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And people on this board still support Trump.:facepalm:  Why







Last week, American intelligence officials reportedly assessed that Russian President Vladimir Putin may use the Biden administration’s support for Ukraine as a pretext to order a new campaign to interfere in U.S. elections. Though AP reported that “it is not yet clear which candidates Russia might try to promote or what methods it might use,” Russian state media seem to be in agreement that former U.S. President Donald Trump remains Moscow’s candidate of choice.


The time is coming “to again help our partner Trump to become president,” state TV host Evgeny Popov recently declared. On Thursday’s edition of the state television show The Evening With Vladimir Soloviev, Putin’s pet pundits offered an update on plans for 2024.

“We’re trying to feel our way, figuring out the first steps. What can we do in 2023, 2024?,” Russian “Americanist” Malek Dudakov, a political scientist specializing in the U.S., said. He suggested that Russia’s interference in the upcoming elections is still in its early stages, and that more will be accomplished after the war is over and frosty relations between the U.S. and Russia start to warm up. “When things thaw out and the presidential race for 2024 is firmly on the agenda, there’ll be moments we can use,” he added. “The most banal approach I can think of is to invite Trump—before he announces he’s running for President—to some future summit in liberated Mariupol.”

Dmitry Drobnitsky, an omnipresent “Americanist” on Soloviev’s show, suggested that Tulsi Gabbard should be invited along with Trump. Dudakov agreed: “Tulsi Gabbard would also be great. Maybe Trump will take her as his vice-president?” Gabbard has recently become a fixture of state television for her pro-Russian talking points, and has even been described as a “Russian agent” by the Kremlin’s propaganda machine.

If state television is any indication, the real agenda of the Kremlin’s operatives was never limited to boosting any particular candidates, but rather aimed to harm America as a whole. Dudakov stressed: “With Europe, economic wars should take priority. With America, we should be working to amplify the divisions and—in light of our limited abilities—to deepen the polarization of American society.”

He went on: “There is a horrific polarization of society in the United States, very serious conflicts between the Democrats and Republicans that keep expanding. You’ve already mentioned that America is a dying empire—and most empires weren’t conquered, they were destroyed from within. The same fate likely awaits America in the near decade. That’s why, when all the processes are thawed, Russia might get the chance to play on that.”




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1 hour ago, TGHusker said:

But...but...but....if Trump was so tough on Russia that he alone stopped him from doing horrible things, why would Russia want him back in office?

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2 minutes ago, Scarlet said:

Trump calls her a "fighter" yet she's already writing off the Ukrainian people in their fight against a tyrannical invasion all because of it's impact on trade.  Great take Putinist.


That, not shockingly, mirrors the "study" just touted by right-wingers showing red states did "better" than blue states responding to Covid.


It's all about money. Lives? Nah. They don't matter.


Too bad that's not money for everyone. It's all being pooled up top, but pay no attention to that...

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3 hours ago, Scarlet said:

Trump calls her a "fighter" yet she's already writing off the Ukrainian people in their fight against a tyrannical invasion all because of it's impact on trade.  Great take Putinist.

the far right shows off their guns and talks about going to war against our "tyranical" government.....but damn those ukrainians for not submitting to the russian tyranny

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i was wondering how much work it is for the ukrainians to repair captured russian armor and make it ready to send back to the front.....seems it take much less time than i thought it might.  considering they have captured over 1,000 pieces of armor i find this encouraging 



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