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The General Election

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Naturally, right after I post, this pops up on Twitter:



He's been doing this so egregiously for so long, I don't know why the media lets it slide. They need to hold him accountable.


He didn't oppose it until at least 2004.

Anderson Cooper tried to call him out on it numerous times in the debates, and Megyn Kelly kinda tried - you're right though, they need to not let him off the hook. I'd love to see another Katie Couric/Sarah Palin like interview. That really opened up some eyes about her lack of knowledge I think. Trump just won't allow himself to be put in a situation like that .. .that is why he bans certain reporters or papers in his pressers. Which in and of itself should be something of note.



If I were an adviser for Trump, I would tell him to take it easy on the media exposure as you are bound to mess up. With that said, Hillary should be doing more interviews and press conferences. She is so timid and weak when it comes to dealing with tough questions. It's likely because everytime she does a 1/1 interview, she screws up bigtime, like claiming she and Bill were dirt poor after he left the White House, or the time she told the CBS anchor that she always tries to tell the truth...that was classic Hillary.


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As for Hillary, if you believe that lying about what she said as it relates to the attack, the lies she told the families and American people about the attack, as well as her failure to provide more security after repeated requests in the year leading up to the attack, so be it.



I believe the question was: what more do you need beyond multiple Republican investigations that basically absolved her?


What piece of evidence do you have that those committees of her most fervent detractors missed? And how could that happen?


And yet again, how does your standard for honesty and accountability apply to the many politicians who proceeded Hillary Clinton? Because we could prosecute dozens of f'ers if you were willing to open your outrage to all political parties.

  • Fire 1
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I have two kids under 10 and am scared to take them to large cities or places with large crowds.


I'm scared for your kids' development of social skills growing up under such a paranoid parent.

Wow do you not have kids? I have heard from many parents with kids our age saying the exact same thing about the world we live in right now. Being cautious and protective with them has no bearing on their social development whatsoever no matter what belief system you subscribe to.

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As for Hillary, if you believe that lying about what she said as it relates to the attack, the lies she told the families and American people about the attack, as well as her failure to provide more security after repeated requests in the year leading up to the attack, so be it.


I believe the question was: what more do you need beyond multiple Republican investigations that basically absolved her?


What piece of evidence do you have that those committees of her most fervent detractors missed? And how could that happen?


And yet again, how does your standard for honesty and accountability apply to the many politicians who proceeded Hillary Clinton? Because we could prosecute dozens of f'ers if you were willing to open your outrage to all political parties.

The committees did not miss anything...it was well reported that she did not act in the year leading up to the attacks despite the requests, and that she was not truthful in the statements she made about blaming the video for the attack.


As for trying to claim Hillary is just like the rest of them, that is not a good defense. Her team tries using that when they realize there is nothing else they can do. Nearly all politicians are sleazy at times, just as Obama lied when trying to sell Obamacare to the public. But that Obama lie does not compare to the volume and seriousness of Hillarys lies over and over.

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I have two kids under 10 and am scared to take them to large cities or places with large crowds.


I'm scared for your kids' development of social skills growing up under such a paranoid parent.

Wow do you not have kids? I have heard from many parents with kids our age saying the exact same thing about the world we live in right now. Being cautious and protective with them has no bearing on their social development whatsoever no matter what belief system you subscribe to.


That's EXACTLY what it will do.


If you keep your kids away from the "Big Ol' Mean City" and crowds of people, they will develop the same backward mindset that people of other colors, heritages, orientations, beliefs, etc, are going to all do them harm. Then no one learns. No one listens. And everyone becomes a Republican.

  • Fire 4
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I have two kids under 10 and am scared to take them to large cities or places with large crowds.


I'm scared for your kids' development of social skills growing up under such a paranoid parent.

Wow do you not have kids? I have heard from many parents with kids our age saying the exact same thing about the world we live in right now. Being cautious and protective with them has no bearing on their social development whatsoever no matter what belief system you subscribe to.



I have 2 kids under 10. I live in a big city. Every weekend we seem to go somewhere where there are large crowds (baseball game, soccer game, amusement park, etc). I have never thought that I shouldn't go to one of these places because I might get lit up by some wacko carrying an AK. I guess I am a bad parent.

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Personally, I would not say I have the specific fear as described by bnil (coming and going) but I do fear that Hillary will take over the shovel and dig us deeper. I am not a fan of Trump either but if he was elected, I believe he would have a hard time passing anything major through the Senate and House. I know that is a bad way to look at it but maybe its the only way we all get to hit the reset button in 4 years.


I am not discounting the fact that in the world we live however, you shouldn't be aware of your surroundings with all the (terrorist ?) or civil discord we have seen, thus, I would not be so bold as to tell bnil how he should raise his kids either or infer that from his concerns, his children would suffer inadequate social skills.

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Interesting behind the scenes article from Political on the Obama/Clinton 'partnership' to save the party. I found interesting the discussion on how Obama's team was

discouraging Joe Biden from running.




Biden should have run. I think that's the thing about trying to exert too much control over electoral outcomes -- people don't really like not being given choices. If Biden lost he could still have bowed out with grace, on his own terms and not those of the President.


Agree and I think many Dems would have wished they had the choice. We may still end up wt Hillary because Bernie and Joe may have split enough votes for Hillary to be the under 50% winner - in the same way the multiple more reasonable candidates remaining in the race kept Trump viable. The loony fringe got their way because the real conservatives and conser/moderates couldn't settle on one good compromise - Rubio, Cruz, Kasich, etc.

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