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Status Updates posted by Hoosker

  1. Better shot at the Heisman. Abdullah or Gregory?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. The Dude

      The Dude


    3. Scratchtown


      Hundley? Mariota is the front runner in my opinion.

    4. RedRedJarvisRedwine


      Vincent Valentine is gonna put up '09 Suh type numbers this year. Won't get recognized but obviously should.

  2. hungovaaaa

    1. ShawnWatson


      You need a Bloody Mary, kill that hang over.

    2. NUance


      Go with water and Tylenol man. Good day to lay around and watch TV. lol

  3. nothing worse than getting cockblocked.

    1. suh_fan93


      I have a friend who used to blantantly try to block the c$%k. I let him know real fast that this was not acceptable.

    2. ShawnWatson


      That's not a friend

    3. suh_fan93


      I don't hang with the guy at all anymore. He ended up marrying a skeezer.

  4. Sitting on my porch drinking Summer Shandys listening to Green Grass and High Tides. How's your Wednesday goin?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. It'sNotAFakeID


      I had an interview.

    3. Hoosker


      What for BBBXII?

    4. tschu


      In a place you only dream of where your soul is always free

    1. Show previous comments  25 more
    2. NUpolo8


      'Juana gummi bears are advanced studies in the bold flavors dept. Not to be messed with though. Had a few too many with sd'sker one time and he kept chasing around the heavier gals. Kept callin himself the "sow plow". Kinda concerning?

    3. Hoosker


      Polo makes me laugh. You just seem angry.

    4. TAKODA


      Nah mills, not angry at all. Takes a bit more than jibber jabbering to make me angry.

  5. Hell of a season, boys

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. HuskerNationNick


      Next year looks good for us. Lets just hope it plays out that way. GBR!

    3. Stumpy1


      Can you imagine if Harrison and Reetz would make it to play... We would be deadly

    4. tschu


      Future is bright.

  6. What does everyone think of our baseball uniforms? I love the variety.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RockyMountainOySker


      I'm a fan. Look like like Astro's throwbacks. Good stuff.

    3. Hoosker


      Agreed. The ones we have on today are shnazzy AF!

    4. EbylHusker


      Yeah, they look good.

  7. If you've seen Breaking Bad, you need to watch this.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. The Dude

      The Dude

      I refuse to watch it because I know it will only make me want to watch the series . . . again.

    3. Hoosker


      I just got done watching it for the first time. Then I saw this and am contemplating just starting it over again.

    4. C N Red

      C N Red

      Yep, I taped every episode when they had the marathon leading up to the series finale. Really thinking about watching it again from the beginning.

  8. 3-2 Final. We play again Saturday morning. GBR!

  9. I finally finished Breaking Bad, fellas. I think I need to take a shower.

    1. JJ Husker

      JJ Husker

      The whole series straight through? Yup youll be needing a shower.

    2. Hoosker


      Hell no. My brain would have exploded. Never felt this way after watching a series. Completely unique to anything I've ever watched.

  10. 808cube.com

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Judoka


      Well, that's different.

    3. Hoosker


      you can mess around and make beats. a great site to go to if you have work to do.

    4. NUance


      Ha ha! That is awesome.


      But why did someone take the time to make this? lol

  11. tame impala

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. JJ Husker

      JJ Husker

      That's a little different. Not bad but I would need to be in "right" mood for much of it.

    3. Hoosker


      need? not so much. does it make it better? i'll leave that up to you.

    4. ZRod
  12. Bando is no longer the mando.

    1. TonyStalloni


      What a dumbass!

    2. NUance


      Also, got no bike. Has to hike.

  13. Someone forgot to give Mother Nature a card today..

    1. Chaddyboxer


      Yeah no sh#t. Trees down everywhere in my hood

  14. The offseason is more than half over!

  15. 2009 Sack Total - 44 :: 2013 Sack Total - 38

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Redux


      Playing the likes of Sparty, Iowa and PSU yeah Id assume we faced alot more runs last year.

    3. Count 'Bility

      Count 'Bility

      bean, the 4losses remark was in regards to the sack totals of '09 and '13. Hence, it's pretty irrelevant even as impressive as it is.

    4. beanman


      gotcha. I didn't know what your angle was. Carry on good sir.

  16. aaaaaaand that's why the Yankees SUCK! GO SOX!

    1. corncraze


      Cause Buchholz and Lester haven't ever used a banned substance to pitch...

    2. Hoosker


      okay, but on his neck? what a moron. you gotta at least be subtle about it. he should of got busted back in NY and to do it that blatantly in Fenway was a douchey move.

  17. The defense forced 1 turnover in the last 7 games of the season. #holyshit

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Landlord


      Hell if we force ONE MSU turnover (the one that Stanley dropped), I think we win that game.

    3. Danny Bateman

      Danny Bateman

      They said as much on USC one day on my way to work BBBXII.


      I started to realize that as ridiculously as our offense turns over the ball sometimes, they do go thru good stretches. It's just magnified when it's bad because our D doesn't get TOs to mitigate the damage and we often end up losing.

    4. Hoosker


      ^^^ This.


  18. If you could fly anywhere in the country for free, where would you go?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. GM_Tood
    3. ADS



    4. Hoosker


      I've been thinking Boston as well. Always wanted to go to Fenway.

  19. Raise your hand if you believe Tim Miles has a lot to do with how Bo Pelini has acted recently.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. EbylHusker


      We'd be seeing this sort of thing without Miles ever having been here, so no.

    3. icedavis


      Related side note: miles was hamming it up for a good portion of the first "half" on the white sideline yesterday. Then came into the stand and took pictures with fans for a long time.

    4. Hoosker


      The resurgence of Nebrasketball will impact the football team. I'm guessing Bo Pelini (as he was watching the "No Sit Sunday" game vs. Wisconsin) liked what he saw and wanted more of it out of HIS team. Competition breeds success and there isn't a Husker fan out there who shouldn't be stoked right now. Let's see where these two guys take the program.

  20. Yeah, I picked Dayton. What of it?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ZRod


      Dats gross geesey.

    3. ADS



    4. Hoosker


      if you're not supposed to pick your nose, then why does my index finger fit perfectly up there?

  21. 6 Baylor vs. 11 Nebraska (Friday in San Antonio)

  22. Remember this?

    1. Foppa


      Funny how things work out.

  23. I'm liking the Nebrasketball timeline on the front page, you guys

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Foppa


      It'll be better when we beat Illinois, Put up the Northwestern game, and push that lousy Meatchicken game off ;)

    3. hskrfan4life


      You spelled it wrong... It's Meechigan

    4. The Dude

      The Dude

      Or as I like to call it, the Jinx-o-matic 3000.

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