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The General Election

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Then, fill me in please. It's a really long thread and haven't seen or heard of another incident involving a black Trump supporter punching a protester.

I did. I will leave it at that. Thank you for respecting my privacy and that of my friend that had to also deal with it.

Huh? You are the one that brought it up in post #540. And if this was a non-public incident that you and a friend were privvy to, wouldn't you already know the outcome? Why would you "hope" the KKK guy got cold-cocked?


You should drink the vodka instead of pouring it on the fire....

Thank you

No, sir. Thank you.

Thank you… I'm not a big fan of you calling me sir but still thank you.


I did edit my post to include maam... your welcome

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Then, fill me in please. It's a really long thread and haven't seen or heard of another incident involving a black Trump supporter punching a protester.


I did. I will leave it at that. Thank you for respecting my privacy and that of my friend that had to also deal with it.

Huh? You are the one that brought it up in post #540. And if this was a non-public incident that you and a friend were privvy to, wouldn't you already know the outcome? Why would you "hope" the KKK guy got cold-cocked?


You should drink the vodka instead of pouring it on the fire....

Thank you

No, sir. Thank you.

Thank you… I'm not a big fan of you calling me sir but still thank you.

I did edit my post to include maam... your welcome

That, I appreciate it greatly. Thank you very much

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I hope that African-American coldcocked him and beat the sh#t out of that KKK guy You have to be an (fill in the blank) not to hope that didn't happen.


I'm sorry, are you advocating violence on here?

Yes. Maybe you aren't black...but if a white guy in a hood gets in my face and is calling me racist names...I am pounding him.

Maybe you have a little daughter, I don't know and maybe the guy gets in front of her one day and start screaming in her face these horrible ugly names And I hope that you punch his lights out.

What are you referring to? The Trump rally where the protestor got punched by a black guy?


If so, that happened nothing like the way Trump tried to explain it the other day. There was video, the man was wearing a red, white, and blue American flag shirt. They were obviously (well, at least to most people) making fun of Trump's support from KKK members. The black man grabbed his sign once he was past him, he did not scream racist ugly things in the man's face. Trump has a habit of saying things never happened, even though there is a lot of video and audio that says otherwise.



edit: and another angle...

Thank you for this. I had a feeling this was the incidence he was describing, and he did stretch the hell out of the truth. That's an ongoing habit.


Remember, this is the same guy who accused protesters being led out of his rallies early on of being "really nasty guys" and swinging on their way out. WAY BEFORE any of this violence towards his supporters outside his rallies. There was 0 evidence to back up his assertion when he made it. It was a bold-faced lie.


As you can see in the video, the guy cold-cocked the protestor as he as leaving and then proceeded to wail on him on the ground. He didn't provoke the guy at all. Sad to say the dude whupping his ass was a military member.


It's just disappointing all the way around to see this in politics. Trump's lies have more than a little to do with it.

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Speaking strictly as a poster inclined to disagree with AFHusker, I consider the bolded insult fairly mild and his 30 day suspension unnecessary.


People do ask dumb questions and jump to conclusions without reading. This went more to the tenor of the argument.


The internet is full of horrible personal attacks, but I don't consider this one of them.

I'm not going to comment on the suspension itself - I'm not going to second-guess the decision because I have no idea what led up to it, aside from several very public warnings in the past week to knock this stuff off.


What strikes me about this argument is, this is not the internet. This is HuskerBoard. This is a very specific site, with very specific codes of conduct, that are not really too ambiguous.


We can't judge HuskerBoard by "the internet." There's readily available snuff porn on "the internet." There are sports forums where images of sodomy in the regular forums are the norm. There is always something worse, always something more sanitized. Judging any specific website by the arbitrary standard of "the internet" is fruitless.


I've been to restaurants where you couldn't dine if you wore a hat. I've been to restaurants where you were served food by a topless wait staff wearing strings on their naughty bits. I can't judge one by the other, nor should I - they're wholly different things, wholly different experiences.


This place is what it is. We've all been here long enough to know how to comport ourselves.



The very specific codes of conduct on HuskerBoard are not enforced consistently.


That's just a fact. We're all human and monitoring isn't a fun job.


But let's not pretend it's consistent, and that wouldn't be very frustrating to the people suspended.


I'm a member of the board and am merely voting with my observation. I would rather not have seen the suspensions.

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Huffington Post blog - Hillary in a landslide




Miami Herald editorial why Trump will Win.






I suspect the 1st article is closer to reality.

I would agree with your last point.


What I'm going to find really interesting is what happens in congress. I honestly can't argue against what the op-ed piece said. However, it is very early and really they haven't even started campaigning for those offices yet.



This inevitability of this outcome is dawning on Republicans everywhere. What you are smelling is primal fear. They can see it coming, an inevitable tidal wave sweeping them from power. The Senate: Gone. The House: Gone.

It’s going to happen. But unlike most Greek tragedies, where the hero destroys himself but everyone else survives, he’s dragging everyone with him. Trump is about to destroy the Republican Party in his own mad dash to oblivion.



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Is there a surge of anti-Republican sentiment that's going to sweep the GOP out of power in the Senate? I'm not hearing rumblings about that - am I missing something?


I get the impression that people are tired of Trump, but I've never seen that carry over into a general conversation about the GOP. People don't seem to associate the two, at least not in my anecdotal experience.

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Is there a surge of anti-Republican sentiment that's going to sweep the GOP out of power in the Senate? I'm not hearing rumblings about that - am I missing something?


I get the impression that people are tired of Trump, but I've never seen that carry over into a general conversation about the GOP. People don't seem to associate the two, at least not in my anecdotal experience.

I'm going totally on my gut feeling here.


If it happens, it will be because people associate the Republican party with Trump and those people in the middle will sway more towards wanting the Republicans not in power in Congress either.


Nobody has really even started talking about the congressional races yet. I haven't even seen articles talking about it specifically or what seats are going to be possible gains or losses by either party.

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Is there a surge of anti-Republican sentiment that's going to sweep the GOP out of power in the Senate? I'm not hearing rumblings about that - am I missing something?


I get the impression that people are tired of Trump, but I've never seen that carry over into a general conversation about the GOP. People don't seem to associate the two, at least not in my anecdotal experience.

Knapp, I agree with that statement. I think we probably all know people who can stand Trump (includes me) but are hopeful and passionate about electing good repub candidates to the Congress and state houses. Over the past 3 election cycles - the Dems have lost representation in the house, senate, and in state governance (and that with a Dem president)- so I don't think one can make a blanket statement that as Trump goes so goes the party. I think there is a better chance we end up wt this 'hung jury' again- Dem president (I cannot think of Hillary as president - put me out of my misery now :bang ) and a split or repub controlled congress.

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Is there a surge of anti-Republican sentiment that's going to sweep the GOP out of power in the Senate? I'm not hearing rumblings about that - am I missing something?


I get the impression that people are tired of Trump, but I've never seen that carry over into a general conversation about the GOP. People don't seem to associate the two, at least not in my anecdotal experience.

I'm going totally on my gut feeling here.


If it happens, it will be because people associate the Republican party with Trump and those people in the middle will sway more towards wanting the Republicans not in power in Congress either.


Nobody has really even started talking about the congressional races yet. I haven't even seen articles talking about it specifically or what seats are going to be possible gains or losses by either party.


I think we will soon see repub candidates distancing themselves from Trump in those purple/blue states in order to win their own elections. Trump will have to do his own heavy lifting - I don't believe there will be a big rally around him from the local candidates.

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Bottom line - the government shouldn't have near the amount of intervention in our daily lives as they currently have, and i would love to see the establishment get obliterated and bring real freedom back to our country.


As mentioned in another thread, you can see living examples of how states like Kansas and Wisconsin have been getting government out of people's lives, but the results have been largely disastrous.


I think when you start dismantling government programs in the name of Small Government, even the most conservative quickly learn how much they depend on the federal government for SOMETHING. They may hate that inner city crack moms are getting food stamps, or reading about the most ludicrous sounding FDA or EPA regulation. But they're not so quick to get rid of disability benefits for themselves, medicare for their Mom, food safety for their own kids, or breathable air. They generally aren't aware how much government "intervention" is actually welcomed by businesses, include huge incentives and tax breaks, government financed R&D, protective foreign tariffs and anti-trust rulings, not to mention the huge government contracts that go away in those small government models that do away with things like infrastructure and jobs.


A lot of conservatives want to keep the federal government goodies they use and rationalize, but gut the benefits to everyone else.


That would be supremely un-American.


Also revealing that it's typically Red States that prove most dependent on government services, and Blue States generally do a much better job of pulling their own weight.


As far as "real freedom" goes, I'm honestly not sure what personal freedoms have been lost in recent years. And I'm still baffled by what year Donald Trump is promising to return us to.

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I mean you've got a decorated politician like McCain down in Arizona saying the following at a private event:


If Donald Trump is at the top of the ticket, here in Arizona, with over 30 percent of the vote being the Hispanic vote, no doubt that this may be the race of my life, McCain said, according to a recording of the event obtained by POLITICO. If you listen or watch Hispanic media in the state and in the country, you will see that it is all anti-Trump. The Hispanic community is roused and angry in a way that I've never seen in 30 years.



So yeah, they're in a tough spot. Not too long ago, before his endorsement, Trump was hinting he'd promote Paul Ryan's opponent in his election in Wisconsin, who is essentially an anti-establishment opportunist in Trump's mold.


Must've been a real gut punch to Ryan when he endorsed and immediately had Trump go off on this quest to smear this judge.


Democrats are going to actively tie as many Republicans to him as possible. They're going to have to wear all of Trump's baggage. Reid is already giving McConnell the business. It was a little bit sad to see the entire GOP dodge outright admitting what Trump is saying is outright racist.


I'd imagine they win back the Senate since they only need 5 seats and put a big dent in the House.

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Bottom line - the government shouldn't have near the amount of intervention in our daily lives as they currently have, and i would love to see the establishment get obliterated and bring real freedom back to our country.


I think when you start dismantling government programs in the name of Small Government, even the most conservative quickly learn how much they depend on the federal government for SOMETHING. They may hate that inner city crack moms are getting food stamps...

The primary role of the (our) government should be to protect the freedom and rights of our people. Not to reform, install new programs, new bills, etc. That's big government.


Yes, we need a government like the one that was set up in our constitution to establish the basis for what is acceptable and not. But we've come in this country to our government over-regulating, over-taxing, and over-intervening in areas of every day life they shouldn't be involved in.


Yes, the government currently provides semi-socialist programs that certain people are dependent upon. But the average American ought to seek for total freedom and a free marketplace to go out and make things happen and provide for their families instead of being dictated how to do so.

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Bottom line - the government shouldn't have near the amount of intervention in our daily lives as they currently have, and i would love to see the establishment get obliterated and bring real freedom back to our country.


I think when you start dismantling government programs in the name of Small Government, even the most conservative quickly learn how much they depend on the federal government for SOMETHING. They may hate that inner city crack moms are getting food stamps...

The primary role of the (our) government should be to protect the freedom and rights of our people. Not to reform, install new programs, new bills, etc. That's big government.


Yes, we need a government like the one that was set up in our constitution to establish the basis for what is acceptable and not. But we've come in this country to our government over-regulating, over-taxing, and over-intervening in areas of every day life they shouldn't be involved in.


Yes, the government currently provides semi-socialist programs that certain people are dependent upon. But the average American ought to seek for total freedom and a free marketplace to go out and make things happen and provide for their families instead of being dictated how to do so.

"Total freedom" is not the answer. Total freedom leads to the greedy cutting corners that lead to disasters including but not limited to causing death to innocent people. We need the FDA. We need the EPA. We need regulation that prevents people from screwing others over financially.
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