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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/29/2023 in all areas

  1. So, you want to vote out judges that upheld the constitution. Interesting.
    5 points
  2. Get FUBO for sure. I don't have it but I have a lot of the stock . It has been going up and I really want it to get to 5 dollars.
    4 points
  3. You'd rather not have multiple 6'4" 200lb fast WR on the team?
    4 points
  4. If I were to venture a savvy intelligent guess, it would be that Fervent Always Trump supporters believe in his cult of personality while also being very opposed to the left wing viewpoint. I believe they also saw him get unjustly persecuted for the Russia collusion scam that derailed a few years of his Presidency and unfortunately are willing to forgive the crazy s#!t he is saying since Dec 1, 2020 because of it. You also have the Never Trumpers/Trump haters who make a living off of Trump but in the opposite way. They need him in the news cycle to make their cheddar. Dem Politicians need him in the news cycle to get themselves re-elected. Bats#!t crazy liberals need him in the news cycle to fuel their rage against normal life. Normies like myself would prefer to move on from him to the next man up.
    3 points
  5. So this guy is going to vote out judges who upheld the 14th Amendment, but claims they won't vote for Orange Man Bad again.
    3 points
  6. Maybe you were watching too much FoxNews
    3 points
  7. I’ve said this same thing multiple times on the board too. Local elections affect daily lives much more than national elections
    3 points
  8. The J6 insurrection is the lowest hanging fruit with the best video clips, but I wish people wouldn't make it the single disqualifier. It's really a sidebar to a much bigger story: unambiguous, from the horses mouth evidence that Donald Trump actively plotted and strategized overturning the election, interferring, manipulating and threatening various branches of government to lie and decieve the American public in an attempt to hold office like a third world dictator. Most of it was done within the confines of the electoral system, so an electoral-based punishment makes perfect sense. If you're a Supreme Court judge, the act of threatening various Secretaries of State to find you votes by any means necessary is a much clearer and actionable charge than parsing responsibility for a public riot. If January 6 had never happened, the case against Trump remains huge and unprecedented.
    3 points
  9. Can't...quite...make it out
    3 points
  10. Had no idea this existed.
    3 points
  11. You've posted this take a couple of times. You either believe: He poses no threat to democracy even though he's already attempted a coup and currently has a plan in place to stay in power if elected again indefinitely . Or you believe he has no chance at reelection which is pretty flippant considering the stakes are so high. Or you're ok if, in all his incompetent glory, he attempts to burn down our way of life and institutions and goes on his revenge tour solely to salve his fragile ego and fever dreams of being a dictator. Kind of weird that you think people posting about this guy in the "Politics and Religion" forum is an obsession. Rightfully wary of a second term would be a better description.
    3 points
  12. Cam Jurgens got a flamethrower
    3 points
  13. 2 points
  14. I think the best two teams in each conference are Baltimore and San Fran as long as both are healthy. Both teams have the least amount of weaknesses. For the NFC, whichever team doesn't get the NFC East wildcard team in the second round will represent in the SB. Detroit, while it's a nice story, are paper lions that will get mauled by whoever they play in the second round, assuming the Lions even make it that far. Rams could pull an upset and make it interesting, but I don't think they are road warriors and capable of winning even two in a row on the road, let alone three. Dallas is well Dallas and will figure out a way to fall apart in January. Seahawks best chance for making the second round is getting Detroit in the first round, but that's about the only thing they will be able to do, if they make the playoffs at all. Nobody cares about the NFC South. In the AFC, KC doesn't have the skill players outside of Kelce to be much of a threat. Miami does, but if they have to go to Baltimore of Buffalo (very small chance of going to Buffalo) in late January in that potential bad weather, I don't think they have the dudes up front to be able to play a ball control, dink and dunk, run the ball offense. Buffalo is bipolar, or should I say Josh Allen is. One game he looks like he could be an MVP, the next it looks like he's never played organized football. I don't think they can be consistent enough to win 3 games against good/great competition to make it to the SB. Brownies are a nice story, and while Flacco does have winning SB experience, it's the Brownies and Flacco. They aren't a legit threat either. Nobody cares about the AFC South. Predictions: Ravens vs 49ers, I just don't see anyone beating either of these teams when they are healthy. Yes, there's always the punchers chance in a one game, but both teams are good to great in all three phases and just come at you in waves and are relentless and physical. They just beat you down. Ravens hosting the Lombardi, making other Harbaugh even more jealous and he takes the San Diego job.
    2 points
  15. While I love your faith in common sense, common sense suggests that other people who study this stuff professionally know a lot more about it than your gut feelings and anecdotal evidence. I think you, me, and Archy are all trying to figure out why anyone at this point would support Donald Trump, but that is clearly refuted by Trump's barely opposed march to his party's nomination, and polls that have him beating both Biden and Harris. Trump didn't exactly get his a$$ kicked in 2020. As the people far smarter than you noticed, there were roughly 22,000 votes in key swing states that delivered Biden's electoral margin. 10 million MORE people voted for Trump in 2020 than in 2016, and despite Archy's assertion, he was a bats#!t narcissist then, who gave a shout out to the Proud Boys about helping him fight a fraudulent election DURING THE PRESIDENTIAL DEBATE. He has crossed every line imaginable without shrinking his base a whit. Trump doesn't have to add a lot of voters. He just needs fewer people to vote for Biden, and that's an increasingly plausible scenario.
    2 points
  16. This may help you out a bit. As of November 2023... https://www.reviews.org/tv-service/live-tv-streaming-service-channel-comparison-review/
    2 points
  17. For me it is just Common sense. He got his a$$ kicked last time and things are going great right now. 306 to 232? I think? I have asked this a few times but does anyone on this site know a a NEW trump voter? Personally, does anyone know a brand new trump voter, not someone that voted for him before but someone who in 24 is now going to vote for him for the very first time? I don't, none of my friends do, none of my coworkers do. They could by lying or they could change their mind but I just don't know one new trump voter. I look at it from a gambling point of view. If two teams play each other again and the team that won last time has gotten "better", I am going to bet on that team to win. With that said, I am horrible at gambling. I have been ice cold all bowl season.
    2 points
  18. 1) he had better policies without being bats#!t crazy like he is now 2) I didn’t know I had people Yeah me! 3) I don’t believe he will be President again. Bonus, if he is, there are systems in place to prevent him from turning our country into whatever boogeyman you envision he would. Bonus answer… I’m sure you will find at a minimum one more person in this world than Teach and I who thinks he doesn’t stand a chance.
    2 points
  19. I don't need judges doing what they did. In Colorado we can vote to retain or not to retain judges. I have the names of 4 judges that, if given the opportunity, I will not vote to retain them. I have the names of 3 judges that I will vote to retain. All 7 are democrat appointed.
    2 points
  20. So let's pull all aid now over the mistaken notion that European countries aren't paying their fair share, or that after Putin waltzes through Ukraine that he'll turnover a new leaf and play besties with all his other neighbors, or that by withdrawaling support now it won't cost us more in the long run. It's better if we base our foreign policy on a hunch my coffee klatch came up with that Putin will reform, or that he won't and isn't basing his entire internal policies on rebuilding his military, or whatever Joe Rogan says.
    2 points
  21. "Climbing down!" Ha! Gas way down Stocks pretty much at an all time high Oil being pumped Rates coming down Great end to the year and hopefully it keeps trending great!
    2 points
  22. Looks like SC State isn't great....we should be able to handle them without Mast. There should be plenty of seats available as well.
    2 points
  23. He continues to be the only one that will speak the truth.
    2 points
  24. Well, it was first flown in the Revolutionary war...so maybe not so stupid?
    2 points
  25. Dumbest f#&%ing flag. Now it’s going international.
    2 points
  26. That is really pretty amazing when you think about it. A 5-7 team on a 7 year losing streak getting this many high quality players. Time for a breakout season.
    2 points
  27. I laughed so hard with so much appreciation !!! This should be played on TNT, ESPN, NBA TV, etc,. every day until everyone understands. You can't run with the ball. You can't carry it. You have to dribble. But not twice. You can't walk while holding it either. Otherwise we are just doing exercises out here. For entertainment. And anybody can do that. Seriously, anybody can. Male. Female. Age doesn't matter. Young or Old. Just go to a gym and give someone a ball to carry a few steps. While they do some curls or pushups. It's that easy.
    1 point
  28. He has officially set up a visit for the weekend of Jan. 5th. I like his productivity while at Wake Forest. Still question as to why Julian Fleming hasn't pulled the plug on his recruiting. It appears that Penn State is the leader but we all have seen crazy things happen in recruiting so until he does pull the trigger then Nebraska still has a chance.
    1 point
  29. What did the 4 judges do that you think they shouldn’t have? They didn’t create the lawsuit that came before them. Do you think the argument that Trump engaged in insurrection isn’t strong enough for the decision they made?
    1 point
  30. Linkon Cure? As in the fix we've been looking for?!?! He is from Kansas, can't miss this opportunity.
    1 point
  31. Oh my god. Please be a commie missile.
    1 point
  32. with this court it's kind of like watching the Olympics back in the day and you hoped the Russian judges wouldn't tip the scale to far.
    1 point
  33. 1 point
  34. That is a very good question.
    1 point
  35. Not according to the Dr! They is all just a bunch of hillbillies that ain't much for readin and rightin.
    1 point
  36. most Republicans....YAY!!! thats our guy!
    1 point
  37. Had she been in the south and got asked that question she would have been like "Oh, well it was a war of Northern Aggression!" and those NASCAR fans would have went crazy with their clapping.
    1 point
  38. I’m not sure who is worse. The pro trump crowd who makes him their entire personality or the anti-trumpers who do the same.
    1 point
  39. I don’t vote based on gas prices The price of cheese and Kate Spade purses though, that’s another story!
    1 point
  40. Not sure what you mean here. I have voted for Ds and Rs just about evenly, not just in Presidential races, since turning 18 many moons ago.
    1 point
  41. I honestly don't remember it until near the end of his term but you are probably right. I just don't remember him crying wolf in 16, but I don't remember much from that far back.
    1 point
  42. You are saying there was no Obama—Trump voters in 2016? You are saying there are zero voters who vote from Dem to R or vice versa?
    1 point
  43. My friend did it out in Arkansas I think, he said it was a blast!!
    1 point
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