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Status Updates posted by FrankWheeler

  1. Can't wait for all my wildest dreams to come true. Trump will make the Huskers great again!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. FrankWheeler


      Better than quesodillas

    3. FrankWheeler


      Porcher just upgraded to 4 stars. It's happening people!

    4. HuskermanMike


      All the o-lineman are getting healthy too, its a sign.

  2. Please be gender neutral in your posts.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. redout22


      That's why I call everyone it

    3. hskrfan4life
    4. zoogs


      For a (small) number of people it's an omniscient life struggle. Everyone can probably relate, maybe not in the exact same way, with the question of "Who am I?"


      But then we might start seeing pronouns used in ways we're not used to seeing. The horror!

  3. Rough month, happy to see the new year here. Happy New Year to all!

    1. B.B. Hemingway

      B.B. Hemingway

      Hope things get better for you in 2016!

  4. Only 2 teams with at least 9 wins a season since 2008...thanks Obama!

    1. ZRod


      So easy Mike Riley can do it...

    2. NUance


      Must be the new math. lol

  5. We didn't see the diamond formation one time all year... :(

  6. You know why pumpkin flavored things are only around once a year?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. GSG


      That was a typo. I brush my tooth

    3. JJ Husker

      JJ Husker

      Most people can't handle the awesomeness of pumpkin flavor year round.

    4. admo


      It's sure better than Sweet Potato Pie flavored things

  7. Purdue doesn't even have a special teams coach...

    1. MLB 51

      MLB 51

      They barely have an HC.

    2. swmohusker
  8. Is it more important to be a nice guy or win football games?

  9. If we keep losing maybe we'll get the number one pick.

  10. Pelini looks fat

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Count 'Bility

      Count 'Bility

      Hes been puttin on a few here and there ever since his heart attack.

    3. Sea of Red

      Sea of Red

      He's got a bit of a tummy.

    4. admo


      I think it's post Thanksgiving weight from last year. And year before.

  11. Downloading Peeple now so I can post negative reviews about everybody I know.

    1. GSG


      You don't know anyone

    2. RedSavage


      *Opens Peeple app* First negative review - GSG5545

    3. Redux


      I think you are the Bee's Knees

  12. Getting new internet installed, the customer support lady just told me she looked me up on facebook....I'm scared somebody hold me.

  13. Thinking we didn't even have a spot for Paulo...

    1. StPaulHusker


      If we didn't, it better be one hell of a long snapper we recruited

    2. GM_Tood


      I thought he got banned?

    3. StPaulHusker


      I see what you did there Tood

  14. mattyice? More like Natty Ice, amirite? You know, because he posts like he's drunk.

    1. NUance


      Don't we all?


      And quite often, because we are? lol

    2. ZRod


      No. That's just you NUance.

    3. swmohusker


      Like drunk uncle off Saturday night live.

  15. I got my Redbans on...

  16. I'm not vaccinating my dog, canine autism is a real thing people.

    1. Marf


      Pretty sure my dog is autistic. Or he's just a dog. idk.

    2. Junior


      My dog can't concentrate on anything. I think he has doggy ADHD

  17. TJ Green is a similar quarterback to Easton Bruere .

    1. Junior


      Now you are just making up names

    2. ZRod


      Baxter you know I don't speak spanish!

  18. Got a text from a wrong number today, been sending them stupid pictures all day. This is the pinnacle of civilization.

    1. Blood Eagle

      Blood Eagle

      That was me you piece.

  19. A guy like Aaron Rodgers likes his balls over inflated.

  20. Get it done mods! #FREETHERECRUITTHREADS

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. RedRedJarvisRedwine


      Seems like there should be a simple solution. At least as far as early enrollees go.

    3. Warrior10


      So we should make 85 new threads for play info in the Husker Football part instead of using their already pinned threads?

    4. zoogs


      Well, every time something newsworthy comes up about a player, it can get its own new thread in Husker Football. That's for better visibility, and for the players whose recruitment is officially over.


      I can see why it's confusing, though.

  21. Declared Beaver trapping season opened on my profile update on Nov. 20, hired Riley soon after....coincidence? I think not!

  22. Just found out that Obama is a distance cousin. Good ole' cousin Barry.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. admo


      Huskers = change?

    3. Blood Eagle

      Blood Eagle

      Ssshhhh i told you not to tell Bro

    4. killer cacti

      killer cacti

      And you claim him?


  23. Beaver trapping season starts tonight, looking for some fur to keep me warm at night.

    1. tschu
    2. Dr. Mantis Toboggan

      Dr. Mantis Toboggan

      I thought it was the beaver who traps you? At least that's what happened to me 2 kids later.

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