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The Obama Legacy

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  • 2 months later...

I know this thread was started to crap on Obama, but the reality is that Trump is going to do more to make Obama look good than Obama ever did.


It's pretty amazing, really. There's more backfire on this than 1,000 old carburetors.


Knapp - that statement in bold - very quotable. I had not heard it before. :thumbs


Regarding the post - yes and unfortunately for all of us, I do think that Trump is motivated more by undoing everything O did regardless if it is good, bad or neutral. The issue is, that Trump does not appear to have the depth of understanding on most issues to properly discern if an item is good, bad or neutral - so it is card blanche remove all traces of. It is like pulling down the statue of Saadam to him - removing all traces of the prior admin. Yes, any new president has the right to evaluate and redo things done in the previous admin. No administration bats 1000%. But no admin bats 0% either (yes, even Trump's will accomplish things that we will later appreciate - what % remains to be seen - most likely a low % - history will tell). Trump lived by tossing out red meat during the campaign and to retain his voters and support he has to be seen eating that red meat. We all know he hates Obama (starting wt the birther accusation - not sure what set him off on that so long ago - he was a Dem then :dunno who knows crazy does crazy )

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In support of the above:

Here Bolton ( a war hawk neocon and Trump supporter) and a fox news host Tweet out blaming Obama for NK. Trump retweets their tweets.





President Donald Trump late Wednesday retweeted two posts blaming former President Barack Obama for North Korea's nuclear capabilities, remaining silent on Pyongyang's notice that it is developing a plan to strike Guam.



John Bolton was United Nations ambassador in the George W. Bush administration. Jesse Watters is a Fox News host.

The retweets came after North Korea said Thursday it would have a plan for striking Guam by mid-August and dictator Kim Jong Un would make the final decision.

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This would be so laughable :laughpound If it weren't so sad :cry




President Trump shared a dubious Twitter poll Thursday that shows him to be considered “a better president” than his predecessor, former President Barack Obama.


The poll was conducted Aug. 4, Obama’s birthday. Nearly 30,000 people voted, but self-selecting online surveys are almost useless in terms of getting an accurate sample.

David Axelrod, a former Obama adviser, weighed in on Trump’s “desperate” embrace of the poll.

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Yeah. The account pumped pro-Trump memes before it pivoted to bullsh#t polls: https://thinkprogress.org/trump-endorses-fake-twitter-poll-0034ae658a9d/


The selective choice to believe unscientific and illegitimate polls simply because they contain news you want to hear, while casting all negative coverage as “fake” backs a report from Politico earlier in the week that revealed the White House pays a staffer $89,000 to “spot and distribute positive stories ” about the president.

The President ought to answer for his apparent endorsement of the account.

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  • 3 weeks later...

36 minutes ago, BigRedBuster said:

^^^^  Oh...memories of a time when criticizing a President for the color of his suit was the biggest gripe.


I miss those days.

As you know, I never voted for him but if I had a choice between him and Trump ....  I abstained the last time around but with the hindsight I have now, I would have the foresight not to abstain and vote for the overall best for the country.  

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  • 2 weeks later...

i would think obama deserves the credit for this report




Today’s Census data bring good news on income, poverty, and health coverage. The typical household’s income rose more from 2014 to 2016 than in any other two-year period on record (with data back to the 1960s), poverty declined, and the share of Americans without health insurance fell to a record low.  This marks the first time on record, with data back to 1988, that all three measures of well-being improved for two years in a row.

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