting on the weekends is apparently legal since, according to your metric, it would have been tried in courts and shut down if it was illegal. Voting on the weekends also apparently increases voter turnout. I guess I just don't see anything that has actually been posted that you disagree with... Unless you believe the Georgia GOP eliminating weekend voting will make it easier for people to participate in the election process
    2 points
  34. This is crazy, complete with shipping containers as dugouts. Gonna have some DQ classic flashbacks.
    2 points
  35. Multiply the recorded number of infections by 3-5 times and you will have a more accurate number of total people infected
    2 points
  36. Hey...it's all he's got. Right wing propaganda tells him Biden is failing mentally so he's gotta believe it and tell everyone about it.....meanwhile.....What was it.....Man, Woman, Toaster, Computer, voter fraud?
    2 points
  37. The reality that right wing propaganda has created for you.
    2 points
  38. Precisely. Most federally elected officials are not stupid. Most of them are quite intelligent and manipulative, hence the Green Eggs & Ham example from above. Does that McCarthy video withstand even an ounce of intelligent criticism? No. Does it rile up the support base and ingratiate them further into the claims and beliefs their elected officials make? 100%. It's why I've never understood the love affair and blind support people show politicians in this country. They're not your friends or family. You're not theirs. They're doing a job that largely hinges on public perception and favor. Yet, some people think that makes them trustworthy and deserving of unhindered loyalty.
    2 points
  39. I really don't think they are stupid. I truly believe that they are smart enough to know that a very large segment of our population IS stupid enough to fall for crap like this though. I've said it before, people should be insulted by the fact that these people believe their voters are morons and will buy anything.
    2 points
  40. No, nobody is saying they don't like Dr. Seuss. It's not even coming from anywhere but the Dr. Seuss Foundation that decided they weren't going to publish a few books. It's just one more example of the Republicans making up outrage over something that's a nothing burger.
    2 points
  41. 2 points
  42. And the US has had over 300,000 in the same time period. But India
    2 points
  43. Georgia Republicans know what they're doing. But no, no racism intended. What the hell is wrong with weekend voting? Better yet, make any election day a holiday.
    2 points
  44. Just what we need, another project QB.
    2 points
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